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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of keyword: Neuroscience
C. Favaretto, S. Spadone, S. Della Penna, A. Cenedese, M. Corbetta. Spatio-temporal relationships between BOLD and MEG signals at rest or during visuospatial attention. in Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting, pp. poster #1910, 2018 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
C. Favaretto, D.S. Bassett, A. Cenedese, F. Pasqualetti. Bode meets Kuramoto: Synchronized Clusters in Oscillatory Networks. 2017 American Control Conference (ACC17), pp. 2799--2804, 2017 [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
C. Favaretto, A. Cenedese, F. Pasqualetti. Cluster Synchronization in Networks of Kuramoto Oscillators. IFAC 2017 World Congress, pp. 2485--2490, 2017 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G. Prando, M. Zorzi, A. Bertoldo, A. Chiuso. Estimating effective connectivity in linear brain network models. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. accepted, 2017 [BibTeX]