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Reporitory of past Ph.D. dissertations

Publications Lists     [ all BibTeX ]  

Publications of keyword: Aerial Vehicles
M. Perin, M. Bertoni, G. Michieletto, R. Oboe, A. Cenedese. Trajectory Tracking for Tilted Hexarotors with Concurrent Attitude Regulation. American Control Conference (ACC) [accepted], 20XX    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
B. Pozzan, G. Giacomuzzo, M. Bruschetta, R. Carli, A. Cenedese. Motor-level Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a Tilting Quadrotor. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2023), pp. 281--286, 2023    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
B. Pozzan, B. Elaamery, A. Cenedese. Non-Linear Model Predictive Control for autonomous landing of a UAV on a moving platform. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2022), pp. 1240-1245, 2022    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, F. Formaggio, A. Cenedese, S. Tomasin. Robust Localization for Secure Navigation of UAV Formations under GNSS Spoofing Attack. IEEE Transactions of Automation Science and Engineering [early access], 2022    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, A. Cenedese, D. Zelazo. A Unified Dissertation on Bearing Rigidity Theory. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 8(4), pp. 1624--1636, 2021    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
B. Pozzan, G. Michieletto, A. Cenedese, D. Zelazo. Heterogeneous Formation Control: a Bearing Rigidity Approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2021), pp. 6451--6456, 2021    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
N. Lissandrini, C.K. Verginis, P. Roque, A. Cenedese, D.V. Dimarogonas. Decentralized Nonlinear MPC for Robust Cooperative Manipulation by Heterogeneous Aerial-Ground Robots. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2020), pp. 1531--1536, 2020    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, N. Lissandrini, A. Antonello, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese. Dual Quaternion Delay Compensating Maneuver Regulation for Fully Actuated UAVs. IFAC World Congress (IFAC2020), pp. 9316--9321, 2020    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, A. Cenedese, L. Zaccarian, A. Franchi. Hierarchical non-linear control for multi-rotor asymptotic stabilization based on zero-moment direction. Automatica, vol. 117, 2020    [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]  
A. Masiero, F. Fissore, R. Antonello, A. Cenedese, A. Vettore. A COMPARISON OF UWB AND MOTION CAPTURE UAV INDOOR POSITIONING. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XLII-2/W13, pp. 1695--1699, 2019    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
N. Lissandrini, G. Michieletto, R. Antonello, M. Galvan, A. Franco, A. Cenedese. Cooperative Optimization of UAVs Formation Visual Tracking. Robotics, vol. 8(3), pp. 1--22 (Article Number 52), 2019    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, A. Cenedese, A. Franchi. Force-Moment Decoupling and Rotor-Failure Robustness for Star-Shaped Generically-Tilted Multi-Rotors. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2019), pp. 2132--2137, 2019    [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, M. Ryll, A. Franchi. Fundamental actuation properties of multirotors: Force–moment decoupling and fail–safe robustness. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 34(3), pp. 702--715, 2018    [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]  
G. Michieletto, M. Ryll, A. Franchi. Control of statically hoverable multi-rotor aerial vehicles and application to rotor-failure robustness for hexarotors. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 2747--2752, 2017    [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]