Digital Control
Course content
Z-Transforms. Solutions of discrete-time systems described by difference equations. Stability of discrete-time systems. Stability criteria (Jury test and bilinear transform). Internal stability. Frequency response and the Nyquist plot. Sampling and the alsiasing effect. Anti-aliasing filters. Sampling signals with rational Z transforms. The Holder interpolator. Tracking of canonical reference signals (step, ramps, sinusoids). The choice of the sampling period. The emulation method for the design of the digital controller. Direct synthesis methods. Direct synthesis via Diophantine equations. Deadbeat tracking
Examination methods: Written examination
Textbook: "Lecture Notes on Digital Control", Giacomo Baggio, Mauro Bisiacco, Augusto Ferrante e Francesco Ticozzi, (available in moodle)
Exam dates:
8/2/2023 at 14.00
22/2/2023 at 14.00