National Projects
TSTARK: Tilt-rotor Sense-To-Act Regulation feedbacK
SEED - Dept of Information Engineering (2020-22), PI: A. Cenedese (AUT group, DEI, UniPD)
Role: participant
Contact-Aware Robotics (CAR)
SID - Dept of Management and Engineering (2020-22), PI: G. Michieletto (AUT group, DTG, UniPD)
Role: principal investigator
Industrial inTernet of things architEctuRes and Algorithms for time-critical Cyber-physical sysTems (INTERACT)
SID - Dept of Management and Engineering (2019-21), PI: R. Oboe (AUT group, DTG, UniPD)
Role: collaborator
Distributed Secure Navigation and Control of Quadcopter Swarms
BIRD [MIUR Dipartimenti d’Eccellenza] - Dept of Information Engineering (2019-20), PI: S. Tomasin (TLC group, DEI, UniPD)
Role: participant (fellowship recipient 1y - junior grant)
Multi-Agent Intelligent Control of time-critical Cyber-Physical Systems over wireless (MAgIC)
BIRD - Dept of Information Engineering (2017-19), PI: L. Schenato (AUT group, DEI, UniPD)
Role: participant
Formation control and attitude estimation in the 3D space: theoretical duality and methodological interplay with application to mobile camera networks and multiagent systems
BIRD - Dept of Information Engineering (2017-19), PI: A. Cenedese (AUT group, DEI, UniPD)
Role: co-principal investigator (fellowship recipient 2y - junior grant)
Development of a docking system for nano and microsatellites
BIRD - Dept of Industrial Engineering (2017-18), PI: A. Francesconi (DII, UniPD)
Role: participant
SEAL: Smart&safe Energy-aware Assisted Living Smart City and Communities
call of Italian Ministry of University and Research - MIUR (2013-15), PI: L. Fabbri (BTF)
Role: participant (fellowship recipient 1y - junior grant)
International Projects
AErial RObotic system integrating multiple ARMS and advanced manipulation capabilities for inspection and maintenance (AEROARMS)
EU H2020 project - LAAS-CNRS (2016-17), PI: A. Ollero (University of Seville)
Role: collaborator