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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of author Irene Zorzan
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. State–feedback stabilization of multi-input compartmental systems. Systems and Control Letters (to appear), 20XX [BibTeX]
I. Zorzan, S. Del Favero, A. Giarretta, R. Manganelli, B. Di Camillo, L. Schenato. Mathematical modelling of SigE regulatory network reveals new insights into bistability of mycobacterial stress response. BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 22(558), 2021 [url] [BibTeX]
I. Zorzan, S. Del Favero, B. Di Camillo, L. Schenato. Analysis of a Minimal Gene Regulatory Network for Cell Differentiation. IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 3(2), pp. 302-307, 2019 [url] [BibTeX]
I. Zorzan. Localized Spatial Emergent Behaviour in Bacterial Cells via Band-Detect Network Motif. European Control Conference (ECC'19), 2019 [BibTeX]
I. Zorzan, S. Del Favero, B. Di Camillo, L. Schenato. Capturing spatiotemporal patterns in cell differentiation by local cell-cell communication modeling. Abstracts of Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School, 2018 [pdf] [BibTeX]
I. Zorzan, A. Rantzer. L1 and H-infinity Optimal Control of Positive Bilinear Systems. Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 2017 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. On the consensus of homogeneous multi-agent systems with arbitrarily switching topology. Automatica, vol. 84, pp. 79-85, 2017 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. On the consensus of homogeneous multi-agent systems with positivity constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. On the state-feedback stabilisation of compartmental systems. Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 2017 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. Positive consensus problem: the case of complete communication. Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. pp. 239-252, 2017 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. Continuous-time Compartmental Switched Systems. Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. pp. 123-138, 2017 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. New results on the solution of the positive consensus problem. Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 5251-5256, 2016 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. On the consensus problem with positivity constraints. Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, pp. 2846-2851, 2016 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. Stability and stabilizability of continuous-time compartmental switched systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61(12), pp. 3885 - 3897, 2016 [BibTeX]
M.E. Valcher, I. Zorzan. On the stabilizability of continuous-time compartmental switched systems. Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 4246-4251, 2015 [BibTeX]