Workshop NecSys 2009
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1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'09)
* SATELLITE EVENT: FeedNetBack Workshop (23 September)
* Lat minute Program Change: Invited Speaker Azu Ozdaglar substituted by Girish Nair (see Invited Speakers link)
IMPORTANT DATES * Paper Registration (title+abs) due: * Full paper due: * Notification of acceptance: * Final version due: |
Networked systems are complex dynamical systems composed of a large number of simple systems interacting through a communication medium. These systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering and sciences, such as sensor networks, autonomous unmanned vehicles, biological networks, and animal cooperative aggregation and flocking.
There are two features that are common to all these systems: first, they deal with complex dynamics; second designing globally optimal behavior for these systems requires the solution of large-scale optimization problems, which typically necessitate a prohibitive amount of computational effort. Desirable features of the operation of these systems include robustness to uncertainties and disturbances, and adaptability to environmental changes.
The workshop will focus on the most innovative mathematical methods proposed in the last few years for the analysis and design of networked systems.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from control, computer science, communication, game theory, statistics, mathematics and other areas to discuss emerging topics in networked systems of common interest.
* Coordinated control and estimation over networks.
* Consensus problems.
* Multivehicle systems, flocking.
* Control with communication constraints (quantization effects).
* Decentralized algorithms for computation over sensor networks.
* Randomized algorithms, gossip algorithms.
* Message passing algorithms. Belief propagation.
* Graph models for networks. Percolation. Network coding.
* Distributed and decentralized signal processing
* Decentralized and cooperative optimization
* Distributed and decentralized signal processing
The workshop will be single track and will consist of two days of research presentations (24-25 Sep.) and one day of tutorials (26 Sep.).
The research presentations will be 10 invited talks by international experts and 4 interactive sessions of contributed papers (2 per day). The poster/interactive sections will not be in parallel with invited talks.
This untraditional choice of oral presentation only for the invited speakers and interactive presentations for all contributed papers, is motivated by the interdisciplinary topics of this workshop. In fact, the invited oral presentations will be of tutorial nature while the contributed papers will be organized in interactive poster sessions with limited number of contributions and with ample reserved time slots, thus hopefully stimulating discussions and promoting ideas exchanges.
The tutorial day will consist of 3 double lectures surveying the most recent results related to the conference topics, specifically tailored to PhD students and scholars interested in an introduction to the area of networked systems. The workshop will be hosted in an environment suitable for research interactions and spontaneous discussions.
IFAC (main sponsor)
IEEE Control System Society (technical co-sponsor)
Dept. of Information Engineering, Univ. of Padova (technical co-sponsor)
Cultural Center "Don Orione Artigianelli"