2022 - IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing - Best Paper Award: Honorable Mention
For the work: S. Arena, Y. Budrov, M. Carletti, N. Gentner, M. Maggipinto, Y. Yang, A. Beghi, A. Kyek, G.A. Susto. Exploiting 2D Coordinates as Bayesian Priors for Deep Learning Defect Classification of SEM Images. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2021
2021 - IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) Best Student Paper Award (history of the award)
Sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society
For the work: D. Marcato, G. Arena, D. Bortolato, F. Gelain, V. Martinelli, E. Munaron, M. Roetta, G. Savarese, G.A. Susto. Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection for Particle Accelerators.
2020 - Information Processing & Management Ph.D. Paper Award (announcement)
For the work: A. Fabris, A. Purpura, G. Silvello, G.A. Susto. Gender Stereotype Reinforcement: Measuring the Gender Bias Conveyed by Ranking Algorithms. Information Processing & Management, vol. 57(6), 2020
2019 - Best Industry Paper Award @ 15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD) (award info)
For the work: G. Zambonin, F. Altinier, A. Beghi, L.D.S. Coelho, T. Girotto, M. Rampazzo, G. Reynoso-Meza, G.A. Susto. Data-Driven Models for the Determination of Laundry Moisture Content in a Household Laundry Treatment Dryer Appliance.
2012 - IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) Best Student Paper Award (history of the award)
Sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society
For the work: G.A. Susto, A. Beghi. Least Angle Regression for Semiconductor Manufacturing Modeling.
2012 - Best Student Paper Award @ 23rd IEEE/SEMI Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference
Sponsored by the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
For the work: G.A. Susto, A. Schirru, S. Pampuri, A. Beghi. A Predictive Maintenance System based on Regularization Methods for Ion-Implantation.
2012 - Finalist (top 6) for the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) Best Student Paper Award (history of the award)
Sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
For the work: G.A. Susto, A. Schirru, S. Pampuri, G. De nicolao, A. Beghi. An Information-Theory and Virtual Metrology-based approach to Run-to-Run Semiconductor Manufacturing Control.
2011 - IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) Best Student Paper Award (history of the award)
Sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
For the work: G.A. Susto, A. Beghi, C. De Luca. A Predictive Maintenance System for Silicon Epitaxial Deposition.