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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of year 1997
S. Zampieri. A behavioral approach to identifiability of 2D scalar systems. Automatica, vol. 33, pp. 49--62, 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante. A homeomorphic characterization of minimal spectral factors. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 35(5), pp. 1508-1523, 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Ferrante. A parametrization of the minimal square spectral factors of a nonrational spectral density. Journal of Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control, vol. 7(2), pp. 197-226, 1997 [BibTeX]
F. Colombo, S. Cora, F. Francesconi, P. Gallina, R. Oboe, A. Rossi. A programmable collimator for radiotherapy. physica medica, vol. 13, pp. 443-449, 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, A. Lepschy, U. Viaro. Approximating delay elements via feedback. IEEE transactions On circuits And systems i. fundamental theory And applications, vol. 44, pp. 824-828, 1997 [BibTeX]
F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Canonical kernel representations for behaviors over finite abelian groups. Systems & Control Letters, vol. 33, pp. 271--282, 1997 [BibTeX]
F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Classification problems for shifts on modules over a principal ideal domain. Transactions of The American Mathematical Society, vol. 349, pp. 1993--2006, 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, M. Bertocco. Combined GLR/Kalman filter techniques for fault detection in power systems. vol. 7, pp. 151-156, 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi. Continuous-time Gauss-Markov processes with fixed reciprocal dynamics. journal Of mathematical systems estimation And control, vol. 7, pp. 343-367, 1997 [BibTeX]
B. Levy, A. Beghi. Discrete-time Gauss-Markov processes with fixed reciprocal dynamics. journal Of mathematical systems estimation And control, vol. 7, pp. 55-79, 1997 [BibTeX]
P. Buttolo, R. Oboe, B. Hannaford. Force feedback in shared haptic virtual environments. computers & graphics, vol. vol.21n.4, pp. 421-429, 1997 [BibTeX]
R. Oboe, P. Fiorini. Internet-based telerobotics: problems and approaches. Proceedings of icar 97 (International Conference on Advanced Robotics), 1997 [BibTeX]
P. Fiorini, R. Oboe. Issues on Internet-based teleoperation. Proceedings of syroco 97 (Symposium on Robot Control), 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, D. Ciscato, A. Portone. Model reduction techniques in tokamak modelling. vol. 4, pp. 3691, 1997 [BibTeX]
D. D'alessandro, A. Ferrante. Optimal steering for an extended class of nonholonomic systems using Lagrange functionals. Automatica, vol. 33(9), pp. 1635-1646, 1997 [BibTeX]
A. Beghi, D. D'alessandro. Some remarks on fsn models and Generalized Riccati Equations. 1997 [BibTeX]