Sandro Zampieri
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Department of Information Engineering Via Gradenigo 6/B 35131 Padova Italy
Tel.: +39 049.827.7648 Fax: +39 049.827.7699
E-mail: name.surnameATdei.unipd.it |
Sandro Zampieri received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in System Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 1988 and 1993, respectively. Since 2002 he is Full Professor in Automatic Control at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova. He has been the head of the Department of Information Engineering from 2014 until 2018.
In 1991-92, 1993 and 1996 he was Visiting Scholar at Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT, Cambridge. He has held visiting positions also at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Groningen and at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Prof. Zampieri has published more than 150 journal and conference papers. He has delivered several invited seminars and he was member of the Technical Program Committee for several international conferences. He was general chair of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems 2009, program chair of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems 2012 and publication chair of the IFAC World Congress 2011. He served as an Associate Editor of the Siam Journal on Control and Optimization on 2002-2004 and of the IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control on 2012-2014. He was the chair of the IFAC technical committee "Networked systems" on 2005-2008. He
was one of the recipients of the 2016 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network
Systems Best Paper Award. His research interests include networked control, control of
complex systems and distributed control and estimation with applications to the
smart grids.
Controlli Automatici (2020/2021) per il corso di laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale
Fondamenti di controlli automatici (2022/2023) per il corso di laurea in Ingegneria Informatica
Network systems and dynamics (2020/21) For the laurea degree of Control Systems Engineering
Digital Control (2022/23) For the laurea degree of Control Systems Engineering
Control and
estimation under communication constraints
emerging area of control with limited data rates incorporates ideas from both
control and information theory. The data rate constraint introduces quantization into the feedback loop and gives the interconnected system a twofold nature, continuous and symbolic. In this paper, we review the results available in the literature on data-rate-limited control. For linear systems,
we show how fundamental tradeoffs between the data rate and control goals, such as stability, mean entry times, and asymptotic state norms, emerge
naturally. While many classical tools from both control and information
theory can still be used in this context, it turns out that the deepest
results necessitate a novel, integrated view of both disciplines.
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Consensus algorithm for
distributed estimation and control
Average consensus problems have been widely studied in recent years
both in the context of coordination of mobile autonomous vehicles and in the
context of distributed estimation. In fact, average consensus can be
considered a simple paradigm for designing estimation algorithms implemented
on sensor networks and working in a distributed way. More precisely, assume
in this setup that all sensors independently measure the same quantity with
some error due to noise. A simple way to improve the estimate is to average
all the measures. To do this, the sensors need to exchange their information.
Energy limitations force transmission to take place directly along nearby
sensors and also impose bounds on the amount of data an agent can process.
Distributed feedback control strategies for optimal reactive power flow in smart microgrids |
Past Post-Docs
Past PhD students
Paolo Vettori Delay differential systems in the behavioral approach [pdf]
Ruggero Carli Topics on the average consensus problem [pdf]
Paolo Frasca Distributed optimization with communication constraints [pdf] (coadvisor with Fabio Fagnani)
Simone Del Favero Analysis and development of consensus based estimation schemes [pdf]
Saverio Bolognani Methods and applications in networked control Feedback control design for quantum systems [pdf]
Enrico Lovisari Synchronization algorithms for multi-agent systems: Analysis, Synthesis and Applications [pdf]
Guido Cavraro Modeling, Control and Identification of a Smart Grid