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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of keyword: Autonomous Guided Vehicles
C.B. Bran, P. Iob, A. Cenedese, M. Schiavo. Non-Terminal Sliding Mode Control for a Three-Link Manipulator with Variable Mass. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2023), pp. 333--338, 2023 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
B. Pozzan, G. Michieletto, A. Cenedese, D. Zelazo. Heterogeneous Formation Control: a Bearing Rigidity Approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2021), pp. 6451--6456, 2021 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
L. Varotto, A. Cenedese. Online and Adaptive Parking Availability Mapping: An Uncertainty-Aware Active Sensing Approach for Connected Vehicles. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV2021) - workshop on Online Map Validation and Road Model Creation, pp. 31--36, 2021 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
A. Fabris, L. Parolini, S. Schneider, A. Cenedese. Use of probabilistic graphical methods for online map validation. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV2021) - workshop on Online Map Validation and Road Model Creation, pp. 43--48, 2021 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]