Tutorial Day

Minicourse on

"Networked Control Systems subject to packet loss and random delay:

state of the art, main results and future directions"



Fabio Fagnani, University of Turin

Tutorial Day Chair


Bruno Sinopoli, Carnegie Mellon University

Minicourse Organizer and Lecturer

Luca Schenato, University of Padova



Date: 26 September 2009

Schedule: 3 lectures of 1.5 hours (from 9am to 3:30pm)

Abstract: The goal of this tutorial is to present a comprehensive overview of known results and mathematical tools recently developed for analyzing and designing networked control systems subject to packet losses and communication delays. The main focus of this tutorial is on the theoretical aspects of this area. The tutorial is primarily intended to students and young researchers since no specific expertise in this area is expected except for some basic control theory tools like Kalman filtering and LQ control.  However, the last part of the tutorial will be devoted to open questions and current research directions which can be of interest to a wider audience.  The  tutorial will be devised into three main parts:

  1. Motivations, mathematical definitions and problems formulation, state-of-the-art (Bruno Sinopoli) (SLIDES: please contact B. Sinopoli)
  2. Main theoretical results for centralized estimation and control: extension of Kalman filtering to packet loss and delay, separation principle, stability conditions, smart sensors, TCP vs UDP communication, LQ control, receding horizon control. (Luca Schenato) (SLIDES: Part II
  3. Future directions: distributed sensors, controllers and actuators, trade-offs between sensing rate and communication rate (Bruno Sinopoli) (SLIDES: please contact B. Sinopoli)