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Publications Lists [ all BibTeX ]
Publications of author Diego Romeres
S. McLoone, K. Guelton, T. Guerra, G.A. Susto, J. Kocijan, D. Romeres. Introduction to the special issue on Intelligent Control and Optimisation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 123, 2023 [url] [BibTeX]
G. Prando, D. Romeres, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Classical vs. Bayesian methods for linear system identification: point estimators and confidence sets. Proc. of ECC 2016, 2016 [BibTeX]
D. Romeres, G. Prando, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. On-line Bayesian System Identification. Proc. of ECC 2016, 2016 [BibTeX]
G. Prando, D. Romeres, A. Chiuso. On-line Identification of Time-Varying Systems: a Bayesian approach. IEEE CDC 2016 - accepted, 2016 [BibTeX]
D. Romeres, M. Zorzi, R. Camoriano, A. Chiuso. Online semi-parametric learning for inverse dynamics modeling. 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016 [BibTeX]
D. Romeres, G. Pillonetto, A. Chiuso. Identification of stable models via nonparametric prediction error methods. Proc. of the European Control Conference, 2015 [ abstract ] [BibTeX]
D. Romeres, F. Doerfler, F. Bullo. Novel Results on Slow Coherency in Consensus and Power Networks. European Control Conference, 2013 [ abstract ] [BibTeX]