@article{SchenatoFiorentin:XX, author="L. Schenato and F. Fiorentin", title="Average TimeSynch: a consensus-based protocol for time synchronization in wireless sensor networks", journal="Automatica", year="2011", pages="1878-1886", volume="47", number="9" } @inproceedings{Chiuso:11ACC, author="A. Chiuso and F. Fagnani and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Gossip algorithms for distributed ranking", booktitle="Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC11)", year="2011" } @article{ChFaScZpClass:10, author="A. Chiuso and F. Fagnani and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Gossip algorithms for simultaneous distributed estimation and classification in sensor networks", journal="IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing", year="2011", pages="691 - 706", volume="5", number="4" } @article{Chiuso:10, author="A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Information fusion strategies and performance bounds in packet-drop networks", journal="Automatica", year="2011", month="July", pages="1304-1316", volume="47", number="7" } @inbook{Garin:11, author="F. Garin and L. Schenato", title="Networked Control Systems", year="2011", pages="75-107", volume="406", series="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", chapter="A survey on distributed estimation and control applications using linear consensus algorithms", publisher="Springer" } @inproceedings{zanella_et_al__2011__newton_raphson_consensus, author="F. Zanella and D. Varagnolo and A. Cenedese and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Newton-Raphson consensus for distributed convex optimization", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011)", year="2011" } @inproceedings{del_favero_et_al__2011__discardability_of_data_in_SVC, author="S. Del Favero and D. Varagnolo and F. Dinuzzo and L. Schenato and G. Pillonetto", title="On the discardability of data in Support Vector Classification problems", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011)", year="2011" } @article{carli-1, author="R. Carli and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Optimal Synchronization for Networks of Noisy Double Integrators", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2011", pages="1146-1152", volume="56", number="5", issn="0018-9286", note="Accepted" } @article{bolognani2009, author="S. Bolognani and S. Del Favero and L. Schenato and D. Varagnolo", title="Consensus-based distributed sensor calibration and least-square parameter identification in WSNs", journal="International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control", year="2010", month="January", volume="20", number="2", issn="1049-8923" } @inproceedings{varagnolo_et_al__2010__ACC_sufficient_conditions, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed consensus-based Bayesian estimation: sufficient conditions for performance characterization", booktitle="2010 American Control Conference", year="2010", month="June 30", location="Baltimore, Maryland, USA" } @inproceedings{DamianoCDC:10, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed statistical estimation of the number of nodes in Sensor Networks", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control CDC10", year="2010", month="December 15", address="Atlanta, Georgia, USA" } @article{NnAaaa, author="A. Cenedese and G. Ortolan and M. Bertinato", title="Low Density Wireless Sensors Networks for Localization and Tracking in Critical Environments", journal="IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology", year="2010", pages="2951--2962", volume="59", number="6" } @inproceedings{schenato2009_bis, author="L. Schenato and F. Fiorentin", title="Average TimeSync: A Consensus-Based Protocol for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks", booktitle="Proceedings of 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys09)", year="2009", month="September", location="Venice Italy" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:09a, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Function and Time Delay Estimation using Nonparametric Techniques", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 09)", year="2009", address="Shanghai China" } @article{CaCaCeLoRoScZo2009, author="P. Casari and A.P. Castellani and A. Cenedese and C. Lora and M. Rossi and L. Schenato and M. Zorzi", title="The Wireless Sensor Networks for City-Wide Ambient Intelligence (WISE-WAI) Project", journal="SENSORS", year="2009", pages="4056--4082", volume="9", issn="1424-8220" } @inproceedings{d.2008, author="D. Varagnolo and P. Chen and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Performance analysis of different routing protocols in wireless sensor networks for real-time estimation", booktitle="Proceedings 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC08)", year="2008", month="December", location="Cancun Mexico" } @techreport{BeOrMaMaMaZaZaScCe2008, author="M. Bertinato and G. Ortolan and F. Maran and R. Marcon and A. Marcassa and F. Zanella and P. Zambotto and L. Schenato and A. Cenedese", title="RF Localization and tracking of mobile nodes in Wireless Sensors Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Experiments", year="2008", month="May 13", institution="University of Padova - Dept. of Information Engineering" }