Home People Schenato Teaching Automatic Control Systems



a.y. 2016-2017

Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Energetica



tl_files/utenti/lucaschenato/Figure/square.png Instructor

Prof. Luca Schenato
Phone: 049 827 7925
Office: 315 DEI/A
 ( NO luca.schenato@dei.unipd.it !!!!)
Webpage: http://automatica.dei.unipd.it/people/schenato.html
Office hours: appointment by email or phone


tl_files/utenti/lucaschenato/Figure/square.png Description
  • Mathematical modeling of dynamical systems
  • Definitions and mathematical model classes for dynamical systems
  • Linearization around working points
  • Relevant signal models, convolution, Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform
  • Linear time invariant dynamical systems (LTI): reppresentations, free responce, forced responce
  • BIBO stability, Cartesio criterion, Routh's criterion
  • Transient and stationary responce to step, impulse and sinuisoidal inputs
  • Relevant LTI systems: I and II order systems
  • Feedback systems: Nyquist diagram and Nyquist criterion
  • Frequency domain control: PID controllers


tl_files/utenti/lucaschenato/Figure/square.png Lectures

Each lecture references the specific textbook sections




(10:30-12:30 classroom M3)


(10:30-12:15 classroom M7)


1 (26-8/09)

Class Introduction (Slides)

Motivations [FPE Chapter 1, Examples in Cap 2: example 2.1, 2.5, 2.11 ]

no lecture

2 (3-5/10)

Mathematical Preliminaries: complex numbers, polynomials, rational functions, delta functions, causal signals, convolution.

Linearization. Laplace Transform and its properties: Part I


3 (10-12/10)


Laplace Transform and its properties: Part I


4 (17-19/10)

Fractional representazion of (proper) rational fucntions Relation between Laplace Transform and LTI dynamical systems: transfer fucntion, natural response, forced response  

5 (24-26/10)

no lecture

no lecture

Thursday 12:30-14:15 Examples of transfer fucntions

6 (31/11-2/11)

no lecture

Stability for LTI systems: asyptotic and BIBO. Comments on stability determination. Examples.


7 (7-11/11)

Stable LTI systems: transient response, steady state response. Steady-state reponse for step, sinusoidal, and periodic inputs
Evans and Bode representation of t.f. Introduction to Bode diagrams
Thursday 12:30-14:15 Bode Diagrams: drawing roles and asymptotic diagrams

8 (14-16/11)

Bode Diagrams: examples

Nyquist diagrams: definition

Wednesday 14:30-16:00 MATLAB-SIMULINK Tutoria II

9 (21-23/11)

Nyquist diagrams: examples II order systems & closed loop systems: time domain vs frequency domain 

10 (28-30/11)

Nyquist criterion: restricted and general
Nyquist criterion: examples

11 (5-7/12)

PID controller: structure
PID controller: I, P, PI, PD desing

12 (12-14/12)

PID controller: PID full design & model reduction
PID controller: examples

13 (19-21/01)

no lecture PID controllers: examples
14 (16-19/01) Preparation for the final exam


tl_files/utenti/lucaschenato/Figure/square.png Materiale

Official textbook:

  1. [FPE] G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell, Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems, Pearson, Prentice Hall, Fifth Edition, 2006.

Side tectbook:

  1. [BV] Mauro Bisiacco, Maria Elena Valcher, Controlli Automatici, Edizioni Libreria Progetto, Padova 2008


tl_files/utenti/lucaschenato/Figure/square.png Control  Problems
  1. TBD