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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of year 2001
M. Bisiacco, M.E. Valcher. A note on the direct sum decomposition of two-dimensional behaviors. IEEE transactions On circuits And systems i. fundamental theory And applications, vol. 48, pp. 490-494, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, A. Lepschy, U. Viaro. A variant of a convergent fixed-point algorithm that avoids computing Jacobians. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 10, pp. 47-54, 2001 [BibTeX]
M. Bisiacco, M.E. Valcher. On the decomposition of differential behaviors into the direct sum of irreducible components. Advances in Systems Science: Measurement Circuits and Control. pp. 229-233, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, V. Coccorese, A. Portone. Model reduction for electromechanical systems with application to tokamak control. Advances in Systems Science: Measurements Circuits and Control. pp. 382-387, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi. An application of Selective Modal Analysis to tokamak modeling and control. IEEE transactions On control systems technology, vol. 9, pp. 574-589, 2001 [BibTeX]
M. De carli, A. Di bella, R. Oboe, R. Zecchin. Applications of active noise control in the field of hvac. Clima 2000/Napoli 2001 World Congress, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, M. Pavon, S. Pinzoni. Asymmetric algebraic Riccati equation: A homeomorphic parametrization of the set of solutions. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, vol. 329, pp. 137-156, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Picci. Asymptotic Variance of Subspace Estimates. pp. 1--6, 2001 [BibTeX]
M. Bisiacco, M.E. Valcher. Autonomous behaviors decomposition and modal analysis. international journal Of control, vol. 74, pp. 1690-1705, 2001 [BibTeX]
M. Bisiacco, M.E. Valcher. Behavior decompositions and two-sided diophantine equations. automatica, vol. 37, pp. 1387-1395, 2001 [BibTeX]
P. Vettori, S. Zampieri. Controllability of systems described by convolutional or delay-differential equations. Proc. of CDC Conf., pp. 973--978, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, A. Lepschy, U. Viaro. Convergence Analysis of a Fixed-Point Algorithm. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 9, pp. 179-186, 2001 [BibTeX]
S. Soatto, A. Chiuso. Dynamic data factorization. (UCLA Technical Report CSD-2001/01), 2001 [BibTeX]
F. Cuzzola, A. Ferrante. Explicit formulas for LMI-based $H_2$ filtering and deconvolution. Automatica, vol. 37, pp. 1443-1449, 2001 [BibTeX]
L. Schenato, X. Deng, S. Sastry. Flight control system for a micromechanical flying insect: architecture and implementation. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 01), vol. 2, pp. 1641-1646, 2001 [pdf] [BibTeX]
X. Deng, L. Schenato, S. Sastry. Hovering Flight Control of a Micromechanical Flying Insect. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 01), vol. 1, pp. 235-240, 2001 [pdf] [BibTeX]
P. Colaneri, A. Ferrante. H_infinity estimation problems in discrete-time via J-spectral factorization. Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 01, pp. 3500-3505, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, M. Cavinato, A. Cenedese, D. Ciscato, G. Marchiori, A. Portone. ITER-FEAT reverse shear simulations with a non linear MHD equilibrium code. FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, vol. 56?57, pp. 777--782, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, R. Oboe, P. Capretta, F. Chrappan soldavini. Loop shaping issues in hard disk drive servo system design. Proc. aim 2001, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, R. Oboe. lqg / ltr control of a dual stage actuator hard disk drive with piezoelectric secondary actuator. Proceedings ECC 01, 2001 [BibTeX]
M. Bisiacco, M.E. Valcher. On the decomposition of differential behaviors into the direct sum of irreducible components. pp. 257-12575, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, M. Cavinato, A. Cenedese, D. Ciscato, G. Marchiori. Plasma vertical stabilization in ITER-FEAT. FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, vol. 56?57, pp. 783--788, 2001 [BibTeX]
R. Oboe. Real-time closed-loop control over Internet: the jbit project. 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Bissacco, A. Chiuso, Y. Ma, S. Soatto. Recognition of human gaits. pp. 1--6, 2001 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto, G. Sparacino, C. Cobelli. Reconstructing insulin secretion rate after a glucose stimulus by an improved stochastic deconvolution method. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 48, pp. 1352--1354, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante, W. Krajewski, A. Lepschy, U. Viaro. Simple procedure for analytic stability margin design. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, pp. 309-314, 2001 [BibTeX]
R. Oboe, A. Beghi, P. Capretta, F. Chrappan soldavini. Simulator for Single Stage and Dual Stage Hard Disk Drives. Proceedings aim 2001, 2001 [BibTeX]
A. Chiuso, G. Picci. Some Algorithmic aspects of Subspace Identification with Inputs. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 11(1), pp. 55--75, 2001 [BibTeX]
P. Vettori, S. Zampieri. Some results on systems described by convolutional equations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 46, pp. 793--797, 2001 [BibTeX]
F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Stability Analysis and Synthesis for Scalar Linear Systems with a Quantized Feedback. pp. 2204--2210, 2001 [BibTeX]
G. Pillonetto. Stochastic deconvolution of nonnegative physical signals.. 2001 [BibTeX]
F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. System theoretic properties of convolutional codes over rings. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 47, pp. 2256--2274, 2001 [BibTeX]
H. Luerssen, P. Vettori, S. Zampieri. The algebraic structure of delay-differential systems: A behavioral perspective. Kybernetika, vol. 37, pp. 397--426, 2001 [BibTeX]
E. Fornasini, S. Zampieri. The dominant global state in the asymptotic analysis of 2D systems. Proc. of Conf. on Advances in Communication and Control, pp. 799--810, 2001 [pdf] [BibTeX]
R. Oboe. Use of mems based accelerometers in Hard Disk Drives. 2001 [BibTeX]
R. Oboe. Use of mems Based Accelerometers in Hard Disk Drives. Proc. isps 2001, 2001 [BibTeX]
L. Schenato, X. Deng, W. Wu, S. Sastry. Virtual insect flight simulator (VIFS): a software testbed for insect flight. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 01), vol. 4, pp. 3885-3892, 2001 [pdf] [BibTeX]
R. Oboe. Web-Interfaced Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Systems. IEEE transactions On industrial electronics, vol. 48, pp. 1257-1265, 2001 [BibTeX]