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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of author Fabio Maran
Y. Chen, D. Cuccato, M. Bruschetta, F. Maran, A. Beghi. An Automatic Sensitivity Updating Scheme for NMPC based on a Curvature Nonlinearity Measure. [submitted], 20XX [ abstract ] [BibTeX]
M. Bruschetta, F. Maran, A. Beghi. A non-linear MPC based motion cueing imple- mentation for a 9 DOFs dynamic simulator platform. Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2014, pp. 2517--2522, 2014 [BibTeX]
M. Bruschetta, F. Maran, A. Beghi. An MPC approach to the design of motion cueing algorithms for a high performance 9 DOFs driving simulator. Proceedings of the 2014 Driving Simulation Conference, 2014 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, M. Bruschetta, F. Maran. A real time implementation of MPC based motion cueing strategy for driving simulators. Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2012, pp. 6340--6345, 2012 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, F. Maran, A. De simoi. A virtual environment for the design of power management strategies for hybrid motorcycles. Latest trends in Circuits Automatic Control and Signal Processing Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Circuits Systems Control Signals (cscs ’12), pp. 198-203, 2012 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, M. Bruschetta, F. Maran, D. Minen. An MPC approach to the design of motion cueing algorithms for small size driving simulators. Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2012, pp. --, 2012 [BibTeX]
M. Baseggio, A. Beghi, M. Bruschetta, F. Maran, M. Pozzi, D. Minen. Study on the Next Generation Motion Cueing for Driving Simulators. Proceedings of the 21st JSAE Annual Congress, 2011 [BibTeX]