Wednesday August 31 – 18.15-19.15 hrs – Aula Magna
Laurent PralyMINES Paris Tech
On observers, a meeting of many view points and applications
Depending on the field of applications, they are called observers or
filters or soft sensors or state re-constructors or data assimilation
or … But they are all answers to the same problem: given
measurements (= partial information), try to estimate internal
variables of a dynamical system. For this they incorporate some kind of
model of this system and require some kind of a priori information on
these internal variables. We shall briefly survey the main approaches
to this problem both stochastic and deterministic, and enter more
deeply in the technicalities of some of them.
Laurent Praly biosketch:
Prof. Laurent Praly graduated as an engineer from Ecole
Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris in 1976 and got his PhD in
Automatic Control and Mathematics in 1988 from Universite Paris IX
Dauphine. After working in industry for three years, in 1980 he joined
the Centre Automatique et Systemes at Ecole des Mines de Paris. From
July 1984 to June 1985, he spent a sabbatical year as a visiting
assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since
1985 he has continued at the Centre Automatique et Systemes where he
served as director for two years. He has made several long term visits
to various institution (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
at the University of Minnesota, University of Sydney, University of
Melbourne, Institut Mittag-Leffler, University of Bologna). His main
interest is in feedback stabilization of controlled dynamical systems
under various aspects — linear and nonlinear, dynamic, output,
under constraints, with parametric or dynamic uncertainty, disturbance
attenuation or rejection –. On these topics he is contributing
both on the theoretical aspect with many academic publications and the
practical aspect with applications in power systems, mechanical
systems, aerodynamic and space vehicles.