Home People Gian A. Susto Group and Alumni

Our researchers held prestigiuos positions for visiting and internship at companies like Apple, Infineon Technologies, Signal AI and universities/institutes like Max Planck InstituteMILAQueen's University of Belfast, Scripps Research, TesaUCLA, University of Amsterdam and UPenn.

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Ph.D. Students

  • Davide Marcato [2020-2023] - Anomaly Detection for Particle Accelerators in collaboration with Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
  • Qiuran Wang [2020-2023] - (co-supervised with U. Castiello) Machine Learning for Plant Behavious Modelling
  • Alessio Arcudi [2022-2024] - Explainable Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with Statwolf
  • Antonio De Moliner [2022-2025] - (co-supervised with R. Oboe) Machine Learning and Control Approaches for Heating Elements, in collaboration with Zoppas Heating Elements
  • Davide Sartor [2023-2026] - (co-supervised with S. Del Favero) Weakly Supervised Learning and Human-in-the-loop Applications
  • Mattia Fanan[2023-2026] - (co-supervised with R. Carli) Machine Learning for Hydroelectric Power Plants, funded by Andritz Hydro

Post-Graduate Researcher

Visiting Researchers

  • Rokas Gikiskis - Computer Vision and Interpretability
  • Sun Xi - (in collaboration with A. Beghi) Machine Learning approaches and Industrial Applications


  • Alvise Dei Rossi [left 2023, now PhD Student @ SUSPI] - Reinforcement Learning for the Artificial Pancreas
  • Mattia Carletti [left 2023, now Researcher @ Scripps Research] - Explainable Machine Learning and Industry 4.0 Applications
  • Tommaso Barbariol [left 2023, now Data Scientist @ Aleph] - Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
  • Alessandro Fabris [left 2023, now Researcher @ Max Planck Institute] - Fairness in Machine Learning
  • Natalie Gentner [left in 2022, now Senior Data Scientist @ Infineon Technologies] - Deep Learning for Semiconductor Manufacturing
  • Luciano Lorenti [left in 2022, now Data Scientist @ Engineering] - Unsupervised Learning for Industrial Applications 
  • Eugenia Anello [left in 2022, now Data Scientist @ CRIF] - Continual Learning and Predictive Maintenance
  • Elisa Marcelli [left in 2022] - Anomaly Detection
  • Matteo Terzi [left in 2022, now Research Scientist @ CausalLens]- Deep Learning: robustness and human-in-the-loop applications 
  • Alberto Purpura [left in 2021, now Researcher Scientist @ IBM] - Machine Learning for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
  • Nicolò Bargellesi [left in 2021, now Data Scientist @ Dainese] - Machine Learning for Virtual Commissioning
  • Marco Maggipinto [left in 2021, now Machine Learning Engineer @ Scandit]- Machine Learning for Industry 4.0, Deep Reinforcement Learning and Computer Vision
  • Giuliano Zambonin [left in 2019, now Control Systems Engineer @ Electrolux] - Machine Learning-based Soft Sensors for Fabric Care Appliances, funded by Electrolux
  • Michele Gazzea [left in 2019, now PhD Student @ Western Norway University of Applied Science] - Post-graduate Researcher, Data-driven Modeling for Home Appliances
  • Chiara Masiero [left in 2018, now Senior Data Scientist @ Statwolf] - Post-doctoral Researcher, Sentiment Analysis and Predictive Maintenance, funded by Statwolf
  • Alberto Grandesso [left in 2018, now Process Engineer @ AGB] - Post-graduate Researcher, Predictive Maintenance for Packaging Equipment

Past Visiting Researcher

  • Lucas Costa Brito [2019-2020] from Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment
  • Mohd Azraai Bin Mohd Razman [2018-2019] from Universiti Malaysia Pahang - Machine Learning in Aquaculture