Best Student Paper

Sponsored by:



Saverio Bolognani
Univ. of Padova

Title: A PI Consensus Controller with Gossip Communication for Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensors Networks

Authors: Saverio Bolognani, Ruggero Carli, Sandro Zampieri



Airlie Jane Chapman
Univ. of Washington

Title: Identification and Infiltration in Consensus-Type Networks

Authors: Airlie Jane Chapman, Marzieh Nabi-Abdolyousefi, Mehran Mesbahi

Ulrich Muenz
Univ. of Stuttgart

Title: Generalized Nyquist Consensus Condition for Linear Multi-Agent Systems with Heterogeneous Delays

Authors: Ulrich Muenz, Antonis Papachristodoulou, Frank Allgower


Awarding Committee:



Raffaello D'Andrea
Ali Jadbabaie

Anders Rantzer
(Lund Univ.)



Description: To recognize excellence in the Necsys Workshop paper whose primary contributor(s) is a (are) Student.

Prize: 1000Euro and a certificate

Sponsor: Sponsored by M31 .

Eligibility: Primary contributor(s) of a paper, who was a (were) student(s) at the time of original submission.

Basis for Judgement:  Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical foundations of estimation and control in networked systems.

Presentation: The winner will be announced during the buffet dinner.

Nomination:  The nomination must be requested by email by 15 July 2009 to the address below from the student's professor (advisor), specifying paper's title and certifying that primary contributor(s) to the paper was a (were) student(s) at the time of the paper's original submission.

Prof. Luca Schenato
Department fo Information Engineering
University of Padova