Home People Schenato Group




Alessio Martian - 2022-2024
Research topic: Federated and Personalized Learning in Precision Agriculture  

Chiara Cimolato - 2022-2024
Research topic: A synthetic biology approach to sustaibable animal farming  

Nicolo' Dal Fabbro - 2020-2023
Research topic: Real-time control of 5G Wireless Systems  

Luca Ballotta - 2019-2022
Research topic: Computation-communication trade-offs in processing networks  

Matthias Pezzutto - 2018-2021
Research topic: Cross-layer design for control-by-Wi-Fi  
Currently Post-doc at ULB, Belgium

Marco Barbiero - 2018-2021 (Industrial Ph.D. sponsored by EDILVI s.p.a.)
Research topic: Joint energy and comform control in smart buidlings
Currently Research Engineer at Big Data Lab, Banca Intesa, Italy 

Enrica Rossi - 2017-2020
Research topic: Distributed robotic manipulation over lossy networks (Thesis)
Currently Research Engineer at MAS Meccanica, Italy

Nicoletta Bof - 2015-2018
Research topic: Distributed multi-agent optimization over lossy networks [Thesis] [Slides]

Andrea Carron - 2013-2015
Research topic: Distributed optimization algorithms for Robotic Networks  [Thesis] [Slides]  
Currently Post-doctoral Research Fellow at ETH, Zurich 

Filippo Zanella - 2009-2011 (coadvised with Angelo Cenedese)
Research topic: A Consensus Approach to Distributed Convex Optimization in Multi- Agent Systems [Thesis] [Slides] 
Currently Director of Integrations at ForceManager

Damiano Varagnolo - 2008-2010
Research topic: Distributed algorithms for estimation and control in Networked Control Systems [Thesis] [Slides] 
Currently Professor at University of Lulea, Sweden.



Massimo Bellato - Post Doc - January 2022-December 2023
Research topic: A Synthetic Biology approach for Inhibition of Antobiotic Resistance in Pathogens 

Francesco Branz- Post Doc - May 2018-December 2019
Research topic: Cooperative multi-robot control over wireless 
Currently Assistant Professor at University of Padova

Irene Zorzan- Post Doc - December 2017-December 2020
Research topic: Multi-cell modeling and identification of emerging patterns  
Currently Post-doc at Surrey University, UK

Guido Cavraro- Post Doc - February 2015-September 2016
Research topic: Distributed control and optimization for smart micro-grids  
Currently Research Scientist at National Revewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, USA.

Damiano Varagnolo - Post Doc - Jan 2010-March 2012
Research topic: Distributed algorithms for estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks  
Currently Professor at University of NTNU, Sweden and University of Padova



Subhrakanti Dey - Visiting Professor - University of Uppsala, Sweden,2 018, 2019, 2022
Research topic: Control over Wi-Fi

Reza Arghandeh - Visiting Professor - Florida State University, USA, 2018, 2019, 2020
 Research topic: Smart Grid estimation and control

Lalitha Konila Sriram - Visiting Ph.D Student - Florida State University, USA,  2018
 Research topic: Smart Grid estimation and control

Subhrakanti Dey - Visiting Professor - Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden,  2017
Research topic: Cyber-attack detection in networked control systems

Xiaobo Gu - Visiting Ph.D. Student - Beihang Univ., China -  2015
Research topic: Impact of clock synchronization errors in PMUs phasor estimation and grid state estimation

Nelson Chan - Visiting MS Student - Univ. of Twente, Netherlands-  2015
Research topic: Distributed estimation and filtering

Subhrakanti Dey - Visiting Professor - Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden, June 2014-August 2014
Research topic: Optimal Control subject to communication constraints

Sinan Yildirim - Visiting Scholar - April 2013-September 2013
Research topic: Low-power and adaptive clock synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

Subhrakanti Dey - Visiting Professor - Univ. of Melbourne, Australia, October 2012-December 2012
Research topic: Remote estimation subject to communication constraints


Sebastiano Squercina- April 2023
From tempertaure control to Sensation control: a New Human-in-the-Building paradigm using Personal Comfort Systems  [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Prof. W. Pasut, University of Venice, Italy)

Diego Cifelli- October 2022
Digital Twin desing of Austian Electrical Grdi   [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Dr. G. Catalin, Austrian Institute of Technology, Wien)

Marco Monti - April 2020
Path smoothing for high speed CNC machines  [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Dr. Emanuele Siego e Stefano Bizzotto, Salvagnini s.p.a., Italy)

Alessandro Crivellaro- March 2020
High-Fidelity Hardware-in-the-loop validation of advanced converter control strategies   [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Dr. Adolfo Anta, Austrian Institute of Technology, Wien)

Denis Vettoretti- October 2019
Comparison study of Modern Converter Control Techniques for supporting massive integration of renewable generation in low inertia power systems   [Thesis] [Slides    (in collaboration with Dr. Adolfo Anta, Austrian Institute of Technology, Wien)

Stefano Celin - October 2019
Completeness of real-world driving data for the assessment of automated vehicles   [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Dr. Erwin De Gelder, TNO, Netherlands)

Luca Ballotta- September 2019
Estimation and control of dynamical systems subject to computation latency   [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Prof. Luca Carlone, M.I.T., USA)

Giulia Violatto - December 2018
Anomaly Detection in the Occupancy Behavior of an Office Building via Machine Learning     [Thesis] [Slides]    (in collaboration with Prof. Ashish Pandharipande, Philips Research Nat. Lab, The Netherlands)

Simone Rampon - October 2018
Real-time Load Weighing for Precision Agriculture Spreaders     [Thesis] [Slides  (in collaboration with Ing. A Topan, Maschio-Gaspardo s.p.a., Italy)

Davide Viel - September 2018
Mobile-robot Map-building via Gaussian Regression: implementation and experiments     [Thesis] [Slides  

Marco Barbiero - September 2018
Automatic Detection of Sensor Swapping using Hidden Markov Models     [Thesis] [Slides]   

Matthias Pezzutto - April 2018
Wi-Fi Adaptive Rate Selection for LQG-based Networked Control Systems     [Thesis] [Slides]   

Anna Costalonga - October 2017
Modeling and Control of a Robotic Dancer Actuated by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators    [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Prof. george Nikolakopoulos, University of Lulea, Sweden)  

Andrea Veronese - April 2017
Mapping of Human Visual Attention from Head Pose measurements     [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Prof. Ville Kyrki, Aalto University, Finland)  

Andrea Benazzato - April 2017
Implementation of distributed mapping algorithms using mobile Wheelphones    [Thesis] [Slides] [Video]  

Pietro Schiesari - April 2017
Implementation of distributed partitioning algorithms using mobile wheelphones   [Thesis] [Slides] [Video]

Nicola Dal Lago - October 2016
Model Indetification and Flight Control Design for the Prometheus Mapping    [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Prof. george Nikolakopoulos, University of Lulea, Sweden)  

Antongiulio Deganello - Luglio 2016
Design of a Trajecotory Tracking Generator for a Constrained Third Order Integrator with Experimental Validation    [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Stefano Bizzotto and Emanuele Siego, Salvagnini spa, Italy)

Stefano Borile - October 2015
Identification-based Personal Lighting Control     [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Prof. Ashish Pandharipande, Philips Research Nat. Lab, The Netherlands)

Tommaso Martini - October 2015
UAV-based GNSS-R Systems for Soil Moisture Monitoring    [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Prof. Adriano Camps, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)

Andrea Peruffo -  July 2015
Lighting control with distributed wireless sensing and actuation for daylight and occupancy adaptation     [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Dr. Ashish Pandharipande, Philips Research National Labs, The Netherlands) 

Fabio Baldo - October 2013
iCruise: development of a smartphone app for distance estimation   (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] [VIdeo1]

Alvise Rigo - July 2013
iCruise: development of a smartphone app for lane detection   [Thesis] [Slides] [VIdeo1]

Andrea Martin - July 2013
Interactive Motion Prediction using Game Theory  [Thesis] [Slides]  (in collaboration with Dr. Daniel Althoff, Technical University Munich, Germany) 

Enrico Regolin - April 2013
Modelling of a Torque Converter and Control of the Torque Converter Lockup Clutch (in collaboration with Dr. Thomas Eggert, AVL, Austria)

Andrea Carron - October 2012
Receding Horizon Control of Multi-Agents Systems with Cooperative Dynamics [Thesis] [Slides] [VIdeo1] [VIdeo2] [VIdeo3] in collaboration with Prof. Elisa Franco, UC Riverside, USA) 

Stefano Dazzo - October 2011
Design of an Android mobile phone indoor navigation system using a wireless sensor network via Bluetooth   (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] [VIdeo1]

Klaus Schmiedhofer - July 2011
Human motion prediction for navigation of a mobile robot [Thesis] [Slides] (in collaboration with Dott. Daniel Althoff and Dott. Roderick de Nijs, Technical University, Munich, Germany)

Alberto Tonello - July 2011
Control and guidance systems for the navigation of a biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle [Thesis] [Slides] (in collaboration with Dr Euan McGookin, University of Glasgow, Scotland)

Gianmario Tamai - April 2011
Implementation of a coordinated multi-camera perimeter patrolling system  [Thesis] [Slides] [VIdeo1] [Video2] (in collaboration with Videotec)

Federico Spagnolo - April 2011
Implementation of an environmental monitoring system for building activity estimation using wireless sensor networks (in Italian)  [Thesis] [Slides] (in collaboration with Inthegra)

Marco Pattarello - April 2011
Patrolling 2D for multicamera video surveillance (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] (in collaboration with Dott. Davide Raimondo, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)

Luca Fardin - April 2011
Velocity Estimation and Motion control using MEMS Accelerometers  [Thesis] [Slides] (in collaboration with Prof. Richard Kavanagh, University College Cork, Eire)

Massimo Marra - December 2010
Design and implementation of a chromotherapy system using a wireless sensor network  [Thesis] [Slides] [VIdeo1] [Video2]

Nicola Franceschini - December 2009
WirMoS: A low-power environmental monitoring and control system for Wireless Sensor Networks (in Italian)  [Thesis] [Slides]

Giovanni Barbera - October 2009
Theoretical and experimental analysis of a biomimetic control system for a robotic "Boxfish"  [Thesis] [Slides] (in collaboration with Prof. Xinyan Deng, Purdue University, USA)

Nora Tosin - October 2009
Centralized and distributed control strategies for environmental control in residential buildings (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides]

Caterina Vitadello - October 2009
Simultaneous localization and mapping with linear features  [Thesis] [Slides]

Sandro Rizzieri - April 2009
Lossless compression algorithms for wireless sensor networks based on integer wavelet transform (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides]

Sergio Zanatta - December 2008
Design of a control system a smart greenhouse based on WSNs (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] 

Francesco Sardara - July 2008
System design for the integration of wireless sensor networks and mobile vehicles (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] 

Federico Fiorentin - April 2008
Implementation of distributed clock synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] 

Matteo De Luigi- April 2008
Passive stability or active control? Considerations on maneuverability for a locomotion system based on ostraciform fish  (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides] 

Marco Cattapan- February 2008
Development of an environmental control system for smart greenhouses based on wireless sensor networks  (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides]

Ilaria Solida- November 2007
Localization service for IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee devices: mobile node tracking   (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides]

Alessandro Agnoli- October 2007
Control of wheel anolonomous robots  (in Italian) [Thesis] [Slides]

Diego Pizzocaro - October 2007
Sensor deployment in a battlefield and sensor assignment to competing missions   [Thesis] [Slides]

Corrado Scarmagnan - April 2007
Control desing for a smart greenhouse based on wireless sensor networks   [(in Italian) Thesis] [Slides]

Giacomo Piccolo - April 2007
Ricoursive algorithms for contour reconstructions: implementaiton and experimental validation  [Thesis] [Slides]

Riccardo Sala - July 2006
Minimum power management for data traffic in a wireless sensor network  (in Italian)[Thesis] [Slides]

Marco Albi - April 2006
Moving beyond dynamic limitations via collaborations inspired by animal hunting strategies (in Italian)[Thesis] [Slides]

Alessio Basso - April 2006
Clock synchronization in wireless sensor networks (in Italian)[Thesis] [Slides]

Luca Cordioli - March 2006
Analysis and control of a marin locomotion biomimetic system (in Italian)[Thesis] [Slides]