Home Publications Ph.D. Dissertations

Ph.D. dissertations (since 2009)


Entropic Methods in Learning Stochastic Systems with Latent Variables and Homogeneous Gaussian Random Fields

Valentina Ciccone  (Advisor: Prof. A. Ferrante)

Learning Algorithms for Robotics Systems, [PDF] [Slides]

Alberto Dalla Libera (Advisor: Prof. R. Carli)

Distributed Optimization Strategies for Mobile Multi-Agent Systems, [PDF] [Slides]

Marco Fabris (Advisor: Prof. A. Cenedese)

Modelling and Control of Cooling Systems for Data Center Applications, (dissertation under NDA)

Michele Lionello (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

XXXX, [PDF] [Slides]

Matteo Terzi (Advisor: Prof. G.A. Susto)

Developmento of Machine Learning-based technologies for major appliances: soft sensing for drying technology applications, (dissertation under NDA)

Giuliano Zambonin (Advisor: Prof. G.A. Susto)


Novel Results on the Factorization and Estimation of Spectral Densities, [PDF] [Slides]

Giacomo Baggio  (Advisor: Prof. A. Ferrante)

Multi-Agent Distributed Optimization and Estimation over Lossy Networks, [PDF] [Slides]

Nicoletta Bof (Advisor: Prof. L. Schenato)

Algorithms and Applications for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Long Prediction Horizon, [PDF] [Slides]

Yutao Chen  (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

Population Models for Complex Non-linear Phenomena in Biology: from Mitochondrial Dynamics to Brain Networks, [PDF (extended Abstract)] [Slides]

Chiara Favaretto  (Advisor: Prof. A. Cenedese)

Real-time Wireless Networks for Industrial Control Systems, [PDF] [Slides]

Michele Luvisotto (Advisor: Prof. S. Vitturi)

Multi-Agent Systems in Smart Environments: from sensor networks to aerial platform formations, [PDF] [Slides]

Giulia Michieletto  (Advisor: Prof. A. Cenedese)

On the Stability, Stabilizability and Control of Certain Classes of Positive Systems, [PDF] [Slides]

Irene Zorzan  (Advisor: Prof. M.E. Valcher)



Non-Parametric Bayesian Methods for Linear System Identification, [PDF] [Slides]

Giulia Prando  (Advisor: Prof. A. Chiuso)

Advances in Systems Identification: Gaussian Regression and Robot Inverse Dynamics Learning, [PDF] [Slides]

Diego Romeres (Advisor: Prof. A. Chiuso)



Efficient Parametric and Non-Parametric Estimation for Localization and Mapping in Robotic Networks[PDF] [Slides]

Andrea Carron (Advisor: Prof. L. Schenato)

Robust, Asynchronous and Distributed Algorithms for Control and Estimation in Smart Grids [PDF] [Slides]

Marco Todescato (Advisor: Prof. R. Carli)



Modeling, Control and Identification of a Smart Grid[PDF] [Slides]

Guido Cavraro (Advisor: Prof. S. Zampieri)

Modeling, Estimation and Control of Ring Laser Gyroscopes for the Accurate Estimation of the Earth Rotation[PDF] [Slides]

Davide Cuccato (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

Symmetrizing Dynamics: from Classical to Quantum Applications[PDF] [Slides]

Luca Mazzarella (Advisor: Prof. F. Ticozzi)


Multivariate moment problems with applications to spectral estimation and physical layer security in wireless communications[PDF] [Slides]

Chiara Masiero (Advisor: Prof. A. Ferrante)

Energy Efficient Control and Fault Detection for HVAC Systems[PDF] [Slides]

Francesco Simmini (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)



Modeling, estimation and identification of stochastic systems with latent variables[PDF] [Slides]

Giulio Bottegal (Advisor: Prof. G. Picci)

Model Based Control Techniques for automotive applications[PDF] [Slides]

Fabio Maran (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

Statisitcal Methods for Semiconductor Manufactoring[PDF] [Slides]

Gian Antonio Susto (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

A Consensus Approach to Convex Optimization for Multi-Agent Systems[PDF][Slides]

Filippo Zanella  (Advisor: Prof. A. Cenedese)

Generalized Moment Problems for Estimation of Spectral Densities and Quantum Channels[PDF][Slides]

Mattia Zorzi  (Advisor: Prof. A. Ferrante)


Synchronization algorithms for multi-agent systems: analysis, synthesis and Applications[PDF] [Slides]

Enrico Lovisari (Advisor: Prof. S. Zampieri)



Methods and applications in networked control Feedback control design for quantum systems,  [PDF] [Slides]

Saverio Bolognani (Advisor: Prof. S. Zampieri)

A variational integrators approach to second order modeling and identification of linear mechanical systems, [PDF] [Slides]

Mattia Bruschetta (Advisor: Prof. G. Picci)

Identification of Reciprocal Processes andrelated Matrix Extension Problem[PDF] [Slides]

Francesca Carli (Advisor: Prof. G. Picci)

Topics on geometric integration[PDF] [Slides]

Giulia Ortolan (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

Real-time networks and protocols for industrial automation[PDF] [Slides]

Lucia Seno (Advisor: Prof. S. Vitturi)

Distributed Parametric-Nonparametric Estimation in Networked Control Systems[PDF] [Slides]

Damiano Varagnolo (Advisor: Prof. L. Schenato)


Analysis and development of consensus based estimation schemes[PDF[Slides]

Simone Del Favero (Advisor: Prof. S. Zampieri)

Efficient management of HVAC systems, [PDF[Slides]

Mirco Rampazzo (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

Dynamic shape detection and analysis of deformable structures in biomedical imaging,  [PDF] [Slides]

Alberto Silletti (Advisor: Prof. A. Cenedese)


Neural spikes classification in multichannel recordings, [PDF[Slides]

Martina Camarda (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)

Model Reduction for Multibody Systems, [PDF] [Slides]

Stefano Gamba (Advisor: Prof. A. Beghi)