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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of year 20YY
E. Marcelli, T. Barbariol, G.A. Susto. Active Learning-based Isolation Forest (ALIF): Enhancing Anomaly Detection in Decision Support Systems. 20YY [url] [BibTeX]
L.C. Brito, G.A. Susto, J.N. Brito, M.A.V. Duarte. Band Relevance Factor (BRF): a novel automatic frequency band selection method based on vibration analysis for rotating machinery. 20YY [url] [BibTeX]
D. Dalle Pezze, E. Anello, C. Masiero, G.A. Susto. Continual Learning Approaches for Anomaly Detection. 20YY [url] [BibTeX]