
Finding accommodation in Venice in September can be difficult since it is considered high-season, therefore we strongly recommend that you find a room well in advance.

We reserved a limited number of rooms in some hotels nearby. IMPORTANT: Prices are not guaranteed after the reservation deadline indicated in the table below (10 or 30 June).

We cannot guarantee availability for rooms, which will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.
Also we decline any responsibility in the reservation process which is fully handled by the hotels. Any inquiry, complain or concern should be directed to the hotels.


Walking Distance Rooms reserved till
(EURO per night)
Reservation Form
(to be faxed or sent by email, fax/email are in the forms)
Single Double Triple
Don Orione (workshop venue) 0 min 30 June 84 140 180 WordPDF no wireless
Domus Ciliota 10 min 30 June 80 130 not available WordPDF  no wireless

Istituto Canossiane

(room photos at Accoglienza-->Le stanze)

7 min 10 June 68 105 not available WordPDF

Curfew from 1am to 6am

Breakfast not included

no wireless

no air conditiong


List of additional hotels:

Here are some links where you can find list of hotels in Venice and reservation. We have no selected list of Workshop hotels except for those listed above. Hotels prices in Venice can vary considerably, even within the same hotel since rooms can have different features and sizes, so we reccommend you ask for room details when booking.  Here is the link to the Italian WhitePages for a list of hotels close to the conference venue. For on-line booking and reservation here are some links: , ,,, (this is just a limited list). 

Another option is to look for B&B. They can be cheaper than traditional hotels but quality can vary even more, so once again please ask for detailed room information before booking.


Room sharing:

We have created a public spreadsheet on Google Docs where participants who want to find somebody to share a double or triple room, can post their names and emails. Note that we (Workshop Organizers) will not do any room reservation, but we simply provide a place where partecipants can place their preferences.





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