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tl_files/utenti2/baggio/GiacomoBaggio.jpg Giacomo Baggio
Assistant Professor Networked Control Systems
Alessandro Beghi Full Professor Advanced Control Applications
tl_files/utenti/bisiacco/figure/FotoBisiacco1.jpg Mauro Bisiacco
Associate Professor Switched systems and 2D systems
Mattia Bruschetta Assistant Professor Advanced Control Applications
tl_files/pics/CarliRuggero.jpg Ruggero Carli Associate Professor Networked control systems
tl_files/utenti/angelocenedese/IMAGES/angelocenedese.jpg Angelo Cenedese Associate Professor
Advanced Control Applications, Networked control systems
tl_files/utenti/alessandrochiuso/Download/Pict_SYSID_Pleanary_small.png Alessandro Chiuso Full Professor Advanced Control Applications, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Identification, Networked control systems
tl_files/utenti/ferrante/ferrante-foto.jpg Augusto Ferrante Full Professor Identification, Quantum control
tl_files/pics/Fornasini.png Ettore Fornasini Emeritus Professor Switched systems and 2D systems
Giulia Michieletto Assistant Professor
tl_files/utenti/oboe/wel_oboe.gif Roberto Oboe Associate Professor Advanced Control Applications
tl_files/pics/pavon.jpg Michele Pavon Full Professor Identification, Quantum control
Giorgio Picci Emeritus Professor Identification
Gianluigi Pillonetto Full Professor Machine Learning and System Identification, Networked Control Systems
tl_files/pics/pinzoni.png Stefano Pinzoni Senior Professor Identification
Risultato immagini per mirco rampazzo Mirco Rampazzo Assistant Professor Advanced Control Applications
tl_files/utenti/lucaschenato/Figure/SchenatoPicture2017.JPG Luca Schenato Full Professor Networked control systems, Smart Multi-agent Systems
Gian Antonio Susto Associate Professor Advanced Machine Learning Applications, Activity/Gesture Recognition
tl_files/utenti/ticozzi/MyPhoto.jpg Francesco Ticozzi Associate Professor Quantum control
tl_files/pics/valcher.jpg Maria Elena Valcher Full Professor Switched systems and 2D systems
tl_files/utenti/zampieri/pictures/zampi.jpg Sandro Zampieri Full Professor Networked Control Systems
tl_files/utenti2/zorzi/Foto e file/MattiaZorzi.jpg Mattia Zorzi Associate Professor Machine Learning and System Identification




tl_files/pics/Vitturi.png Stefano Vitturi

National Reseach Council (CNR)

Industrial Automation
Risultati immagini per riccardo antonello Riccardo Antonello DEI, University of Padova Laboratory Engineer




  Advisor Subject
Enrico Picotti A. Beghi Model Predictive Control for Automotive Applications 
Tommaso Barbariol G.A. Susto Machine Learning Approaches for Multi-Phase Flow Meters
Mattia Bruschetta A. Beghi Motion-cueing algorithms for driving simulators
Mattia Carletti G.A. Susto Deep Learning for Industry 4.0
Chiara Favaretto A. Cenedese Biological networks dynamics
Francesco Simmini R. Carli
Control for Smart Grids
Irene Zorzan L. Schenato Multi-cell system biology




  Advisor Subject
Daniele Alpago
A. Ferrante Reciprocal Processes, Optimal Transport, Riccati Equations
Fabio Amadio R. Carli Reinforcement Learning
Luca Ballotta L. Schenato Estimation and Control over Processing Networks
Tommaso Barbariol G.A. Susto Anomaly and fault detection in Oil & Gas Application
Marco Barbiero L. Schenato Smart Building Automation Systems
Nicola Bastianello R. Carli Distributed and time-varying optimization
Mattia Carletti
G.A. Susto Interpretability in Machine Learning and Industry 4.0
Valentina Ciccone A. Ferrante Factor Analysis, dynamical graphical models, matrix decomposition
Daniele Cunico A. Cenedese Dynamic modeling and soft sensing for industrial motion control
Alberto Dalla Libera R. Carli Robotics and Machine Learning
Delle Pezze Davide G.A. Susto Data-driven approaches for Industry 4.0
Giulia De Pasquale M.E. Valcher Positive systems with application to social networks
Alessandro Fabris G.A. Susto Fairness in Machine Learning
Riccardo Fantinel
A. Cenedese Computer Vision and Machine Learning for the industry
Federica Fabiana Ferro A. Beghi  
Luca Fregonese S. Vitturi Time-sensitive networking for real-time communication in industrial automation
Natalie Gentner A. Beghi Industrial Ph.D @Infineon Munich
Lissandrini Nicola A. Cenedese
Marco Maggipinto G.A. Susto Deep and reinforcment Learning, Industry 4.0
Alberto Morato S. Vitturi Internet-of-Things for the connections of electrical drives 
Enrico Mion
A. Beghi MPC-based control strategies for human-machine interaction systems
Giovanni Peserico S. Vitturi Distributed systems for functional safety
Fabio Peterle A. Beghi Fault detection and isolation for HVAC systems
Matthias Pezzutto L. Schenato Cross leyer communication/control design for Drive-by-Wi-Fi
Alberto Purpura G.A. Susto Machine Learning for Infromation Retrival
Alessandro Rossi R. Carli DeepLearning for Vision and Control
Enrica Rossi L. Schenato Distributed MPC over wireless for robotic manipulation
Anna Scampicchio G. Pillonetto System Identification and Machine Learning
Matteo Terzi G.A. Susto Machine Learning
Luca Varotto A. Cenedese Camera Networks for the Smart City
Alessandra Zampieri A. Cenedese Traffic Estimation and Lighting Control for Smart Mobility
Luca Zancato A. Chiuso Stochastic optimization for Deep Learning
Francesco Zanini A. Chiuso


   ALUMNI (since 2009)   Ph.D. Thesis Repository


left current position
Andrea Antonello 2018 Robotics Engineer at Automata, London, UK
Giacomo Baggio
2018 Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Italy
Nicoletta Bof 2018 non-engineering related job
Saverio Bolognani 2012
Senior Researcher, ETH, Zurich, switzerland
Giulio Bottegal 2013 design engineer, ASML, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Martina Camarda
2009 firmware designer, Kerberos Engineering s.r.l, Italy
Andrea Carron 2016 Senior Lecturer, ETH, Zurich, switzerland
Francesca Carli 2012 Research Associate, University of Cambridge, UK
Yutao Chen 2018 Postdoctoral Associate, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Guido Cavraro 2016 Resercher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Arvada, CO, USA
Davide Cuccato 2017 Consulting engineer, TRIA, Padova, Italy
Simone Del Favero 2010 Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Italy
Marco Fabris 2019 Post-doc, Technion, Israel
Stefano Gamba 2009 Project Engineer, ALTEN Italia, Italy
Federica Garin 2011 Junior researcher, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble, France
Michele Lionello 2019 Senior Control Engineer, Vertiv, Italy
Michele Gazzea 2019 Ph.d. student @ Western Norwey University, Bergen, Norwey
Enrico Lovisari 2011 Control Engineer, ZENUITY, Goteborg, Sweden
Michele Luvisotto 2018 Control Engineer, ABB, Sweden
Fabio Maran 2013 Project Engineer, Piaggio/Aprilia, Italy
Chiara Masiero 2014 Data Scientist, Statwolf, Padova
Luca Mazzarella 2015 Post-doc, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K.
Giulia Ortolan 2011 Project engineer, Infineon, Austria
Giulia Prando 2018 Project engineer, Babylon Health, London, UK
Mirco Rampazzo 2010 Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Italy
Federico Ramponi 2009 Associate Professor, University of Brescia, Italy
Diego Romeres 2017 Project Engineer, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, USA
Alessandro Saccon 2009 Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Lucia Seno 2013 Research fellow, CNR - IEIIT
Gian Antonio Susto 2013 Assistant Professor, University of Padova
Alberto Silletti 2010 project manager & CTO, Uqido, Italy
Marco Todescato 2018 Control Engineer, Bosch Research Center, Germany
Damiano Varagnolo 2011 Professor, NTNU Throndheim, Norway
Giuliano Zambonin 2019 Control System Engineer, Electrolux, Italy
Filippo Zanella
2013 founder, Sellf, Italy
Bin Zhu 2019 Assistant Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Mattia Zorzi 2013 Associate Professor, University of Padova