Master Thesis Proposals
♦ Single-Element Contact-Aware Aerial Robotic System
With the intent of providing TV-UAVs with novel capabilities of physical in-teraction with the surrounding environment, the thesis will focus on the design of an embeddedsingle-element contact-aware integrated system allowing the vehicle interaction with a target surface in a single contact point. In particular, the goal is to handle the presence of an end-effectorconsisting in a rigid tool fixed on the airframe and equipped with (optimally selected) sensors,which acts as a probing system with the purpose of inspecting the target surface, i.e., of exertinga suitable force in a specific point for a certain time period rejecting the external disturbances.
methodological study, numerical simulations, experimental tests
[more details are available here]
♦ Autonomous Mobile Robot Manipulation and Grasping
The main objective of the thesis consists in performing an object picking task with anautonomous mobile manipulator, i.e. the LoCoBot (http://www.locobot.org/), through the design and de-velopment of all the software infrastructures needed to accomplish the required manipulation and graspingtask. In particular, the thesis work will focus on the study of the software libraries given by the robotic-arm’sproducer and their integration to develop new functions for arm manipulation and hand grasping. Toimprove the physical interactions with the environment, it is possible to account for the vision capabilitiesof the LoCoBot and to expoit its rgb-depth camera to localize the object of interest in the 3D space (extra).The whole solution will be developed and tested in simulation, and on the real robot.
methodological study, numerical simulations, experimental tests
[more details are available here]
♦ Indoor Environment Mapping using a RGBD-sensors Network
Accounting for an applicative scenario wherein multiple autonomous ground robots arerequired to navigate in an industrial environment benefiting from the presence of distributed smart visualsensors network, the thesis work will focus on the study and implementation of distributed algorithms aimingat mapping the environment through the information gathered by a fixed RGBD-sensors network suitablycalibrated. In this perspective, the main issues concern the single-camera and multi-camera calibration,the multi-sensor information sharing, as well as some computer vision tasks such as obstacle detection andoccupancy grid determination. The thesis work will involve also some experimental tests on smart visualsensors constituted of a RGBD-sensor and a Rasberry 4 Pi.
methodological study, numerical simulations, experimental tests
[more details are available here]