@inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G.M. Di Nunzio and A. Fabris and G. Silvello and G.A. Susto", title="Incentives for Item Duplication under Fair Ranking Policies", booktitle="European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) 2021", year="2021", location="Lucca" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Purpura and C. Masiero and G. Silvello and G.A. Susto", title="Feature Selection for Emotion Classification", booktitle="10th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR)", year="2019", location="Padova" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Purpura and C. Masiero and G. Silvello and G.A. Susto", title="Supervised Lexicon Extraction for Emotion Classification", booktitle="Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion", year="2019", pages="1071 - 1078", location="San Francisco" } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="A. Purpura and C. Masiero and G.A. Susto", title="WS4ABSA: an NMF-based Weakly-Supervised Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Application to Online Reviews", booktitle="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", year="2018", pages="386--401", location="Limassol" }