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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of keyword: Time Series
L. Meneghetti, M. Terzi, G.A. Susto, S. Del Favero, C. Cobelli. Fault Detection in Artificial Pancreas: A Model-Free approach. Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 303-308, 2018 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
M. Terzi, A. Cenedese, G.A. Susto. A multivariate symbolic approach to activity recognition for wearable applications. IFAC World Congress 2017, pp. 16435-16440, 2017 [ abstract ] [pdf] [BibTeX]
F. Carbone, A. Cenedese, C. Pizzi. Consensus-based Anomaly Detection for Efficient Heating Management. IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations (IEEE SCI 2017), pp. 1284--1290, 2017 [ abstract ] [url] [pdf] [BibTeX]
G.A. Susto, A. Cenedese, M. Terzi. Big Data Application in Power Systems - Ch. 2.5. Time Series Classication Methods: Review and Applications to Power Systems Data. 2017 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
A. Cenedese, G.A. Susto, M. Terzi. A Parsimonious Approach for Activity Recognition with Wearable Devices: an Application to Cross-country Skiing. European Control Conference 2016 (ECC'16), pp. 2541-2546, 2016 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
A. Cenedese, L. Minetto, G.A. Susto, M. Terzi. A Symbolic Approach to Human Activity Recognition. 5th International Workshop on Symbiotic Interaction, 2016 [ abstract ] [BibTeX]
A. Cenedese, L. Minetto, G.A. Susto, M. Terzi. Human Activity Recognition with Wearable Devices: A Symbolic Approach. PsychNology, vol. 14(2-3), pp. 99-115, 2016 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]
G.A. Susto, A. Schirru, S. Pampuri, S. McLoone. Supervised Aggregative Feature Extraction for Big Data Time Series Regression. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 12, pp. 1243 - 1252, 2016 [ abstract ] [url] [BibTeX]