People. Angelo Cenedese. Theses and Stages.



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Angelo Cenedese

Associate Professor

Department of Information Engineering

University of Padova

Via Gradenigo 6/B – 35131 Padova Italy

Tel.: +39 049.827.7677

Thesis Projects

Ground - aerial - space robotics

  • Multirotor robustness and actuation capability
  • Generally tilted multirotor control
  • Combined control of arm-mounted satellite 


Theory and applications for mobile and cooperative robotics

  • Formation control of homogeneous/heterogeneous platforms
  • Multi-modal active-sensing methodologies 
  • Rigidity theory for heterogeneous multiagent systems
  • MPC control of single and multi platforms
  • Cooperative transportation and manipulation


Theory and applications for autonomous driving

  • Perception and map validation
  • Driving control and task management
  • MPC based path following and obstacle avoidance
  • Navigation in unstructured environments



  • Vision inspection methodologies for the industry
  • Wireless Time Sensitive Networks for cooperative robotics
  • Fault detection and isolation and mitigation in industrial scenarios 
  • Water channel network estimation and control of flows 

Research Training Projects (+ Thesis)

SPARCS-Lab activities: multirotors - turtlebots

INRODS-Lab: contact aware robotics - locobots

NAVLAB-Lab activities: time sensitive networks

Students projects

Internship Projects (+ Thesis)

Techmo-car (

Videotec (

Euroimpianti - SkilledGroup (

BFT Automation (

BEANtech (

CMZ Sistemi Elettronici (