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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of year 2010
N. Bou-Rabee, G. Ortolan, A. Saccon. A counterexample showing the semi-explicit Lie-Newmark algorithm is not variational. 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Saccon, J. Hauser, A. Beghi. A dynamic inversion approach to motorcycle trajectory exploration. Proceedings of the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics Symposium BMD2010, 2010 [BibTeX]
F.P. Carli, A. Ferrante, M. Pavon, G. Picci. A Maximum Entropy Approach to the Covariance Extension Problem for Reciprocal Processes. Proc. of Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, M. Bertinato, L. Cecchinato, M. Rampazzo. A multi-phase genetic algorithm for the efficient management of multi-chiller systems. Proceedings of 10th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2010, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. De nicolao. A new kernel-based approach for linear system identification. Automatica, vol. 46(1), pp. 81-93, 2010 [BibTeX]
E. Lovisari, U.T. Jönsson. A Nyquist criterion for synchronization in networks of heterogeneous linear systems. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Necsys'10, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
E. Lovisari, F. Garin, S. Zampieri. A resistance-based approach to consensus algorithm performance analysis. MTNS 2010, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
E. Lovisari, F. Garin, S. Zampieri. A resistance-based approach to performance analysis of the consensus algorithm. Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2010, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
S.H. Dandach, R. Carli, F. Bullo. Accuracy and Decision Time for a Class of Sequential Decision Aggregation Rules. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 4777-4782, 2010 [BibTeX]
S.H. Dandach, R. Carli, F. Bullo. Accuracy and Decision Time for decentralized Implementations of the Sequential Probability Ratio Test. IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Como, F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Anytime reliable transmission of continuous information through digital noisy channels. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 48(6), pp. 3903--3924, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, M. Pavon, M. Zorzi. Application of a global inverse function theorem of Byrnes and Lindquist to a multivariable moment problem with complexity constraint. Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences, pp. 153-167, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, F. Dinuzzo, G. De nicolao. Bayesian on-line multi-task learning of Gaussian processes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32(2), pp. 193-205, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
T. Ko, S. Soatto, D. Estrin, A. Cenedese. Cataloging Birds in Their Natural Habitat. Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB2010), International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
S. Bolognani, S. Del Favero, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo. Consensus-based distributed sensor calibration and least-square parameter identification in WSNs. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 20(2), 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G.A. Susto, M. Krstic. Control of PDE-ODE cascades with Neumann interconnections. Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 347 Dynamics and Control(1), pp. 284 - 314, 2010 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
A. Cenedese, F. Cerruti, M. Fabbro, C. Masiero, L. Schenato. Decentralized Task Assignment in Camera Networks. Conference on Decision and Control (CDC10), pp. --, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed consensus-based Bayesian estimation: sufficient conditions for performance characterization. 2010 American Control Conference, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
F. Pasqualetti, R. Carli, A. Bicchi, F. Bullo. Distributed estimation and detection under local information. In proceedings of IFAC Worshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems Necsys, pp. 263--268, 2010 [BibTeX]
M. Baseggio, A. Cenedese, P. Merlo, M. Pozzi, L. Schenato. Distributed perimeter patrolling and tracking for camera networks. Conference on Decision and Control (CDC10), pp. --, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
S. Bolognani, S. Zampieri. Distributed Quasi-Newton Method and its Application to the Optimal Reactive Power Flow Problem. Proceedings of NECSYS 2010, 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato. Distributed statistical estimation of the number of nodes in Sensor Networks. Conference on Decision and Control CDC10, 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, R. Muradore, E. Marchetti. Dynamic Calibration of Adaptive Optics Systems: A System Identification Approach. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 3(18), pp. 705 -- 713, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Caumo, C. Cobelli. Dynamic index of insulin sensitivity: importance in diabetes. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 298(3), pp. E440-E448, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Gamba, L. Seno, S. Vitturi. Effects of elaboration delays on the polling time of IEEE 802.11 networks for industrial applications. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010 [BibTeX]
S. Bolognani, F. Gambato, M. Rampazzo, A. Beghi. Efficient Conditioning of Energy in AFE-Based Distributed GenerationUnits. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of 2010 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, pp. 1910--1915, 2010 [BibTeX]
S. Bolognani, F. Ticozzi. Engineering Stable Discrete-Time Quantum Dynamics via a Canonical QR Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 55(12), pp. 2721--2734, 2010 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
G. Gennari, G. Raccanelli, R. Frezza, E. Campana, A. Cenedese. EP1908016 - EVENT DETECTION METHOD AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM USING SAID METHOD. B1 Patent specification (23.06.2010), 2010 [url] [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, A. Cenedese, A. Masiero. Estimating turbulent phase characteristics in MCAO systems. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010 [BibTeX]
F. Gambato, M. Rampazzo. Generazione distribuita: efficiente condizionamento della potenza scambiata. Aeit, (4), pp. 44-'53, 2010 [BibTeX]
R. Carli, P. Frasca, F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Gossip consensus algorithms via quantized communication. Automatica, vol. 46, pp. 70-80, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
F. Pasqualetti, R. Carli, A. Bicchi, F. Bullo. Identifying cyber attacks under local model information. In proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1855--1860, 2010 [BibTeX]
F.P. Carli, A. Ferrante, M. Pavon, G. Picci. A Maximum Entropy solution of the Covariance Selection Problem for Reciprocal Processes. in X. Hu, U. Jonsson, B. Wahlberg, and B. Ghosh (Eds.) Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences. pp. 77-93, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Learning sparse dynamic linear systems using stable spline kernels and exponential hyperpriors. Proc. of NIPS 2010, accepted, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, L. Cecchinato, M. Rampazzo, F. Simmini. Load forecasting for the efficient energy management of HVAC systems. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies ICSET'10, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Cenedese, G. Ortolan, M. Bertinato. Low Density Wireless Sensors Networks for Localization and Tracking in Critical Environments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59(6), pp. 2951--2962, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
R. Carli, S. Zampieri. Networked clock synchronization based on second order linear consensus algorithms. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Pillonetto. Nonparametric sparse estimators for identification of large scale linear systems. Proc. of 2010 IEEE CDC, 2010 [BibTeX]
F. Ticozzi, S. Bolognani. On a canonical QR decomposition and feedback control of discrete-time quantum dynamics. Proceedings of MTNS 2010, 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
F.P. Carli, G. Picci. On the Factorization Approach to Band Extension of Block-Circulant Matrices. Proc. of Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso. On the asymptotic properties of closed loop CCA-type Subspace Algorithms: equivalence results and choice of the future horizon. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 3(55), pp. 634 - 649, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Cenedese, R. Ghirardello, R. Guiotto, F. Paggiaro, L. Schenato. On the Graph Building Problem in Camera Networks. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (Necsys'10), pp. 299--304, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
F.P. Carli, T.T. Georgiou. On the Maximum Entropy Completion of Circulant Covariance Matrices. Proc. of Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Cena, L. Seno, A. Valenzano, C. Zunino. On the Performance of IEEE 802.11e Wireless Infrastructures for Soft-Real-Time Industrial Application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 6(3), pp. 425-437, 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
L. Ntogramatzidis, A. Ferrante. On the solution of the Riccati differential equation arising from the LQ optimal control problem. Systems & Control Letters, vol. 59, pp. 114-121, 2010 [url] [BibTeX]
F. Ramponi, A. Ferrante, M. Pavon. On the well-posedness of multivariate spectrum approximation and convergence of high-resolution spectral estimators. Systems & Control Letters, vol. 59, pp. 167-172, 2010 [url] [BibTeX]
E. Bitar, A. Giani, R. Rajagopal, D. Varagnolo, P. Khargonekar, K. Poolla, V. Pravin. Optimal Contracts for Wind Power Producers in Electricity Markets. Conference on Decision and Control CDC10, 2010 [ abstract ] [BibTeX]
J.W. Durham, R. Carli, F. Bullo. Pairwise optimal coverage control for robotic networks in discretized environments. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 7286-7291, 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Gamba, L. Seno, S. Vitturi. Performance indicators for wireless industrial communication networks. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 2010 [BibTeX]
E. Lovisari, S. Zampieri. Performance metrics in the consensus problem: a Survey. 4th IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
S. Bolognani, F. Ticozzi. Pure state stabilization with discrete-time quantum feedback. Proceedings of ISCCSP'10, 2010 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
R. Carli, F. Bullo, S. Zampieri. Quantized Average Consensus via Dynamic Coding/Decoding Schemes. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 20, pp. 156--175, 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, H. Wimmer. Reachability Matrices and Cyclic Matrices. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, vol. 20, pp. 95-102, 2010 [url] [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso, G. De nicolao. Regularized estimation of sums of exponentials in spaces generated by stable spline kernels. ACC 2010, 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, F. Fagnani, L. Schenato, S. Zampieri. Simultaneous distributed estimation and classification in sensor networks. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys'10) (to appear), 2010 [pdf] [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, R. Muradore, E. Aller-Carpentier. Sparse Calibration of an Extreme Adaptive Optics System. IEEE CDC 2010 [accepted], 2010 [BibTeX]
G. Gamba, L. Seno, S. Vitturi. Theoretical and experimental evaluation of polling times for wireless industrial networks using commercially available components. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, M. Pavon, M. Zorzi. Application of a global inverse function theorem of Byrnes and Lindquist to a multivariable moment problem with complexity constraint. Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences. pp. 285--297, 2010 [BibTeX]
D. Sharma, D.M. Tilbury, L. Seno. Time-domain input-output transient performance validation for modular control systems method and examples. Proceedings of the 3rd ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2010 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, L. Cecchinato, G. Cosi, M. Rampazzo. Two-Layer Control of Multi-Chiller Systems. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of 2010 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, pp. 1892--1897, 2010 [BibTeX]