Laurea Degree
Control System Design - Networked Control for Multiagent Systems
72h-9CFU Class, 5th Year, Automation Engineering course
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21
Contents: advanced methodologies for modeling, estimation, control; linear and non-linear optimization; multiagent systems; camera networks and robotic networks; applications.
Robotics, Vision & Control
72h-9CFU Class, 5th Year, Automation Engineering course
2020–21 Co-instructor
Contents: basics of robotics; pose representation; robotic arm control; computational vision for robotics; visual servoing.
Fundamentals of Automatic Control
72h-9CFU Class, 3th Year, Information Engineering course
2020–21 Co-instructor
Contents: signals and systems; system modeling; analytical and graphical techniques for sys- tem analysis and control design; PID controllers.
Control System Laboratory
48h-6CFU Class, 3th Year, Information Engineering course
2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19
Contents: digital control; complements of automatic control; numerical laboratory; DC motor laboratory.
Computational Vision for Distributed Systems
48h-6CFU Class, 5th Year, Automation Engineering course
Contents: algebra of SO3-SE3; single view geometry; multi view geometry and epipolar geom- etry; calibration algorithms; camera network transitional models and Hidden Markov Models; feature detection; camera and robotic networks: coverage, patrolling, and multiagent tracking.
System Theory
48h-6CFU Class, 4th Year, Mechatronics Engineering course
2011–12 2012–13
78h-9CFU Class, 4th Year, Mechatronics Engineering course
2009–10 2010–11
Contents: linear algebra; dynamical system modeling; linearization; discrete- and continuous- time state-space models; modal analysis and system stability; Lyapunov theory; structural prop- erties of linear dynamical systems; feedback control; design of controllers and observers.
System Analysis
54h-6CFU Class, 4th Year, Mechatronics Engineering course
54h-6CFU Class, 3th Year, Mechatronics Engineering course
2006–07 2007–08
Contents: linear algebra; dynamical system modeling; linearization; discrete- and continuous- time state-space models; modal analysis and system stability; Lyapunov theory; structural prop- erties of linear dynamical systems; feedback control; design of controllers and observers.
Automatic Control
2nd Year, Mechatronics Engineering course Exercise Lessons.
2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09
PhD Course
Feedback Control Theory with application to Tokamak Control
International Doctorate in Fusion Science and Engineering Contents: fundamentals of control theory and space state systems.
2007–08 2008–09 2016–17 2018–19 2020–21