Luca Schenato
Full Professor
Department of Information Engineering Via Gradenigo 6/B 35131 Padova Italy
Tel.: +39 049.827.7925 Fax: +39 049.827.7799
E-mail: CV (last update 2017) Webpage: http://automatica.dei.unipd.it/people/schenato.html Skype: l_schenato |
2021-current | Full Professor, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy |
2007-2021 | Associate Professor, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy |
2018-2019 | Visiting Scientist, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
2013-2014 | Visiting Professor, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA |
2004-2007 | Adjunct Professor, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy |
2003 | Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA |
1999 | Laurea Degree, Electrical Engineering, University of Padova, Italy |
2020 | Advisor of Luca Ballotta, winner of the 2020 Young Author Prize at IFAC World Congress (>3000 accepted papers) for paper "From sensor to prcessing networks: optimal estimation with computation and communication latency", out ot 140 nominations. |
2017 | Fellow, IEEE Society (15th youngest awardee from Ph.D year to year of awarding out of 299 awardees) |
2014 | EUCA European Control Award for outstanding contribution to Networked Control Systems and Multi-agent Systems |
2006 | Eliah
Jury Award for outstanding achievement in the area of Systems,
Communications, Control, or Signal Processing, U.C. Berkeley (co-shared with Bruno Sinopoli) |
2004 | "Rientro dei Cervelli" (Brain Gain) Professorship, Ministry of Italian Education, University and Research (MIUR) (only 80 awardees in Italy in all discipline in 2004) |
2004 | International Reintegration Grant, Marie Curie Actions, European Union |
Period | Acronym | Funding | Role | Title |
2022-2025 | ReActiing | Italian | PI | Restoring Antibiotic sensitivity in bacteria: A Synthetic biology approach |
2019-2021 | PRIN-5G | Italian | PI | Real-time Control of 5G Wireless Networks: taming the complexity of future transmission and computatiion chellenges |
2019-2021 | HiPer | Italian | PI | High-Performance cooperative UAV Robotic manipulation over Wi-Fi (joint project with MIT, USA) |
2017-2019 | MAgIC | Italian | PI | Multi-Agent Intelligent Control for time-critical Cyber-Physical Systems |
2017-2020 | Proactive-cell | Italian | co-PI | From single cell to multi cell information system analysis |
2015-2016 | DISCO | Italian | PI | Designing cost-effective DIstributed Dtrategies for the Control and Optimization of smart micro-grids |
2010-2013 | HYCON2 | European | Member | Highly-complex and Networked Control Systems |
2010-2012 | SIMEA | Industrial | Member | Distributed Systems Design for Energy and Environment Monitoring |
2008-2011 | FeedNetBack | European | Member | Feedback design for wireless networked systems |
2007-2011 | WISE-WAI | Italian | Member | Wireless Sensor Networks for city-Wide Ambient Intelligence |
2010-2010 | SENSE-a-LOT | Industrial | Member | RF localization and tracking using wireless sensor networks |
2004-2006 | SENSNET | European | PI | Analysis and design of large scale sensor networks for distributed control applications |
2023 | co-organizer
of EECI Ph.D. course on "Multi-Agent Distributed Optimization and
Learning over Wireless Networks", Paris-Saclay, 13-17/1/2023 |
2023 | IPC Technical Associate Editor for IFAC'23 |
2022 | IPC Technical Associate Editor for MED'22 |
2022 | Program Chair for NECSYS'22 |
2019-on | Senior Editor for IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems |
2019-on | Associate
Editor for Automatica |
2018-on | vice-Chair IFAC Technical Commitee 1.5 on Networked Systems |
2021 | IPC Technical Associate Editor for MED'21 |
2020 | IPC Technical Associate Editor for IFAC'20 |
2019 | co-organizer of EECI Ph.D. course on "Multi-Agent Distributed Optimization and Learning over Wireless Networks", Paris-Saclay, 3-7/6/19 (program PDF) |
2019 | Conference
Editorial Board NECSYS'19 |
2018 | co-organizer Control Days Workshop, Padova, Italy |
2016-2019 | Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems |
2017,2018 | Klaus Fischer Award committee, Padova, italy |
2018 | Conference
Editorial Board MTNS |
2017 | Conference
Editorial Board for IEEE Multi-robots and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS) |
2016 | Program co-Chair, SIDRA Ph.D. Summer School on Distributed Control and its applications |
2015 | Technical Program Committee IFAC Conference Necsys |
2013 | Technical Program Committee IFAC Conference Necsys |
2009-2013 | Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control |
2012 | Technical Program Committee SmartGridComm |
2012 | Best Student Paper Committee, IFAC Workshop Necsys'12, Santa Barbara, USA |
2010 | Conference Editorial Board for DARS |
2010 | Conference Editorial Board for HSCC |
2010 | Advisory Committee, IFAC Workshop Necsys'10, Annecy, France |
2010 | Best Student Paper Committee, IFAC Workshop Necsys'10, Annecy, France |
2008-2011 | IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board |
2007-2009 | IEEE RAS Conference Editorial Board |
2009 | vice-General Chair for IFAC Workshop Necsys'09, Venice, Italy |
2009 | co-organizer of
tutorial "Networked Control Systems subject to packet loss and random
delay", IFAC Workshop Necsys'09, Venice, Italy |
2009 | Techical Program Chair for Robocomm'09, Odence, Danmark |
2007 | vice-General Chair for Robocomm'07, Athens, Greece |
2006-2018 | member of IFAC Technical Commiteee TC 1.5 on "Networked Systems" |
2022 | chair of Ph.D. Examination Commitee for Ph.D. School in Electrical and Information Engineering, Politechnic of Bari, Italy | |
2022 | Luca Damonte | Politechnic of Turin, Italy |
2017 | Simone Nardi | Univ. of Pisa, Italy |
2017 | Jingbo Wu | Univ. of Stuttgard, Germany |
2015 | Burak Demirel | KTH, Sweden |
2015 | Grazia Barchi | University of Trento, Italy |
2013 | Burak Demirel (Licenciate Degree) |
KTH, Sweden |
2013 | Yiming (Alex) Ji | Australian National University, Australia |
2013 | Domenica Borra | Polytechnic of Turin, Italy |
2013 | Luis Orihuela | University of Seville, Spain |
2012 | Nicolas Cardoso De Castro | INRIA Grenoble, France |
2010 | Nicola Varanese | Polit. Milan & New Jersey Insititute of Technology, USA |
2009 | Osvaldo Simeone | Polit. Milan & New Jersey Insititute of Technology, USA (winner of ERC Consolidator 2016) |
2009 | Maja Karasalo |
KTH, Sweden |
Syntheric Biology Activities at University of Padova
Workshop on SynthBio@UNIPD, Padova, June 2023
Control over wireless: a unfinished journey
-Online Seminars on Control and Information, March 2021
Automatic Control over Wi-Fi: a cross-layer Approach
- Workshop on Automotive: Cyber-Physical-Systems, Univ. of Modena, June 2018
Smart Multi-agent Control Systems over Wireless: Challenges and Perspectives
- Control Theory Seminars, DII, Univ. of Trento, January 2018
Multi-agent map-building: Kalman Filtering meets Machine Learning
- IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'16), Tokyo, Japan, September 2016,
- Control Seminar Series, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, October 2016
- Control Seminar Series, Univ. of Stuttgard, Germany, April 2017
Bayesian linear state estimation using smart meteres and PMU Measurements in Distribution Grids
- IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm'14), October 2014
Getting multi-agent systems to cooperate (Video Time Sych) (VIdeo Map Building)
- European Control Award Plenary Talk, European Control Conference (ECC14), June 2014
Control over finite capacity channels: the role of data losses, delays and SNR limitations
- Control Theory Seminars, EECS, UC Berkeley, February 2014
Consensus for Distributed Convex Optimization
- HYCON2 Workshop on Distributed Optimization in Large Networks and its Applications, Zurich, Swizerland, July 2013.
- also presented at UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, UCLA, MIT, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford in 2014
The Consensus Algorithm in Distributed Multi-Agent Systems
Symposium on New Directions of Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea, October 2011.
Localizzazione in Reti di Sensori Wireless: Tecnologia ed Applicazioni (in Italian)
WISE-WAI project, Final Review Meeting, Padova, May 2011.
Estimation and Control Applications of Linear Consensus Algorithms,
Workshop on Multi-Agent Estimation and Control, Lund, Sweden, January 2010.
Networked Control Systems subject to random delay and packet loss: state-of-the-art, main results and future directions,
Minicourse at IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'09), Venice, Italy, September 2009
Distributed Estimation and Consensus,
3rd WIDE Ph.D. School on Networked Control Systems, Siena, Italy, July 2009
Application of Consensus Algorithms to Wireless Sensor Networks
Seminars on Control Systems, Mechanical Engineering Department, UC Berkeley, October 2008
Some Results on Optimal Estimation and Control for Lossy Networked Control Systems,
Seminars in Optimization and System Theory, KTH, Stockolm, Sweden, September 2007
Distributed Consensus Protocols for Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks
Ph.D. Summer School in Automatic Control, Bertinoro, Italy, July 2007
Analysis and Control of Flapping Flight: from Biological to
Robotic Insects
Invited talk, Mechanical Enginering Department, Columbia University, NY, USA, 2004