* Matteo Grandin - 2023-26 XXXIX Ciclo (PhD in Fusion Science and Engineering)
Research topic: Advanced control techniques in magnetic confinement fusion devices
Research topic: Advanced control techniques in magnetic confinement fusion devices
* Riccardo Lorigiola - 2023-26 XXXIX Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Modeling and control of hyper-redundant robotic arms for heavy loads
Research topic: Modeling and control of hyper-redundant robotic arms for heavy loads
* Marco Perin - 2022-25 XXXVIII Ciclo (DAUSY National PhD)
Research topic: Advanced modeling and control of complex systems
Research topic: Advanced modeling and control of complex systems
* Elena Ferrari - 2022-25 XXXVIII Ciclo (in collaboration with National Research Council - CNR IEIIT)
Research topic: Time Sensitive Networking and Digital Twin for monitoring and control in the industrial automation field
Research topic: Time Sensitive Networking and Digital Twin for monitoring and control in the industrial automation field
* Pietro Iob - 2021-24 XXXVII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering in collaboration with Techmo)
Research topic: Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Industrial Applications
Research topic: Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Industrial Applications
* Stefano Toigo - 2021-24 XXXVII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering in collaboration with beanTech)
Research topic: HyperAutomation: Integration of Vision, Robotics and Learning for Industrial Applications
Research topic: HyperAutomation: Integration of Vision, Robotics and Learning for Industrial Applications
* Jacopo Giordano - 2021-24 XXXVII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Cooperative Space Robotics
Research topic: Cooperative Space Robotics
* Beniamino Pozzan - 2020-23 XXXVI Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Heterogeneous and Hybrid Rigidity Theory for Multi-Agent Systems Formations
Research topic: Heterogeneous and Hybrid Rigidity Theory for Multi-Agent Systems Formations
Nicola Lissandrini - 2019-22 XXXV Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Mobile Robotics in Unknown Environments: Towards Full Autonomy
Current position: Post-doctoral research fellow at UniPD
Daniel Cunico - 2018-21 XXXIV Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering in collaboration with BFT)
Research topic:Estimation and control methodologies for access automation systems
Current position: Advanced Development Engineer at BFT
Luca Varotto - 2018-21 XXXIV Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Probabilistic Active Sensing in Multi-Sensor Applications
Current position: Automation Engineer at Terna
Riccardo Fantinel - 2017-20 XXXIII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering in collaboration with CMZ)
Research topic: Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques for industrial inspection applications
Current position: Control System and Machine Learning Engineer Consultant at Akronos Technologies
Marco Fabris - 2016-19 XXXII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Distributed Optimization Strategies for Mobile Multi-Agent Systems
Current position: Fixed term RTD-A researcher at UniPD
Chiara Favaretto - 2014-17 XXX Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Population models for complex non-linear phenomena in biology: from mitochondrial dynamics to brain networks
Current position: Data Scientist at Nextbit
Research topic: Mobile Robotics in Unknown Environments: Towards Full Autonomy
Current position: Post-doctoral research fellow at UniPD
Daniel Cunico - 2018-21 XXXIV Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering in collaboration with BFT)
Research topic:Estimation and control methodologies for access automation systems
Current position: Advanced Development Engineer at BFT
Luca Varotto - 2018-21 XXXIV Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Probabilistic Active Sensing in Multi-Sensor Applications
Current position: Automation Engineer at Terna
Riccardo Fantinel - 2017-20 XXXIII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering in collaboration with CMZ)
Research topic: Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques for industrial inspection applications
Current position: Control System and Machine Learning Engineer Consultant at Akronos Technologies
Marco Fabris - 2016-19 XXXII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Distributed Optimization Strategies for Mobile Multi-Agent Systems
Current position: Fixed term RTD-A researcher at UniPD
Chiara Favaretto - 2014-17 XXX Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Population models for complex non-linear phenomena in biology: from mitochondrial dynamics to brain networks
Current position: Data Scientist at Nextbit
Giulia Michieletto - 2014-17 XXX Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Multi-Agent Systems in Smart Environments - from sensor networks to aerial platform formations
Current position: Fixed term RTD-A researcher at UniPD
Research topic: Multi-Agent Systems in Smart Environments - from sensor networks to aerial platform formations
Current position: Fixed term RTD-A researcher at UniPD
Filippo Zanella - 2009-12 XXV Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: A Consensus Approach to Distributed Convex Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems
Current position: Director of Integrations at ForceManager - Founder of Sellf
Research topic: A Consensus Approach to Distributed Convex Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems
Current position: Director of Integrations at ForceManager - Founder of Sellf
Alberto Silletti - 2006-09 XXII Ciclo (PhD in Information Engineering)
Research topic: Dynamic shape detection and analysis of deformable structures in biomedical imaging
Current Position: Founder of Uqido
Research topic: Dynamic shape detection and analysis of deformable structures in biomedical imaging
Current Position: Founder of Uqido
* Valentina Giorgetti (CSE) - Visual servoing and trajectory control for a vehicle-mounted robotic arm
* Daniele Pio Colletti (CSE) - Visual servoing and trajectory control for a vehicle-mounted robotic arm
* Alessio Danieli (CSE) - Architecture and control design of a legged quadrotor for landing on sloped surfaces* Simone Montecchio (CSE) - Study and development of a reliable fiducials-based localization system for multicopter UAVs flying indoor
* Nicolas Viezzer (CSE) - Modeling, control design, and implementation of a coplanar quadrotor
* Federico Ciresola (CSE) - Bearing-only Formation Control of multiple UAVs with an NMPC approach: architectures and methodologies (with Prof. Fantoni at LS2N - Nantes - France)
* Nicola Cigarini (CSE) - Autonomous navigation in unstructured environments using an arm-mounted camera for target localization
* Luigi Laratta (CSE) - Computer Vision-Based Robotics for the Automation: Simulation and Control of a Robotic Arm in the Automotive Field (in collaboration with Reply)* Alvise Nicolò Marin (CSE) - Adaptive LbNMPC Strategies for Quadrotor Control
* Sara Callegari (CSE) - Hybrid dynamical
control and estimation systems for dynamics evolving on the
3-dimensional sphere: distributed calibration (with Prof.
Zaccarian at LAAS-CNRS - Nantes - France)
* Giacomo De Lazzari (CSE) - A stochastic hybrid control law for a localization task based on active sensing
Sara Gomiero (CSE) - Sampling-based
Synthesis of Controllers for Multiple Agents under Signal Temporal Logic
Specifications (with Prof. Dimarogonas at KTH, Stokholm - Sweden)
- Monika Pasquali (CSE) - Modeling and differential flatness based control for a convertible aircraft (with Prof. Arimitoaie at University of Bordeaux - France)
- Marco Concetto Bonazza (CSE) - Validation of robotic navigation strategies in unstructured environments: from autonomous to reactive
- Giorgia Masin (CSE) - Validation of robotic navigation strategies in unstructured environments: from autonomous to reactive
- Marco Geremia (CSE) - Rigidity theory in presence of noise for localization and control of multiagent systems
- Gioel Adriano Maria Vencato (CSE) - Extended Kalman Filter Estimation of Human Arm Configuration (with Prof. De Cos at KTH, Stokholm - Sweden)
- Daniele Barnabò (IAM) - Adaptive non-Linear Model Predictive Control for UAV-UGV Coordination
- Marco Perin (CSE) - Force-Moment decoupled actuation property analysis for a Generically Tilted Multirotor platform
- Riccardo Lorigiola (CSE) - Nonlinear model predictive control optimization for autonomous mobile robots
- Elena Ferrari (CSE) - Heterogeneous robots: Model Predictive Control for bearing-only formation and tracking (with Prof. Isabelle Fantoni at LS2N - Nantes)
- Gloria Cecchetto (CSE) - The new design for Automated Guided Vehicles: from laser triangulation to natural navigation (in collaboration with SkilledGroup - https://www.skilledgroup.com/)
- Luca Bin (CSE) - Methodologies for the optimization of the pallet loading problem (in collaboration with SkilledGroup - https://www.skilledgroup.com/)
- Emma Romagnoli (CSE) - Hydromechanical steering and trasmission system for AGV's in the primary aluminium industry (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Lorenzo Pasini (CSE) - Visual inertial SLAM dense mapping for indoor autonomous navigation (with Prof. Hendrickx at UC Luovain)
- Jacopo Andreoli (CSE) - Lidar-based scale recovery dense SLAM for UAV navigation (with Prof. Hendrickx at UC Luovain)
- Nicola Pasqualetto (CSE) - Navigation, Control and Actuation Optimization of an Underwater Multirotor Vehicle (in collaboration with Saipem - https://www.saipem.com)
- Catalin Bogdan Bran (CSE) - Modeling and control of the robotic arm equipping an AGV feeder in the primary aluminum industry (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Leonardo Gastaldello (IAM) - Development of a Driving Control Strategy for AGVs in the Primary Aluminium Industry (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Marco Davide Bellinazzi (IAM) - Water distribution network control via adaptive consensus
- Mattia Giacomello (IAM) - Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Industrial Applications (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Francesko Hyso (IAM) - Formation control and heterogeneous aerial-ground vehicle coordination
- Eleonora Bordin (IAM) - Water Channel Network identification, estimation and control
- Giovanni Fregonese (IAM) - Cubesat operation control and validation tools
- Michele Frigo (IAM) - Water Channel Network identification, estimation and control
- Alessandro Viaggi (IAM) - Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Industrial Applications (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Alvise Rossi (IAM) - Consensus-based allocation of quotas: general purpose methods and applications
- Badr Elaamery (IAM) - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for aerial bearing formation and heterogeneous aerial-ground vehicle coordination
- Elena Belei (IAM) - Nonlinear modeling and feedback control of swing gate automation (in collaboration with BFT - https://www.bft-automation.com/)
- Teresa Aldovini (IAM) - Model Predictive Control for a self-guided vehicle in Automated Truck Loading operations (in collaboration with SkilledGroup - https://www.skilledgroup.com/)
- Davide Barbieri (IAM) - Optimization techniques for a gantry robot: Shortest Path Problem (in collaboration with SkilledGroup - https://www.skilledgroup.com/)
- Jacopo Giordano (IAM) - Modeling and control of a satellite-mounted space manipulator
- Giulia Barin (IAM) - Modelling, planning and control of a 2DOFs pick & place robot (in collaboration with Kronn - www.kronn.it)
- Lorenzo Bevilacqua (IAM) - Motion planning and development of a 3 DOFs pick and place robot for sandwich panel lines (in collaboration with Kronn - www.kronn.it)
- Pietro Iob (IAM) - Search and cooperative coverage algorithms using UAVs network
- Francesca Crescente (IAM) - Motion Planning and Control in Obstacle Cluttered Environments under Velocity and Timed Temporal Tasks (with prof. Dimos Dimarogonas at KTH, Stokholm - Sweden)
- Luca Stefan (IAM) ~ UGVs for industrial applications (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Enrico Cecchetto (IAM) ~ UGVs for industrial applications (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Tommaso Benciolini (IAM) - Model-based distributed strategies for detection and isolation of covert cyber-attacks in networked systems (with prof. Thomas Parisini at IC - London)
- Michele Franzan (IAM) - Hovering Control and Robustness Analysis of Octorotor Aerial Platforms
- Claudio Vianello (IAM) - MPC Approach for AGVs Driving in the Primary Aluminum Industry (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Bleron Preniqi (IAM) -Non-Linear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Docking of CubeSats
- Andrea Favrin (IAM) - Learning to falsify self-driving vehicles functions with prior knowledge (in collaboration with BMW - Munich)
- Matteo Giacomazzo (IAM) - Indoor and outdoor localization for agvs in the primary aluminum industry (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Beniamino Pozzan (IAM) - Bearing Rigidity Theory: characterization and control of mixed formations and localization
- Alessandro Colotti (IAM) - Analysis of configurations of multi-agent systems controlled with a D-formation algorithm (with Sebastien Briot - Isabelle Fantoni at LS2N - Nantes)
- Matteo Boscarato (IAM) - Development of Path Planning Algorithms for AGVs in the Primary Aluminium Industry (in collaboration with Techmo - https://www.techmo.com)
- Andrea Fabris (IAM) - Map Validation for Autonomus Driving Systems (in collaboration with BMW - Munich)
- Marta Galvan (IAM) - Computer vision and robotics (with prof. Alberto Sanfeliu at UPC, Barcelona - Spain)
- Alessandra Scianatico (IAM) - Development and implementation of quadrotor control system in a Simulink-ROS integrated framework
- Fabio Zorzetto (IAM) - Embedded real-time data analytics for human-machine interaction in Industry 4.0 applications (with prof.M. Walsh at Tyndall, Cork - Ireland)
- Silvio Cardo (IAM) - Distributed optimization of formation and transmission power in CubeSat constellations for information flow enhancement (with prof.Zeilinger/dr.Carron at ETH, Zurich - Switzerland)
- Alberto Franco (IAM) - Local Path Planning with Moving Obstacle Avoidance based on Adaptive MPC in ATLASCAR2 (with prof. Vitor Santos at University of Aveiro - Portugal)
- Nicola Lissandrini (IAM) - Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Aerial-Ground Cooperative Robotics (with prof. Dimos Dimarogonas at KTH, Stokholm - Sweden)
- Marco Marsella (IAM) - Multi-UAV formation control for UGV containment and path following
- Matteo Artuso (IAM) - Project to detect cable's defects using different algorithms from deterministic to ML techniques (in collaboration with WTM - http://www.wtmachinery.com)
- Matteo Bertoia (IAM) - Integration of Matlab/Simulinkand ROS frameworks for simu- lated experiments in the MAG2ICFlying Arena
- Kruthi Hindupur Vasanthamadhava (---) - Collaborative Vision-based Estimation algorithms for planning rendezvous maneuvers in a multi-spacecraft debris removal mission (in collaboration with Lulea University of Technology, Lulea - Sweden)
- Alessandra Zampieri (IAM) - Modeling and Control techniques for Smart Street Lighting Systems
- Luca Varotto (IAM) - Distributed Localization of Visual Sensor Networks based on Quaternions and Dual Quaternions
- Aliocha Blaise (---) - NMPC control of quadrotor platforms (in collaboration with ECAM - Bruxelles)
- Elisa Feltre (IAM) - Process/Sensor Fault Detection, Isolation and Mitigation in HVAC Systems (with prof. Thomas Parisini at Imperial College, London - UK)
- Matteo Vitturi (IAM) - PACMAN: Position and Attitude Control with MAgnetic Navigation for cubesats. An experiment under the ESA - Fly Your Thesis program
Niccolò Normani (IAM) - A Machine Learning Approach for Gesture Classification with a Lensless Smart Sensor System (in collaboration with Tyndall)
Guido Occioni (IAM) - A Nonlinear Model for Multi-agent Formations: Equilibria and Convergence Analysis
Matteo Salbego (IAM) - Estimation and control techniques for multirotor uavs: design and experimental validation (with prof. Telmo Cunha, University of Aveiro, PT)
Francesca Minchio (IAM) -Opinion and behavior dynamics in fruit-fly populations
Marta Pasquetti (IAM) - Bearing Rigidity Theory for Formation Control of UAVs
- Andrea Esposito (IAM) - Controllo Accessi Basato sul Riconoscimento della Targa: Analisi della Dinamica per il Controllo della Barriera Veicolare
- Riccardo Fantinel (IAM) - Controllo d’Accessi Basato su Riconoscimento Targa e Selezione della Telecamera Ottima
- Matteo Nicoletto (IAM) - Sistema di visione e tecniche di controllo visivo per una macchina rimagliatrice
- Alberto Morato (IAM) - Modeling, control system design and testing of a hydroelectric power plant (in collaboration with ZECO)
- Redona Reci (IAM) - Distributed Clustering-based Sensor Fault Diagnosis for HVAC Systems (with prof. Thomas Parisini at Imperial College, London - UK)
- Marco Fabris (IAM) - Strategies for coverage and focus on event for robotic swarms with limited sensing capabilities
- Davide Bosello (IAM) - Controllo di un quadrottero: identificazione del modello, path planning, docking
- Gianluca Giorgini (IAM) - Visual Guidance and Tracking for a UAV System
- Alessia Cocco (IAM) - SO(2) Rotation Estimation in Camera Networks
- Riccardo Zanella (IAM) - Design, Implementation and Test of Decoupled Controllers for Mobile Manipulation with Aerial Robots (with prof. Dimos Dimarogonas KTH, Stockholm - Sweden)
- Luca Minetto (IAM) - Machine Learning approach to sport activity recognition from inertial data
- Marco Bergamin (IAM) - Indoor localization using visual information and passive landmarks (in collaboration with prof. V.Santos - University of Aveiro)
- Francesco Favaretto (IAM) - Studio del comportamento di uno stormo multiagente soggetto a potenziale di Morse
- Giuseppe Belgioioso (IAM) - Strategie di partizionamento distribuite per il pattugliamento di un perimetro con una rete di videocamere
- Andrea Coglievina (IAM) - Controllo di un quadricottero per il trasporto di carichi ignoti
- Marco Rossi (IAM) - Personal Lighting Control with Occupancy and Daylight Adaptation (in collaboration with Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
- Francesco Motterle (IMC) - Pattugliamento distribuito in una rete di videocamere intelligenti
- Massimo Fagherazzi (IAM) - Model reduction techniques for large scale nuclear fusion devices
- Mattia Sessolo (IAM) - Identificazione di sistemi termodinamici di edifici a partire da misure ottenute da una rete di sensori
- Giulia Michieletto (IAM) - Distributed localization of a Camera Network in SE(3)
- Gianluca Bianchin (IAM) - Coordinated control of mixed robot and sensor networks in distributed area exploration
- Alessandro Rizzato (IMC) - Coordinazione di uno stormo di agenti autonomi self-propelled controllati da un potenziale di Morse
- Mirko Fabbro (IAM) - Task Assignment distribuito su rete multi-agente via Constraint Consensus
- Francesco Carbone (IF) - Coadvised with C.Pizzi - Ricerca di anomalie su serie temporali di temperature basata su rappresentazione simbolica
- Marco Michielan (IAM) - Traffic modeling and control in industrial and home automation networks
- Alessandro Tessaro - Controllo di plasma in macchine RFP da fusione termonucleare
- Camilla Corfini (IAM) - Analisi di forma e movimento di cellule in strutture reticolari
- Alessio Guzzonato (IMC) - Modelli filamentari di plasma per codice iterativo di ricostruzione del boundary in macchine da fusione
- Alessandro Ramello (IMC) - Asservimento visivo in unità di posizionamento pan-tilt-zoom stabilizzate inerzialmente mediante utilizzo di sensori MEMS
- Andrea Lanzini (IAM) - Reti di sensori per il monitoraggio del fronte di avanzamento in eventi franosi
- Enrico Zambon (IMC) - Compensazione delle vibrazioni in brandeggi per telecamere mediante misure da accelerometro e giroscopio (in Italian)
- Pierangelo Merlo (IAM) - Plasma boundary reconstruction and shape control of tokamak discharges in RFX-MOD (in collaboration with Consorzio RFX) - Prize for the best thesis in fusion physics and engineering
- Nicholas Felicini (IF) - Design, implementation and analysis of a distributed 3D reconstruction algorithm for marker-based motion capture (in collaboration with Vicon)
- Mattia Schiesaro (IMC) - Analisi di prestazione di un brandeggio per applicazioni di videosorveglianza (in Italian) (in collaboration with Videotec)
- Matteo Munaro (IAM) - Individuazione di persone in applicazioni di videosorveglianza (in Italian) (in collaboration with prof. P.Perona - Caltech and Videotec)
- Riccardo Mazzon (IF) - Multiocular real-time structure from motion (in collaboration with prof. P.Favaro - Heriot Watt)
- Filippo Zanella (IAM) - Localizzazione e tracking multioggetto per reti di sensori wireless (in Italian)
- Davide Casarotto (IF) - Sistema di event detection per campi fotovoltaici - Motion detection (in Italian)
- Stefano De Marchi (IF) - Sistema di event detection per campi fotovoltaici - Riconoscimento pannelli (in Italian)
- Alessandro Marcassa (IAM) - Localizzazione e tracking con rete di sensori wireless (in Italian)
* Nicola Lissandrini - Research topic: Perception and decision at the edge for robotic reactive navigation
* Riccardo Lorigiola - Research topic: Advanced model-based methods for control of high-performance robotics scenarios
* Mahdi Mseddi - Research topic: Deep learning methods for industrial machine vision in the fields of agrifood and manufacturing
* Riccardo Lorigiola - Research topic: Advanced model-based methods for control of high-performance robotics scenarios
* Mahdi Mseddi - Research topic: Deep learning methods for industrial machine vision in the fields of agrifood and manufacturing
- Alberto Miorin - Research topic: Advanced methods for industrial hyperautomation with focus on process feedback for the biomedical industry
- Marco Fabris - Research topic: Water-channel network modeling, estimation, and control
- Badr Elaamery - Research topic: Aerial-Ground vehicle coordination for formation control and landing
- Pietro Iob - Research topic: Development of anumerical simulator of proximity dynamics between autonomous satellite and orbital debris
- Stefano Toigo - Research topic: Advanced automation techniques based on deep learning, machine vision and robotics
- Beniamino Pozzan - Research topic: Cooperative algorithms for Autonomous Ground and Aerial Vehicles
- Claudio VIanello - Research topic: Control algorithms for Autonomous Guided Vehicle in industrial environment
- Nicola Lissandrini - Research topic: Development of a ROS/Gazebo framework for the simulation and design of aerial and ground autonomous vehicles
- Michele Frodella - Research topic: OPC-UA implementation on embedded hardware for industrial applications
- Alessandra Zampieri - Research topic: Smart lighting modeling and control
- Federico Tramarin - Research topic: Industrial Communication Networks and IIOT - RTDa at DTG-University of Padova
- Chiara Favaretto - Research topic: Brain networks modeling
- Andrea Antonello - Research topic: UAVs real time control and visual guidance - Engineer at Automata
- Alberto Morato - Research topic: Safety and security issues in networked industrial drives for the IIOT
- Francesca Minchio - Research topic: Social dynamics in Drosophila populations: behavior analysis and modeling
- Marta Pasquetti - Research topic: Rigidity theory in multiagent systems for formation estimation and control - Engineer at Amminex
- Davide Bosello - Research topic: UAVs real time control and environment mapping - Software Engineer at Magneti Marelli
- Gianluca Giorgini - Research topic: Visual guidance and real time control of UAV systems - Telemetry Engineer at Aprilia Racing
- Giuseppe Belgioioso - Research topic: Modeling/Process control
- Matteo Bonotto - Research topic: Modelling for large scale EM devices
- Gianluca Bianchin -
- Andrea Masiero - Research topic: Camera networks
- Marco Michielan - Research topic: Smart Cities applications
- Nicholas Felicini - Research topic: Camera networks
- Filippo Zanella - Research topic: Sensor networks - Founder and Manager at Sellf
- Alberto Silletti - Research topic: Biological imaging - Founder and Manager at Uqido
- Fabio Maran - Research topic: Sensor/camera networks - Engineer at Aprilia
- Riccardo Marcon - Research topic: Sensor/camera networks
- Riccardo Mazzon - Research manager at Queen Mary, University of London