Angelo Cenedese received the M.S. in Electronic Engineering (1999) and the Ph.D. in Energy Science (2004) degrees from the University of Padova, Italy.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Information Engineering, member of the HIT - Human Inspired Technologies Research Centre and of the CRF - Center for Research on Fusion of the same University, and he is also Research Associate of the CNR-IEIIT.
He is founder and leader of the research group SPARCS (SPace Aerial and gRound Control Systems) and responsible of the SPARCS Laboratory with flying arena and of the NAVLAB Industrial Application laboratory, at the Dept. of Information Engineering.
He is the Technology Transfer Responsible for the Department of Information Engineering.
He is Senior Member of the IEEE.
He has held several visiting positions at international Universities and Research Centers: the UKAEA-JET laboratories in the Culham Research Centre, Abingdon, UK (2002-04), the JAERI Institute, Naka, Japan (2000) and General Atomics, San Diego, CA (2004), the Vision Lab of UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (2010), the Fusion for Energy (F4E) European Agency, Spain (2014).
He has been involved and he is currently involved in several projects on distributed systems for monitoring and localization (sensor/actor and camera networks), control of complex systems (adaptive optics systems, fusion devices), multi-agent systems, robotic and autonomous vehicle networks, funded by European and Italian government institutions and industries, with different roles of participant and/or principal investigator.
His research interests include system modeling, control theory and its applications, sensor and actuator networks, mobile robotics, multi-agent systems.
On these subjects, he has published more than 180 papers and holds three patents in the area of sensor/actor networks and video surveillance.