International Projects |
2023-26 - Horizon Europe (H-EU) project AIMS5.0 - Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry 5.0. Role: participant.
2023-25 - Horizon Europe (H-EU) project PREDICT-6G - PRogrammable AI-Enabled DeterminIstiC neTworking for 6G. H-EU project HORIZON-JU-RIA. Role: local PI.
2010-14 - EU Project HYCON2 - Highly-complex and networked control systems. NOE Project FP7. Role: participant. Coordinator: Prof. Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (CNRS). Local coordinator: Prof. S.Zampieri (Univ. di Padova).
2008-11 - EU Project FeedNetBack - Feedback design for wireless networked systems. STREP Pro- ject ICT Call 2 FP7-ICT-2007-2. Role: participant. Coordinator: Prof. C.Canudas De Wit (INRIA). Local coordinator: Prof. S.Zampieri (Univ. di Padova).
2010 - Imagers as Sensors: building categories from video streams. CENS - Center for Embedded Networked Sensing, UCLA. Role: participant.
2005-09 - EU Project ELT Design Study - Technology development towards a European Extremely Large Telescope. Specific Support Action FP6. Role: participant. Coordinator: Dr. R.Gilmozzi (ESO). Local coordinator: Prof. A.Beghi (Univ. di Padova).
2004-07 - EFDA-JET Enhancement on Magnetic Diagnostics. UKAEA-JET (UK). Role: PI and responsible of Software Tasks. Project Leader: Prof. V.Coccorese (Univ. Federico II, Napoli).
2003-04 - EFDA JET enhancement project on magnetic diagnostics. UKAEA-JET (UK). Role: participant.
2002-03 - EFDA JET extreme shape controller enhancement project. UKAEA-JET (UK). Role: participant.
2001-02 - EFDA JET extreme shape controller and vertical stabilization project. UKAEA-JET (UK). Role: participant.
National and Local Projects |
2022-25: PNRR-MOST project Sustainable Mobility National Center(CNMS) - Spoke 8 (2022-25). MUR. Role: participant.
2023-25: STARLIT - SafeTy Aware Reinforcement Learning for robotIc inspecTion. Progetto MUR PRIN 2022. Role: participant. Coordinator: Prof. A.DelPrete (Univ. of Trento)
2022-24: DOCEAT - Design Of Cooperative Energy-aware Aerial plaTforms for remote and contact-aware operations. Progetto MIUR PRIN 2020. Role: local PI. Coordinator: Prof. A.Astolfi (Univ. of Roma TV)
2020-22: T-STARK - Tilt-rotor Sense-To-Act Regulation feedbacK. Progetto BIRD-DEI. Role: responsible & PI.
2020-22: CAR - Contact-aware Aerial Robotics. Progetto BIRD-DTG. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. G.Michieletto (Univ. of Padova).
2020-22: VIR2EM - Virtualization and remotization for an efficient and resilient manufacturing. POR-FESR project - Regione Veneto. Role: participant.
2017-20 PreMANI - Predictive Manufacturing: design, development and implementation of Digital Manufacturing solutions for Quality prediction and Intelligent Maintenance. POR-FESR project - Regione Veneto. Role: participant.
2017-19 MAGIC - Multi-Agent Intelligent Control of time-critical Cyber-Physical Systems over wireless. Progetto BIRD-DEI. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. L.Schenato (Univ. of Padova).
2017-19: Formation control and attitude estimation in the 3D space: theoretical duality and methodological interplay with application to mobile camera networks and multiagent systems. Assegno BIRD-DEI. Role: responsible & PI.
2017-18: SAFEDRIVE: Functional safety of industrial drives connected in a real-time communication network. FSE-Veneto project. Role: responsible & PI.
2017-18: Development of a docking system for nano and microsatellites. Progetto BIRD-DII. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. A.Francesconi (Univ. of Padova).
2016-17: Development of technologies for the automatic landing and extension of the flight range of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). FSE-Veneto project. Role: co-PI.
2015-16: WOW - Deployment of WSAN technology for monitoring Oxygen levels in Wine production. Progetto Regione Veneto LR9/2007. Role: participant & PI.
2015-16: Electromagnetic modeling and mathematical optimization for large nuclear fusion devices. Progetto d'Ateneo. Role: responsible & PI.
2015-16: Motion Capture and Computer Vision laboratory. UniPD call for research infrastructures. Role: responsible & co-PI.
2013-15: SEAL: Smart&safe Energy-aware Assisted Living. Progetto Smart City and Communities del MIUR. Role: participant. Coordinator: Dr. L.Fabbri (BFT). Local coordinator: Prof. A.Beghi (Univ. of Padova).
2012-15: R3D: Robotic 3D-video. Strategic project of the Information Engineering Department, Univ. of Padova. Role: co-PI. Responsible: Prof. G.M.Cortelazzo (Univ. of Padova).
2010-12: SIMEA: Integrated/Distributed System for Energetic and Environmental Monitoring. Progetto Legge 9 della Regione Veneto. Role: responsible & PI.
2010-12: New algorithms and applications of Identification and Adaptive Control. MIUR PRIN 2008. Role: participant. Coordinator: Prof. G.Picci (Univ. of Padova).
2007-10: WISEWAI - Wireless Sensor networks for city-Wide Ambient Intelligence. Progetto d’eccellenza della Fondazione CaRiPaRo. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. M.Zorzi (Univ. of Padova).
2008-09: Methodologies and software for the identification and estimation of large scale distributed dynamical systems. Progetto di Ateneo, Univ. di Padova. Ruolo: participant. Responsible: Prof. A.Chiuso (Univ. of Padova).
2007-09: Smart Environments: event interpretation, sensor reconfiguration and multimodal interfaces. MIUR PRIN 2006. Role: participant. Coordinator: Prof. G.L.Foresti (Univ. of Udine).
2005-06: MACONDO (Modelling, Analysis, and CONtrol of Deformable Objects): System Theory methods for the modeling, analysis and shape control for deformable objects. Progetto di Ateneo, Univ. of Padova. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. A.Beghi (Univ. of Padova).
2002-04: Current profile control in magnetically confined plasmas for Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, and its effects on shape control performance. MIUR PRIN 2001. Role: participant. Coordinator: Prof. G.Ambrosino (Univ. Federico II, Napoli).
Industrial Research Contracts |
2023-25: Co-Sim tools for hyperautomation in the context of Time-Sensitive Networks. Role: responsible & PI.
2022-23: Study and development of hyperautomation applications based on MV/DL techniques in the industrial field. Role: responsible & PI.
2021-23: Wireless Time-Sensitive Networking technologies. Role: responsible & PI.
2021-23: Algorithms for flow estimation and control in open channel networks. Role: responsible & PI.
2021: Advanced methods for Industrial Applications: hyper-automation scenarios based on integration of Deep Learning, Machine Vision and Robotics. Role: responsible & PI.
2021-22: ESA-GNC - GNC and Robotic Arm Combined Control. Role: participant and fellow responsible.
2020-21: S2T2 - Industrial Camera networks for Smart and Semantic Terminal Tracking. Role: responsible & PI.
2019-20: Autonomous Driving for Industrial Plants. Role: responsible & PI.
2018-19: Real-time communication in industrial networked systems. Role: responsible & PI.
2016: Machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection. Role: responsible & PI.
2015-16: Monitoring technologies for environment and oxygen levels in wine production. Role: responsible & PI.
2015: Machine learning algorithms for gesture recognition and classification . Role: responsible & PI.
2014-15: Padova Smart City. Role: responsible & PI.
2013-14: Study of gesture recognition and classification problem. Role: responsible & PI.
2012: Environment monitoring networks for laboratories. Role: responsible & PI.
2011: Analysis of real-time reconstruction in ITER. Role: responsible & PI.
2010: Performance analysis of PTZ camera units for videosurveillance. Role: responsible & PI.
2009-11: Reti di sensori per il monitoraggio ambientale ed energetico - Fase I e II. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. L.Schenato (Univ. of Padova).
2009-10: Multimedia and domotics in schools: sensor networks. Role: responsible & PI.
2007-10: Feasibility study of a localization system - Phase I and II. Role: responsible & PI.
2008-09: Tracking methods in video sequences - Phase I and II Role: responsible & PI.
2007: Reti di sensori per la videosorveglianza. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. A.Beghi (Univ. of Padova.
2006: Reti di sensori per la videosorveglianza. Role: participant. Responsible: Prof. R.Frezza (Univ. of Padova).
Research Assignments & Scientific Consultancy Contracts |
2018: Technical consultancy in the field of control algorithms for satellite position and attitude. Role:[nbsp]responsible & PI.
2017-18: Technical consultancy in the field of plasma boundary reconstruction with real-time codes. Role: responsible & PI.
2014: Technical consultancy in the field of real-time estimation and active control of magnetic fields for plasma boundary reconstruction and shaping. Role: responsible & PI.
2013: Technical consultancy in the field of plasma boundary reconstruction with real-time codes. Role: responsible & PI.
2013: Seminar series on sensor networks for environment monitoring. Role: responsible & PI.
2002-03: Research assignment on "EFDA JET Extreme Shape Controller Enhancement Project". Role: responsible & PI.
2001-02: Research assignment on "EFDA JET Extreme Shape Controller and Vertical Stabilisation project". Role: responsible & PI.
2003: Research assignment on "EFDA JET Enhancement Project on Magnetic Diagnostics". Role: responsible & PI.
2003-04: Research assignment on "EFDA JET Enhancement Project on Magnetic Diagnostics". Role: responsible & PI.
2004: Incarico di attività di ricerca su "Boundary Reconstruction Code Development". Role: responsible & PI.
2004-05: Incarico di attività di ricerca su "EFDA JET Enhancement Project on Magnetic Diagnostics". Role: responsible & PI.