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Publications Lists     [ all BibTeX ]  

Publications of author Riccardo Antonello
R. Opromolla, F. Branz, A. Francesconi, A. Cenedese, R. Antonello, P. Iob, Z. Pavanello, D. Vertuani, A. Et. Chaser-Robotic Arm Combined Control and Optical Relative Navigation for Space Target Capture. 26th Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA 2021), pp. 1-11, 2021   [BibTeX]  
Z. Pavanello, F. Branz, A. Francesconi, A. Cenedese, R. Antonello, F. Basana, P. Iob, A. Et. Combined control and navigation approach to the robotic capture of space vehicles. 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), pp. 1-13, 2021    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
F. Branz, R. Antonello, M. Pezzutto, F. Tramarin, S. Vitturi, L. Schenato. Drive–by–Wi-Fi: Model–Based Control over Wireless at 1-kHz. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2021    [url] [BibTeX]  
F. Branz, R. Antonello, M. Pezzutto, F. Tramarin, L. Schenato. 1 kHz Remote Control of a Balancing Robot with Wi-Fi–in–the–Loop. IFAC World Congress, 2020   [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, N. Lissandrini, A. Antonello, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese. Dual Quaternion Delay Compensating Maneuver Regulation for Fully Actuated UAVs. IFAC World Congress (IFAC2020), pp. 9316--9321, 2020    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, F. Branz, F. Sansone, A. Cenedese, A. Francesconi. High Precision Dual-Stage Pointing Mechanism for Miniature Satellite Laser Communication Terminals. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
F. Branz, R. Antonello, F. Tramarin, S. Vitturi, L. Schenato. Time-Critical Wireless Networked Embedded Systems: Feasibility and Experimental Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16(12), pp. 7732-7742, 2020    [url] [BibTeX]  
A. Masiero, F. Fissore, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese, A. Vettore. A COMPARISON OF UWB AND MOTION CAPTURE UAV INDOOR POSITIONING. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XLII-2/W13, pp. 1695--1699, 2019    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
N. Lissandrini, G. Michieletto, R. Antonello, M. Galvan, A. Franco, A. Cenedese. Cooperative Optimization of UAVs Formation Visual Tracking. Robotics, vol. 8(3), pp. 1--22 (Article Number 52), 2019    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
F. Branz, M. Pezzutto, R. Antonello, F. Tramarin, L. Schenato. Drive–by–Wi-Fi: taming 1 kHz control applications over wireless. European Control Conference (ECC'19), 2019   [BibTeX]  
F. Branz, R. Antonello, F. Tramarin, T. Fedullo, S. Vitturi, L. Schenato. Embedded systems for time–critical applications over Wi-Fi: design and experimental assessment. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'19), 2019   [BibTeX]  
A. Antonello, G. Michieletto, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese. A Dual Quaternion Feedback Linearized Approach for Maneuver Regulation of Rigid Bodies. IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 2(3), pp. 327 -- 332, 2018    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
F. Branz, M. Duzzi, L. Olivieri, F. Sansone, G. Michieletto, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese, A. Francesconi. Laboratory validation of close navigation, rendezvous and docking technologies for nanosats. Proceedings of the 4S Symposium, 2018    [ abstract ] [BibTeX]  
A. Antonello, G. Michieletto, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese. Maneuver Regulation vs. Trajectory Tracking for Fully Actuated UAVs: A Dual Quaternion Approach. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018), pp. poster 02/10 #13, 2018    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe, D. Pilastro, S. Viola, I. Kazuaki, A. Cenedese. IMU-based image stabilization in a HSM-driven camera positioning unit. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2013), pp. 156--161, 2013    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe, A. Ramello, I. Kazuaki, A. Cenedese, N. Felicini. IMU–aided image stabilization and tracking in a HSM–driven camera positioning unit. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2013), 2013    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, A. Cenedese, R. Oboe. Active damping applied to HSM-driven mechanical loads with elasticity. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011    [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, A. Cenedese, R. Oboe. Torque Ripple Minimization in Hybrid Stepper Motors Using Acceleration Measurements. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011    [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, A. Cenedese, R. Oboe. Use of MEMS Gyroscopes in Active Vibration Damping for HSM-driven Positioning Systems. IECON 2011 - 37th Conf. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2011    [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe, L. Prandi, F. Biganzoli. Automatic Mode-Matching in mems Vibrating Gyroscopes Using Extremum Seeking Control. IEEE transactions On industrial electronics, vol. 56, pp. 3880-3891, 2009   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe, L. Prandi, C. Carlo caminada, F. Biganzoli. Open loop Compensation of the Quadrature Error in mems Vibrating Gyroscopes. Proceedings of 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - iecon 2009, 2009   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe. Mode-matching in vibrating microgyros using an extremum seeking controller with switching logic. 2008   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe. Stability analysis of an extremum seeking controller for mode-matching in vibrating microgyros. 2008   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe, R. De callafon. An Identification Experiment for Simultaneous Estimation of Low-Order Actuator and Windage Models in a Hard Disk Drive. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 3102-3107, 2007   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe. Analysis of an electromechanical sigma-delta modulator for mems sensors based on sliding mode control. Proceedings of icm 2007 Kumamoto, 2007   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe. Mode-Matching in Vibrating Microgyros Using Extremum Seeking Control. iecon 2007, 2007   [BibTeX]  
R. Antonello, R. Oboe, R. De callafon. Servocontrol Relevant Identification in a Commercial Hard Disk Drive. asme Information Storage and Processing Systems Conference, 2007   [BibTeX]  
E. Nunzi, R. Antonello, P. Carbone, R. Oboe, E. Lasalandra, G. Spinola, L. Prandi, A. Rizzo. A Demodulation Technique for the Sensing Circuit of a mems Gyroscope. imtc 2006 - Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2006   [BibTeX]  
R. Oboe, R. Antonello, E. Lasalandra, G. Spinola, L. Prandi. Control of a Z-axis mems vibrational gyroscope. ieee/asme transactions On mechatronics, 2005   [BibTeX]  
R. Oboe, R. Antonello, P. Carbone, E. Nunzi, E. Lasalandra, L. Prandi, G. Spinola. Design of a Delta-Sigma Bandpass Demodulator for a Z-Axis mems Vibrational Gyroscope. 2005   [BibTeX]  
R. Oboe, R. Antonello, E. Lasalandra, G. Spinola, L. Prandi. Control of a z-axis mems vibrational gyroscope. 2004   [BibTeX]  
R. Oboe, R. Antonello, P. Capretta. Realization of an adaptive voltage driver for Voltage Coil Motors. microsystem technologies, 2004   [BibTeX]  
D. Ciscato, R. Oboe, A. Beghi, F. Marcassa, P. Capretta, R. Antonello, F. Soldavini. Il servoposizionamento delle testine nei dischi rigidi- Una sfida per la meccatronica. automazione e strumentazione, vol. 3, pp. 130-136, 2003   [BibTeX]  
R. Oboe, P. Capretta, R. Antonello. Realization of an adaptive voltage driver for voice coil motor. Proceedings isps-mipe Joint Conference, 2003   [BibTeX]