Thursday September 1 – 8.30-9.30 hrs – Aula Magna
Alexander KurzhanskiDistinguished Professor
Closed-loop control under realistic information
The problems of closed-loop control are at the heart of modern control
theory and were investigated throughout the history of control under
well-known “classical” information conditions. However
rapid progress in technology generates demand in problem solutions
under realistic information.
Indeed the description of system models, the disturbances, the
measurement outputs and other items may be incompletely or imperfectly
known and the problem settings may be different from conventional. In
particular, the observers may be generated through new types of
communication schemes and require new models, while the controls could
belong to newer type of inputs, such for example, like impulsive,
hybrid or coordinated feedback.
The overall control system may also be treated as being immersed, using
recent terms, into a “cyber- physical field”. Many of such
problems may be quite known, but are not yet theoretically approached
due to mathematical difficulties and also perhaps the necessity of
coordinating different mathematical and software tools within one
framework. This presentation describes an array of such problems and
the related possible solution tools.
Alexander Kurzhanski biosketch:
Born in 1939. Fulfilled his undergraduate studies in Electrical
Engineering at the Technical University of Ural and in Mathematics
(including graduate studies) at the University of Ural, (both at
Yekaterinburg, former Sverdlovsk). Received the “candidat”
(PhD equivalent) and his habilitation “doctorate” from the
University of Ural, where he became full professor. In 1967-1984 he
worked at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch
of the Academy of Sciences of USSR — as Senior Researcher, Head
of Department and Director. Within 1984-1992 Professor Kurzhanski was
the Chairman of the Systems and Decision Sciences Program and since
1987 also Deputy Director of IIASA (the International Institute of
Applied Systems Analysis) , located in Laxenburg, Austria. From 1992
till present — organizer and head of Department of Systems
Analysis at the Moscow State (Lomonosov) University (MSU), Faculty of
Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Distinguished Professor of
MSU(1999). Since 1998 also Visiting Research Scholar at the University
of California at Berkeley. Kurzhanski was elected Associate Member of
the Russian (former Soviet) Academy of Sciences in 1981 and Full Member
in 1990. He is the Chairman of the Russian National Committee on
Automatic Control ( the IFAC NMO). Council Member of IFAC since 2005,
Fellow of IFAC (2008). His research interests and achievements are in
the field of estimation and control under incomplete (realistic)
information, closed-loop control of complex systems, new dynamic
programming techniques, inverse problems of mathematical physics,
computational methods and set-valued models in dynamics and control,
feedback strategies for impulse control and fast controls, team (group)
control under external constraints and mathematical modeling for
applied systems analysis.