[ all BibTeX ]
N. Dal Fabbro, M. Rossi, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, G. Piro. Model-free radio map estimation in massive MIMO systems via semi-parametric Gaussian regression. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2021 [url] [BibTeX]
M. Todescato, A. Carron, R. Carli, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Efficient Spatio-Temporal Gaussian Regression via Kalman Filtering. Automatica, vol. 118pp. 1-14, 2020 [url] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed multi-agent Gaussian regression via finite-dimensional approximations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 41(9), pp. 2098-2111, 2019 [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Prando, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Maximum Entropy Vector Kernels for MIMO system identification. Automatica (accepted as regular paper), 2017 [url] [BibTeX]
M. Todescato, A. Carron, R. Carli, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Multi-Robots Gaussian Estimation and Coverage Control: from Server-based to Peer-to-Peer Architecture. Automatica, vol. 80pp. 284--294, 2017 [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
T. Chen, T. Ardeshiri, F.P. Carli, A. Chiuso, L. Ljung, G. Pillonetto. Maximum entropy properties of discrete-time first-order stable spline kernel. Automatica, 2016 [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, F. Zanella, A. Cenedese, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Newton-Raphson Consensus for Distributed Convex Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61(4), pp. 994--1009, 2016 [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, T. Chen, A. Chiuso, G. De nicolao, L. Ljung. Regularized linear system identification using atomic, nuclear and kernel-based norms: the role of the stability constraint. Automatica, 2016 [url] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Tuning complexity in regularized kernel-based regression and linear system identification: the robustness of the marginal likelihood estimator. Automatica (accepted), 2015 [BibTeX]
A. Aravkin, J. Burke, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Convex vs non-convex estimators for regression and sparse estimation: the mean squared error properties of ARD and GLasso. Journal of Machine Learning Research, (15), pp. 1-36, 2014 [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed cardinality estimation in anonymous networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59(3), pp. 645-659, 2014 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
T. Chen, M. Andersen, L. Ljung, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. System identification via sparse multiple kernel-based regularization using sequential convex optimization techniques. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014 [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto. A variation of the Newton-Pepys problem and its connections to size-estimation problems. Statistics & Probability Letters, (83), pp. 1472-1478, 2013 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto. Consistent identification of Wiener systems: a machine learning viewpoint. Automatica (provisionally accepted), 2013 [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, S. Del Favero, F. Dinuzzo, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto. Finding Potential Support Vectors in linearly separable classification problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 24(11), pp. 1799-1813, 2013 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Bottegal, G. Pillonetto. Regularized spectrum estimation using stable spline kernels. Automatica, vol. 11(49), pp. 3199-3209, 2013 [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. A Bayesian approach to sparse dynamic network identification. Automatica, vol. 48(8), pp. 1553–-1565, 2012 [pdf] [BibTeX]
C. D'Avanzo, A. Goljahani, G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao, G. Sparacino. A multi-task learning approach for the extraction of single-trial evoked potentials. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2012 [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed parametric and nonparametric regression with on-line performance bounds computation. Automatica, vol. 48(10), pp. 2468 -- 2481, 2012 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. Erinc, S. Carpin. Online estimation of covariance parameters using extended Kalman filtering and application to robot localization. Advanced Robotics, vol. 18(26), pp. 2169--2188, 2012 [BibTeX]
G. Quer, R. Masiero, G. Pillonetto, M. Rossi, M. Zorzi. Sensing, Compression and Recovery for WSNs: Sparse Signal Modeling and Monitoring Framework. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11(10), pp. 3447--3461, 2012 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, M.H. Quang, A. Chiuso. A new kernel-based approach for nonlinear system identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [accepted], 2011 [BibTeX]
A. Aravkin, B. Bell, J. Burke, G. Pillonetto. An l1-Laplace robust Kalman smoother. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 56(12), pp. 2898--2911, 2011 [BibTeX]
S. Peruzzo, F. Zanderigo, A. Bertoldo, G. Pillonetto, M. Cosottini, C. Cobelli. Assessment on clinical data of nonlinear stochastic deconvolution versus Singular Value Decomposition for quantitative Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast-Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 7(29), 2011 [BibTeX]
F. Dinuzzo, G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao. Client-server multi-task learning from distributed datasets. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 22(2), pp. 290--303, 2011 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso, G. De nicolao. Prediction error identification of linear systems: a nonparametric Gaussian regression approach. Automatica, (47), pp. 291-305, 2011 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao. A new kernel-based approach for linear system identification. Automatica, vol. 46(1), pp. 81-93, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, F. Dinuzzo, G. De nicolao. Bayesian on-line multi-task learning of Gaussian processes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32(2), pp. 193-205, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Caumo, C. Cobelli. Dynamic index of insulin sensitivity: importance in diabetes. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 298(3), pp. E440-E448, 2010 [BibTeX]
B. Bell, J. Burke, G. Pillonetto. An inequality constrained nonlinear Kalman-Bucy smoother by interior point likelihood maximization. Automatica, vol. 45pp. 25--33, 2009 [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao, M. Chierici, C. Cobelli. Fast algorithms for nonparametric population modeling of large data sets. Automatica, vol. 45pp. 173--179, 2009 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Fast computation of smoothing splines subject to equality constraints. Automatica, vol. 45pp. 2842--2849, 2009 [pdf] [BibTeX]
F. Zanderigo, A. Bertoldo, G. Pillonetto, C. Cobelli. Nonlinear Stochastic Regularization to Characterize Tissue Residue Function in Bolus-Tracking MRI: Assessment and Comparison With SVD Block-Circulant SVD and Tikhonov. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 56pp. 1287--1297, 2009 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto. Identification of time-varying systems in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 53pp. 2209, 2008 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, B. Bell. Optimal smoothing of non-linear dynamic systems via Monte Carlo Markov chains. Automatica, vol. 44pp. 1676--1685, 2008 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto. Solutions of nonlinear control and estimation problems in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: existence and numerical determination. Automatica, vol. 44pp. 2135--2141, 2008 [BibTeX]
E. Cinquemani, G. Pillonetto. Wavelet estimation by Bayesian thresholding and model selection. Automatica, vol. 44pp. 2288--2297, 2008 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, B. Bell. Bayes and empirical Bayes semi-blind deconvolution using eigenfunctions of a prior covariance. Automatica, vol. 43pp. 1698--1712, 2007 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, C. Cobelli. Identifiability of the stochastic semi-blind deconvolution problem using a class of time-invariant linear systems. Automatica, vol. 43pp. 647--654, 2007 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Caumo, G. Sparacino. A new dynamic index of insulin sensitivity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 53pp. 369--379, 2006 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, M. Saccomani. Input estimation in nonlinear dynamic systems using differential algebra techniques. Automatica, vol. 42pp. 1117--1129, 2006 [BibTeX]
S. Carpin, G. Pillonetto. Motion planning using adaptive random walks. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 21pp. 129--136, 2005 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, B. Bell. Deconvolution of nonstationary physical signals: a smooth variance model for insulin secretion rate. Inverse Problems, vol. 20pp. 367--383, 2004 [BibTeX]
B. Bell, G. Pillonetto. Estimating parameters and stochastic functions of one variable using nonlinear measurements models. Inverse Problems, vol. 20pp. 627--646, 2004 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. Sparacino, C. Cobelli. Numerical non-identifiability regions of the minimal model of glucose kinetics: superiority of Bayesian estimation. Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 184pp. 53--67, 2003 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. Sparacino, C. Cobelli. Handling non-negativity in deconvolution of physiological signals: a nonlinear stochastic approach. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 8pp. 1077--1087, 2002 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, P. Magni, R. Bellazzi, C. Cobelli. Minimal model S(I)=0 problem in NIDDM subjects: nonzero Bayesian estimates with credible confidence intervals.. American Journal of Physiology, vol. 282pp. 564--573, 2002 [BibTeX]
G. Sparacino, G. Pillonetto, M. Capello, G. De nicolao, C. Cobelli. Winstodec: a stochastic deconvolution interactive program for physiological and pharmacokinetic systems. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 67pp. 67--77, 2002 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. Sparacino, C. Cobelli. Reconstructing insulin secretion rate after a glucose stimulus by an improved stochastic deconvolution method. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 48pp. 1352--1354, 2001 [BibTeX]
[ all BibTeX ]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Identification of Stable Linear Systems Via the Sequential Stabilizing Spline Algorithm. Proceedings of SYSID 2018 (accepted), 2018 [BibTeX]
M. Todescato, A. Dalla Libera, R. Carli, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed Kalman Filtering for Time-Space Gaussian Processes (with proofs). 20th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), pp. 13234--13239, 2017 [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Statistical bounds for distributed Gaussian regression algorithms. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC17), 2017 [BibTeX]
G. Prando, D. Romeres, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Classical vs. Bayesian methods for linear system identification: point estimators and confidence sets. Proc. of ECC 2016, 2016 [BibTeX]
T. Chen, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso, L. Ljung. DC kernel - a stable generalized first order spline kernel. Proc. of CDC 2016 - accepted, 2016 [BibTeX]
M. Todescato, A. Carron, R. Carli, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto. Machine Learning meets Kalman Filtering (with proofs). 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC16), pp. 4594--4599, 2016 [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Romeres, G. Prando, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. On-line Bayesian System Identification. Proc. of ECC 2016, 2016 [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Auto-tuning procedures for distributed nonparametric regression algorithms. European Control Conference ECC15, 2015 [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Romeres, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Identification of stable models via nonparametric prediction error methods. Proc. of the European Control Conference, 2015 [ abstract ] [BibTeX]
A. Carron, M. Todescato, R. Carli, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto. Multi-agents adaptive estimation and coverage control using Gaussian regression. European Control Conference (ECC'15), pp. 2490--2495, 2015 [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Prando, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. On the role of rank penalties in linear system identification. Prof. of SYSID 2015, 2015 [BibTeX]
T. Chen, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso, L. Ljung. Spectral analysis of the DC kernel for regularized system identification. IEEE CDC 2015, 2015 [BibTeX]
T. Chen, M. Andersen, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto, L. Ljung. Anomaly detection in homogenous populations: a sparse multiple kernel-based regularization method. IEEE CDC 2014, 2014 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Bayesian and nonparametric methods for system identification and model selection. Proc. of ECC 2014, 2014 [BibTeX]
G. Prando, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Bayesian and regularization approaches to multivariable linear system identification: the role of rank penalties. Proc. IEEE CDC, 2014 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, T. Chen, L. Ljung, G. Pillonetto. On the design of Multiple Kernels for nonparametric linear system identification. IEEE CDC 2014, 2014 [BibTeX]
G. Bottegal, A. Aravkin, H. Hjalmarsson, G. Pillonetto. Outlier robust system identification: a Bayesian kernel-based approach. IFAC World Congress, 2014 [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Tuning complexity in kernel-based linear system identification: the robustness of the marginal likelihood estimator. Proc. of ECC 2014, 2014 [BibTeX]
T. Chen, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto, L. Ljung. Rank-1 kernels for regularized system identification. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Dec. and Control (CDC2013), 2013 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, T. Chen, L. Ljung, G. Pillonetto. Regularization strategies for nonparametric system identification. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Dec. and Control (CDC2013), 2013 [BibTeX]
F. Zanella, D. Varagnolo, A. Cenedese, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Asynchronous Newton-Raphson Consensus for Distributed Convex Optimization. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys'12), 2012 [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
S. Del Favero, D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto. Bayesian learning of probability density functions: a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012), 2012 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Consensus based estimation of anonymous networks size using Bernoulli trials. 2012 American Control Conference, 2012 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
F.P. Carli, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Efficient algorithms for large scale linear system identification using stable spline estimators. Proc. of SYSID 2012, 2012 [BibTeX]
F. Zanella, D. Varagnolo, A. Cenedese, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Multidimensional Newton-Raphson consensus for distributed convex optimization. 2012 American Control Conference, 2012 [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
F.P. Carli, T. Chen, A. Chiuso, L. Ljung, G. Pillonetto. On the estimation of hyperparameters for Bayesian system identification with exponential kernels. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012), 2012 [BibTeX]
A. Aravkin, J. Burke, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. On the estimation of hyperparameters for Empirical Bayes estimators: Maximum Marginal Likelihood vs Minimum MSE. Proc. of SYSID 2012, 2012 [BibTeX]
A. Aravkin, J. Burke, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. On the MSE Properties of Empirical Bayes Methods for Sparse Estimation. Proc. of SYSID 2012, 2012 [BibTeX]
G. Bottegal, G. Pillonetto. Regularized spectrum estimation in spaces induced by stable spline kernels. Proc. of IEEE ACC, 2012 [pdf] [BibTeX]
T. Chen, L. Ljung, M. Andersen, A. Chiuso, F.P. Carli, G. Pillonetto. Sparse multiple kernels for impulse response estimation with majorization minimization algorithms. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012), 2012 [BibTeX]
F. Zanella, D. Varagnolo, A. Cenedese, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. The convergence rate of Newton-Raphson consensus optimization for quadratic cost functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012), 2012 [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Aravkin, J. Burke, A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Convex vs nonconvex approaches for sparse estimation: Lasso, Multiple Kernel Learning and Hyperparameter Lasso. IEEE CDC 2011 (accepted), 2011 [pdf] [BibTeX]
F. Zanella, D. Varagnolo, A. Cenedese, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Newton-Raphson consensus for distributed convex optimization. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011), 2011 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
S. Del Favero, D. Varagnolo, F. Dinuzzo, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto. On the discardability of data in Support Vector Classification problems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011), 2011 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed consensus-based Bayesian estimation: sufficient conditions for performance characterization. 2010 American Control Conference, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed statistical estimation of the number of nodes in Sensor Networks. Conference on Decision and Control CDC10, 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Learning sparse dynamic linear systems using stable spline kernels and exponential hyperpriors. Proc. of NIPS 2010, accepted, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Nonparametric sparse estimators for identification of large scale linear systems. Proc. of 2010 IEEE CDC, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso, G. De nicolao. Regularized estimation of sums of exponentials in spaces generated by stable spline kernels. ACC 2010, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. A Bayesian learning approach to linear system identification with missing data. Proceedings of the 48th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control 2009 Shangai China, 2009 [BibTeX]
B. Bell, G. Pillonetto. A distributed Kalman smoother. Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems - NecSys09 2009 Venice Italy, 2009 [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed Function and Time Delay Estimation using Nonparametric Techniques. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 09), 2009 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Gaussian Processes for Wiener-Hammerstein System Identification. Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2009 Saint-Malo France July 6-8 2009, 2009 [BibTeX]
H. Quang, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Nonlinear System Identification Via Gaussian Regression and Mixtures of Kernels. Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2009 Saint-Malo France July 6-8 2009, 2009 [BibTeX]
G. De nicolao, G. Pillonetto. A new kernel-based approach for system identification. Proceedings of The American Control Conference, 2008 [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, F. Dinuzzo, G. De nicolao. Bayesian online multi-task learning using regularization networks. Proceedings of The American Control Conference, 2008 [BibTeX]
E. Gorkem, G. Pillonetto, S. Carpin. Online estimation of variance parameters: experimental results with applications to localization. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, C. Cobelli. Predictive power of indices derived from models of biological dynamic systems. Proceedings of The American Control Conference, 2008 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso, G. De nicolao. Predictor estimation via Gaussian regression. Proceedings of The 47th Ieee International Conference on Decision and Control 2008, 2008 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao. Subspace identification using predictor estimation via Gaussian regression. Proceedings of The 47th Ieee International Conference on Decision and Control 2008, 2008 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, B. Bell. Bayes and Empirical Bayes Semi-Blind Deconvolution. Proceedings of AIP 2007 Conference on Applied Inverse Problems 2007: Theoretical and Computational Aspects, 2007 [BibTeX]
G. De nicolao, G. Pillonetto, M. Chierici, C. Cobelli. Efficient Nonparametric Population Modeling for Large Data Sets. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 2921--2926, 2007 [pdf] [BibTeX]
B. Bell, G. Pillonetto. MCMC Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems.. Proceedings of AIP 2007 Conference on Applied Inverse Problems 2007: Theoretical and Computational Aspects, 2007 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, S. Carpin. Multirobot localization with unknown variance parameters using iterated Kalman filtering. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007 [BibTeX]
M. Chierici, G. Pillonetto, G. Toffolo, C. Cobelli. Glucose Production by Deconvolution in Intravenous and Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests: Role of Output Variable. 2006 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Caumo, C. Cobelli. Insulin sensitivity index also accounting for insulin action dynamics: importance in diabetes. Proceedings of the 6-th IFAC Symposium on modeling and control in biomedical systems, pp. 212--217, 2006 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, M. Saccomani. Estimating inputs of nonlinear dynamical systems using differential algebra techniques. 2005 [BibTeX]
S. Carpin, G. Pillonetto. Merging the adaptive random walks planner with the randomized potential field planner. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International workshop on Robot Motion and Control, pp. 151--156, 2005 [BibTeX]
A. Bertoldo, S. Corazza, F. Zanderigo, G. Pillonetto, C. Cobelli. Assessment of regional cerebral blood flow by bolus-tracking MRI images: characterization of the tissue residue function using nonlinear stochastic regularization method.. 2004 [BibTeX]
S. Carpin, G. Pillonetto. Centralized multi-robot motion planning: a random walks based approach.. pp. 610--617, 2004 [BibTeX]
F. Zanderigo, A. Bertoldo, G. Pillonetto, M. Cosottini, C. Cobelli. Nonlinear stochastic regularization tocharacterize tissue residue function from bolus-tracking MRI images. pp. 77--78, 2004 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto. Bayesian deconvolution of functions in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces using MCMC techniques. 2003 [BibTeX]
S. Carpin, G. Pillonetto. Learning sampling distributions for randomized motion planning: role of history size. 2003 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, C. Cobelli, R. Frezza. Numerical approach to skin artifacts correction in stereophotogrammetry. 2003 [BibTeX]
S. Carpin, G. Pillonetto. Robot motion planning using adaptive random walks. 2003 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto. Stochastic deconvolution of nonnegative physical signals.. 2001 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. Sparacino, C. Cobelli. Reconstruction of non-stationary biological signals via stochastic deconvolution. 2000 [BibTeX]
G. Sparacino, G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao, C. Cobelli. STODEC (STOchastic DEConvolution): a program for input estimation in physiological and pharmacokinetic systems. pp. 303--308, 2000 [BibTeX]