@inbook{NnAaaa, author="M.E. Valcher and I. Zorzan", title="Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", year="2017", pages="239-252", series="Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", chapter="Positive consensus problem: the case of complete communication", publisher="Filippo Cacace, Lorenzo Farina, Roberto Setola and Alfredo Germani Eds.", note="ISBN 978-3-319-54210-2" } @inbook{NnAaaa, author="M.E. Valcher and I. Zorzan", title="Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", year="2017", pages="123-138", series="Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", chapter="Continuous-time Compartmental Switched Systems", publisher="Filippo Cacace, Lorenzo Farina, Roberto Setola and Alfredo Germani Eds.", note="ISBN 978-3-319-54210-2" } @inbook{NnAaaa, author="G.A. Susto and A. Cenedese and M. Terzi", title="Time Series Classi cation Methods: Review and Applications to Power Systems Data", year="2017", month="November 8", series="Big Data Application in Power Systems", chapter="Big Data Application in Power Systems - Ch. 2.5", publisher="Elsevier", note="https://www.elsevier.com/books/big-data-application-in-power-systems/arghandeh/978-0-12-811968-6" } @inbook{ChiusoSpringer2014, author="A. Chiuso", title="System Identification Techniques: Convexification, Regularization, Relaxation", journal="Springer Encyclopedia of Systems and Control", year="2014" } @inbook{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed feedback control approach to the optimal reactive power flow problem", booktitle="Control of Cyber-Physical Systems", year="2013", pages="259-277", volume="449", series="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", publisher="Springer" } @inbook{pedreiras_et_al__2011__ethernet_powerlink, author="P. Pedreiras and S. Schoenegger and L. Seno and S. Vitturi", title="Ethernet POWERLINK", year="2011", edition="4th", series="Instrumentation Engineers Handbook", publisher="CRC Press" } @inbook{seno_vitturi__2011__fieldbuses, author="L. Seno and S. Vitturi", title="Fieldbuses", year="2011", edition="4th", series="Instrumentation Engineers Handbook", publisher="CRC Press" } @inbook{Garin:11, author="F. Garin and L. Schenato", title="Networked Control Systems", year="2011", pages="75-107", volume="406", series="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", chapter="A survey on distributed estimation and control applications using linear consensus algorithms", publisher="Springer" } @inbook{seno_vitturi__2011__niche_fieldbus_networks, author="L. Seno and S. Vitturi", title="Niche Fieldbus Networks", year="2011", edition="4th", series="Instrumentation Engineers Handbook", publisher="CRC Press" } @inbook{CaFePaPi2010, author="F.P. Carli and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and G. Picci", title="in X. Hu, U. Jonsson, B. Wahlberg, and B. Ghosh (Eds.) Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences", year="2010", pages="77-93", chapter="A Maximum Entropy solution of the Covariance Selection Problem for Reciprocal Processes", publisher="Springer-Verlag, Berlin" } @inbook{ferrante2010, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences", year="2010", pages="285--297", address="Berlin", chapter="Application of a global inverse function theorem of Byrnes and Lindquist to a multivariable moment problem with complexity constraint", isbn="9783642112775", publisher="Springer Verlag", note=" [10.1007/978-3-642-11278-2] " } @inbook{picci2009, author="G. Picci", title="encyclopedia Of complexity And systems science", year="2009", pages="8749-8765", address="USA", chapter="Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Modeling Realization and Identification", isbn="9780387758886", publisher="SPRINGER US" } @inbook{bisiacco2008-1, author="M. Bisiacco", title="New aspects of systems", year="2008", pages="530-535", volume="2", address="GRC", chapter="On some connections between 2D spectral factorizability and the causal optimal control problem", isbn="978-960-6766-83-1/1790-2769", publisher="WSEAS Press" } @inbook{p.2007, author="P. Santesso and M.E. Valcher", title="A tribute to Antonio Lepschy", year="2007", pages="169--188", address="PADOVA -- ITA", chapter="On the reachability properties of continuous-time positive switched systems", publisher="Libreria Progetto" } @inbook{ferrante2007-1, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and U. Viaro", title="A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy", year="2007", pages="93-103", address="PADOVA", chapter="The Iterative-Interpolation Approach to L_2 Model Reduction", publisher="Libreria Progetto" } @inbook{beghi2007-1, author="A. Beghi", title="A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy", year="2007", pages="1-17", address="PADOVA -- ITA", chapter="Eigenstructure-based model reduction for generalized RL networks", publisher="Progetto" } @inbook{r.2007, author="R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="Advances in Control Theory and Applications", year="2007", volume="353", chapter="Efficient quantization in the average consensus problem", publisher="Springer Verlag", note="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences" } @inbook{ferrante2007, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and F. Ramponi", title="Modeling Estimation and Control: Festschrift in Honor of Giorgio Picci on The Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday", year="2007", pages="73-83", volume="364", address="BERLIN", chapter="Further results on the Byrnes-Georgiou-Lindquist generalized moment problem", isbn="978-3-540-73569-4", publisher="Springer", note="SERIES: LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES" } @inbook{vettori2006, author="P. Vettori and S. Zampieri", title="Constructive algebra and systems theory", year="2006", pages="307--322", address="NLD", chapter="Stability and stabilizability of delay-differential systems", publisher="Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences" } @inbook{vitturi2006, author="S. Vitturi", title="Instrument Engineers? Handbook 4th Edition", year="2006", pages="495-504", volume="2", address="USA", chapter="System integration computers with PLCs", publisher="CRC press" } @inbook{p.2006, author="P. Santesso and M.E. Valcher", title="Positive Systems", year="2006", pages="185--192", volume="341", address="NEW YORK -- USA", chapter="An algebraic approach to the structural properties of switched positive systems", isbn="ISI:000239627400024", publisher="Springer Verlag" } @inbook{oboe2005-3, author="R. Oboe and E. Lasalandra and M. White", title="mems/nems handbook:  techniques And applications", year="2005", chapter="MEMS-based Accelerometers and their Application to Vibration Suppression in Hard Disk Drives", publisher="Kluwer Academic Publishers" } @inbook{perabo2005, author="S. Perabo and G. Picci", title="New directions in control theory and applications", year="2005", volume="321", chapter="Identification of physical parametyers in nonhomogeneous linear elastic solids" } @inbook{beghi2003-1, author="A. Beghi and M. Bisiacco and S. Daros and L. Nardo", title="Computational methods in circuits and systems applications", year="2003", pages="140-145", chapter="Sliding mode throttle control for drive by wire operation of a racing motorcycle engine", publisher="WSEAS Press" } @inbook{chiuso2003, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization", year="2003", pages="85--124", volume="286", chapter="Geometry of Oblique Splitting Minimality and Hankel Operators", publisher="Springer-Verlag", note="Springer Lect. Notes in Control and informationSciences" } @inbook{r.2003, author="R. Frezza and A. Beghi", title="New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and Their Applications", year="2003", pages="175-186", address="BERLIN -- DEU", chapter="Simulating a motorcycle driver", publisher="Springer Verlag", note="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences" } @inbook{bisiacco2001-3, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Advances in Systems Science: Measurement Circuits and Control", year="2001", pages="229-233", chapter="On the decomposition of differential behaviors into the direct sum of irreducible components", isbn="960-8052-39-4", publisher="World Scientific and Engineering Society Press" } @inbook{beghi2001-3, author="A. Beghi and V. Coccorese and A. Portone", title="Advances in Systems Science: Measurements Circuits and Control", year="2001", pages="382-387", chapter="Model reduction for electromechanical systems with application to tokamak control", publisher="WSEAS Press", note="Electrical and Computer Engineering Series" } @inbook{fagnani2000, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Codes Systems and Graphical Models", year="2000", pages="327--346", volume="123", chapter="Convolutional codes over finitely generated Abelian groups: some basic results", publisher="Springer Verlag" } @inbook{bisiacco2000-1, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Systems and Control: Theory and Applications", year="2000", pages="27-32", chapter="Autonomous behaviors and their decomposition into the direct sum of irreducible components", isbn="960-8052-11-4", publisher="World Scientific and Engineering Society Press" } @inbook{fagnani1999-1, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="System Theory: Modelling Analysis and Control", year="1999", pages="55--62", chapter="Systems theory over finitely generated Abelian groups", isbn="0-7923-8618-3", publisher="Kluwer" } @inbook{zampieri1999, author="S. Zampieri", title="The mathematics of systems and control: From intelligent control to behavioral systems", year="1999", pages="231--238", chapter="Some results and open problems on delay differential systems", isbn="90-367-1112-6" } @inbook{pinzoni1999, author="S. Pinzoni", title="The Mathematics of Systems and Control: from Intelligent Control to Behavioral Systems", year="1999", pages="111-117", address="GRONINGEN -- NLD", chapter="On the characterization of BIBO stability of linear systems: an elementary proof", publisher="University of Groningen" } @inbook{beghi1998-1, author="A. Beghi", title="Mathematical theory of Networks and Systems", year="1998", pages="69-72", address="PADOVA -- ITA", chapter="On finite-horizon covariance control", publisher="Il Poligrafo" } @inbook{chiuso1998, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="The Confluence of Vision and Control", year="1998", pages="90--105", volume="237", chapter="Visual Tracking of Points as Estimation on the Unit Sphere", publisher="Springer-Verlag", note="Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Systems" } @inbook{beghi1996-2, author="A. Beghi and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology", year="1996", pages="617-624", chapter="On the simplification of the mathematical model of a delay element", publisher="Springer Verlag", note="CISM Courses and Lectures no. 372" } @inbook{beghi1996-1, author="A. Beghi and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Stability Theory Proceedings of Hurwitz Centenary Conference", year="1996", pages="1-10", address="BASEL -- CHE", chapter="The Hurwitz matrix and the computation of second-order information indices", publisher="Birkhauser Verlag", note="International Series of Numerical Mathematics vol. 121" } @inbook{NnAaaa, title="A Maximum Entropy solution of the Covariance Selection Problem for Reciprocal Processes" }