

Participants are expected to fill in and submit the online Workshop Registration Form. UE citizens are requested to fill in also the field tax identification number (or tax payer code, or national insurance number, or social security number).
Please insert the ID number of the papers your are going to upload into the field "Title" appearing in the Registration Form.

Paper upload will be enabled manually, therefore allow up to 24h after reception of payment. You will be notified by email when you can upload your paper.


Registration Rates:


Early registration

(15 July 2009)

Late registration


Paper Upload

Workshop banquet

Lunches, wireless access, coffee breaks

Extra banquet

Regular rate €440 €530 Allowed (up to 2) Included Included €55
Student rate €245 €330 Not Allowed Not Included Included €55


Student Rate includes participation to the Workshop and to the Tutorial, coffee breaks, wireless access, and three lunches.
Regular Rate includes participation to the Workshop and to the Tutorial, coffee breaks, wireless access, three lunches, the banquet dinner, and the option to register up to 2 papers. 
At least one of the authors of each paper must be registred with "Regular Rate" to appear in the Workshop Proceedings.

Payment methods

While filling in the registration form you will be asked to choose between two ways of payment:

Credit Card (only Visa or Mastercard):
BEWARE for completion of your registration you must proceed immediately with payment.
After transaction completion, you will receive two emails, one from the University ( for successful registration and one from the Bank (PaymentGateway at for successful payment.
Bank Transfer to the following account:
Account: Università di Padova - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Bank: Antonveneta gruppo Montepaschi, via VIII Febbraio, 62 – 35122 PADOVA (Italy)
IBAN: IT94J0504012134000001011474
Description: Necsys 2009 - your Name Surname & Organization
After registration completion, you will receive an email from the University ( for successful registration, please proceed as soon as possible to the bank transfer.
After reception of payment, you will receive an email from Necsys'09 ( for successful payment.
Important: Payment must be received before the Early Registration date (15 July) to have Early Registration Rate and to be allowed to upload your papers, therefore if you choose bank transfer please remember that it often requires several days to appear on Necsys bank account.
On-site Registration: For administrative reasons the on-site registration is allowed only through Credit Card payment.


Registration/Cancelation Policy/Force Majeure Policy:

Refunds: If an author has uploaded a paper using his/her registration, the registration will not be refunded, even if the paper is withdrawn. Those who pre-register and later find they cannot attend the workshop may request a refund of the advance registration fee(s).

  • Requests before July 15, 2009: For requests received before the Advance Registration deadline (July 15, 2009), 80% of the fee will be refunded.
  • Requests between July 15 and August 23, 2009: For requests received between July 15 and August 23, 2008, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
  • Requests after August 23, 2009: There will be no refunds for requests received after August 23, 2009.
Force Majeure: Unexpected cancellation of the event. The IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control reserves itself the right to cancel without notice or compensation the 1st Necsys'09 Workshopin the event of force majeure cases (for example, but not limited to acts of nature such as fire, earthquake, hurricane, flood or terrorist attacks). In such cases, the IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control is freed of all responsibility.
Limitation of liability of
IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control: In the event of it being impossible for the IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control to carry out the 1st Necsys'09 Workshop for force majeure cases, so long as this arises from a cause not attributable to IFAC, IFAC shall only be obliged to reimburse the payments received subject to deduction of any costs it has incurred in preparing the event. This liability only extends to the payments made directly to the 1st Necsys'09 Workshop and not to payments made by the attendees to the hotel or airlines.