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Reporitory of past Ph.D. dissertations

Publications Lists     [ all BibTeX ]  

Publications of year 1995
A. Beghi. Discrete-time lqg optimal control with actuator noise intensity related to actuator signal variance. vol. 4, pp. 3406-3407, 1995   [BibTeX]  
P. Buttolo, J. Hewitt, R. Oboe, B. Hannaford. Force feedback in virtual and shared environments. Proceedings IEEE Conf. on System Man and Cybernetics, 1995   [BibTeX]  
P. Buttolo, B. Hannaford, R. Oboe. Network software for real-time control and force-feedback. 1995   [BibTeX]  
R. Oboe, M. Angoletta. Neural network application in aluminium hot-roll process. etfa 95, 1995   [BibTeX]  
A. Beghi. On the relative entropy of discrete-time Gauss-Markov processes with given end-point variances. vol. 3, pp. 1693-1698, 1995   [BibTeX]  
G. Michaletzky, A. Ferrante. Splitting subspaces and acausal spectral factors. Journal of Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control, vol. 5(3), pp. 363-366, 1995   [BibTeX]