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Learning meets time: a computational approach to learning in dynamic systems
Project Coordinator: A. Chiuso
Local Coordinator: A. Chiuso
Partners: Universita di Genova, Universita d Ferrara, IIT, Univ. Linkoping, Univ. of Seattle
Target applications: Autonomous Robots
Related research areas: System Identification
Keywords: System Identification, Adaption, Learning, Computational methods
Funding: MIUR
Amount: 728 Keuro
Starting date: March 2013
Ending date: March 2017
Official Webpage: 

The goal of this proposal  is to achieve fundamental scientific advances in the context of learning  dynamical systems, which will lay the grounds for the design of autonomous and artificially intelligent systems. We will pursue this goal through a new synergic and integrative approach that will draw, and merge, concepts and methods from control theory and machine learning. Effective computational frameworks will be developed exploiting in novel ways optimization techniques for processing complex high dimensional data sets.

 Our research will be ultimately aimed at the development of intelligent systems that can be applied, e.g., to a new generation of robot  human helpers and co-bots in domestic environments. These new robot (hereby called ``agents’’) will have adaptive effective cognitive systems to process sensory data, such as for example skin sensors and cameras, as well as adaptive control systems to be applied to novel actuators.



Project Coordinator: C. Canudas de Wit
Local Coordinator: S. Zampieri
Partners: INRIA Grenoble, U. Sevilla, ETH Zurich, KTH Stocholm, Videotec, OMG, Infremer, Vodera, Vitamib
Target applications: Coordinated underwater vehicles, smart camera networks for survelliance, smart camera networks for motion capture.
Related research areas: Networked control systems
Keywords: Packet loss, consensus, quantization, wireless, estimation
Funding: EU FP7
Amount: ...
Starting date: September 2008
Ending date: August 2011
Official Webpage: FeedNetBack
A networked control systems is a system composed of physically distributed smart agents that can sense the environment, act on it, and communicate with one other through a communication network to achieve a common goal. Typical examples ... (Read more)


HYCON2 - Network of Excellence:
Local Coordinator: S. Zampieri
Partners: ...
Target applications: ...
Related research areas: ...
Keywords: ...
Funding: ...
Amount: ...
Starting date: ...
Ending date: ...
Official Webpage: HYCON2


Project Coordinator: F. Fink
Local Coordinator: A. Beghi
People: A. Beghi, S. Vitturi, G.A. Susto
Target applications: Semiconductor Manufacturing
Related research areas: Advanced Control Applications
Keywords: Semiconductor Manufacturing, Virtual Metrology, Predictive Maintenance
Funding: EU FP7
Starting date: January 2009
Ending date: December 2011
Official Webpage: http://www.eniac-improve.eu
Description: Maintaining cost decrease per function, reducing cycle times, improving reproducibility and equipment effectiveness while reducing the environmental impact of the factories are key challenges to be addressed to keep the competitiveness of European SC manufacturers. Manufacturing Science is the main enabler that will allow overcoming these challenges.  IMPROVE aims to enhance European semiconductor fabs efficiency by providing methods and tools to better control the process variability, reduce the cycle time and enhance the effectiveness of the production equipment.


Progetto di Ateneo:
Project Coordinator: A. Chiuso
Partners: ...
Target applications: ...
Related research areas: ...
Keywords: ...
Funding: ...
Amount: ...
Starting date: ...
Ending date: ...
Official Webpage: ...


Project Coordinator: G. Picci
Partners: ...
Target applications: ...
Related research areas: ...
Keywords: ...
Funding: ...
Amount: ...
Starting date: ...
Ending date: ...
Official Webpage: ...
 Project Coordinator: A. Cenedese
People: L. Schenato
Target applications: Smart buildings, Building Energy Management Systems
Related research areas: Networked control systems
Keywords: sensor networks, environmental monitoring, energy awareness, estimation
Funding: L.R 18/05/2007 n.9
Amount: Euro 491.374,56
Starting date: 2010
Ending date: 2011
Official Webpage: SIMEA

L'obiettivo generale del progetto e' realizzare e testare un sistema innovativo di sensori, e relativi algoritmi di elaborazione dei dati, che permetta di effettuare una rilevazione e una valutazione precisa dei principali parametri ambientali ed energetici negli edifici. ... (Read more)


Project Coordinator: A. Cenedese
People: L. Schenato
Target applications: Localization and tracking in sensor networks, Access monitoring
Related research areas: Networked control systems
Keywords: localization, tracking, sensor networks, estimation
Funding: L.R 18/05/2007 n.9
Amount: --
Starting date: 2010
Ending date: 2010
Official Webpage: --
L’obiettivo del progetto è di fornire una risposta al problema della localizzazione di un utente all’interno di una struttura o in un ambiente monitorato, al fine di aumentare la sicurezza in ambienti sensibili e di facilitare l’intervento delle squadre di soccorso in caso di incidenti.


Project Coordinator: A. Cenedese
People: R.Oboe
Partners: Videotec
Target applications: Videosurveillance systems
Related research areas: Videosurveillance
Keywords: PTZ cameras
Funding: --
Amount: --
Starting date: 2010
Ending date: ...
Official Webpage: --


Project Coordinator: M. Zorzi
Local Coordinator: L. Schenato
People: A. Cenedese
Partners: ...
Target applications: ...
Related research areas: Networked control systems
Keywords: ...
Funding: ...
Amount: ...
Starting date: September 2007
Ending date: December 2010
Official Webpage: WiseWAI




E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope):
Project Coordinator: M.Tallon
Local Coordinator: A.Beghi
Partners: ESO, IAC, INAF, INSU
Target applications: adaptive optics systems
Related research areas: Adaptive Optics
Keywords: ...
Funding: ...
Amount: ...
Starting date: 2006
Ending date: 2009
Official Webpage: E-ELT


Recsys (Real-time Embedded Control of Mobile Systems with Distributed Sensing):
Coordinator: G. Picci
People: ...
Partners: ...
Target applications: ...
Related research areas: ...
Keywords: ...
Funding: EU IST-2001-32515
Amount: ...
Starting date: 2002
Ending date: 2004
Official Webpage: Recsys
The objective of this project was to develop new design methods and a unified framework for the analysis of embedded control systems with distributed sensors. The methods should include explicit handling of computational and communication resource limitations, structural constraints and uncertainty. Our target application were mobile systems where a large mass of sensory data (e.g. from TV cameras) are acquired but particular attention is needed for management of structural and real-time complexity.


PRIN - Smart Environment:
Project Coordinator: G.L.Foresti (UniUD)
Local Coordinator: R.Frezza
People: A. Cenedese
Partners: UniUD, UniRoma, UniPV
Target applications: Smart power grids, smart camera networks for surveillance, smart camera networks for motion capture, smart house.
Related research areas: Networked control systems
Keywords: --
Funding: IT-MIUR
Amount: --
Starting date: 2006
Ending date: 2008
Official Webpage: PRIN - Smart Environment
The project is focused on the study and development of new algorithms and techniques for the design of a network of heterogeneous sensors for the automatic monitoring of public environments... (Read more)
