@article{a.gola2003, author="A. Gola and F. Pasolini and E. Chiesa and E. Lasalandra and M. Tronconi and T. Ungaretti and A. Baschirotto and R. Oboe", title="A 2.5 rad/sec2 Resolution Digital Output MEMS-Based Rotational Accelerometer for hdd Applications", journal="IEEE transactions On magnetics", year="2003", pages="915-919", volume="39", issn="0018-9464" } @inproceedings{beghi2003-2, author="A. Beghi and M. Bisiacco", title="A note on the relationships between high gain state feedback and relay systems", year="2003", pages="T1016-1T10166", note="Published on CD-ROM paper T1-016" } @article{CeBeCiSa2003, author="A. Cenedese and A. Beghi and D. Ciscato and F. Sartori", title="Active contours approach for plasma boundary reconstruction", journal="FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN", year="2003", pages="675--680", volume="66-8", issn="0920-3796" } @phdthesis{SchenatoThesis:03, author="L. Schenato", title="Analysis and Control of Flapping Flight: from Biological to Robotic Insects", year="2003", school="U.C. Berkeley" } @inproceedings{chiuso2003-1, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Asymptotic Variance of Subspace Methods by data Orthogonalization and Model Decoupling", year="2003", pages="1784--1789" } @inproceedings{pillonetto2003, author="G. Pillonetto", title="Bayesian deconvolution of functions in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces using MCMC techniques", year="2003" } @inproceedings{WuScWoFe2003, author="W. Wu and L. Schenato and R. Wood and R. Fearing", title="Biomimetic sensor suite for flight control of a micromechanical flying insect: design and experimental results", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 03)", year="2003", month="September", pages="1146 - 1151", volume="1", address="Taipei Taiwan" } @inproceedings{BeCe2003, author="A. Beghi and A. Cenedese", title="BOUNDARY RECONSTRUCTION AND GEOMETRIC PARAMETERISATION FOR PLASMA SHAPE CONTROL", booktitle="Proc. of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2003)", year="2003", pages="4622--4627", location="Maui HI USA" } @techreport{NnAaaa, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Canonical Correlation Analysis of Linear Stochastic Systems with Inputs", year="2003", number="Mittag-Leffler Technical Report No. 45, 2002/2003, Spring ISSN 1103-467X, ISN IML-R-45-02/03--SE+spring" } @inbook{beghi2003-1, author="A. Beghi and M. Bisiacco and S. Daros and L. Nardo", title="Computational methods in circuits and systems applications", year="2003", pages="140-145", chapter="Sliding mode throttle control for drive by wire operation of a racing motorcycle engine", publisher="WSEAS Press" } @inproceedings{chiuso2003-2, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Constructing the State of of Random Processes with Feedback", year="2003", pages="881--886" } @inproceedings{ScCaSa2003, author="L. Schenato and D. Campolo and S. Sastry", title="Controllability issues in flapping flight for biomimetic micro aerial vehicles (MAVs)", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 03)", year="2003", pages="6441-6447", volume="6", address="Maui HW U.S.A." } @inbook{chiuso2003, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization", year="2003", pages="85--124", volume="286", chapter="Geometry of Oblique Splitting Minimality and Hankel Operators", publisher="Springer-Verlag", note="Springer Lect. Notes in Control and informationSciences" } @article{SiShScShSa2003, author="B. Sinopoli and C. Sharp and L. Schenato and S. Shaffert and S. Sastry", title="Distributed Control Applications within Sensor Networks", journal="Proceedings of the IEEE", year="2003", pages="1235-1246", volume="91", number="8" } @article{g.2003, author="G. Doretto and A. Chiuso and Y. Wu and S. Soatto", title="DynamicTextures", journal="International Journal of Computer Vision", year="2003", pages="91--109", volume="51(2)", issn="0920-5691" } @inproceedings{ferrante2003-1, author="A. Ferrante and G. Marro and L. Ntogramatzidis", title="Employing the algebraic Riccati equation for the solution of the finite-horizon LQ problem", booktitle="Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 03", year="2003", month="December", pages="210-214" } @article{oboe2003, author="R. Oboe", title="Force-reflecting teleoperation over Internet: the jbit project", journal="proceedings Of the IEEE", year="2003", pages="449-462", volume="91", issn="0018-9219" } @article{d.ciscato2003, author="D. Ciscato and R. Oboe and A. Beghi and F. Marcassa and P. Capretta and R. Antonello and F. Soldavini", title="Il servoposizionamento delle testine nei dischi rigidi- Una sfida per la meccatronica", journal="automazione e strumentazione", year="2003", pages="130-136", volume="3", issn="0005-1284" } @article{CeSaRiLo2003, author="A. Cenedese and F. Sartori and V. Riccardo and P.J. Lomas", title="JET first wall and divertor protection system", journal="FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN", year="2003", pages="785--790", volume="66-8", issn="0920-3796" } @article{SaCeMi2003, author="F. Sartori and A. Cenedese and F. Milani", title="JET real-time object-oriented code for plasma boundary reconstruction", journal="FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN", year="2003", pages="735--739", volume="66-8", issn="0920-3796" } @inproceedings{CDC03_Kalman, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and M. Jordan and S. Sastry", title="Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Observations", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 03)", year="2003" } @inproceedings{carpin2003-1, author="S. Carpin and G. Pillonetto", title="Learning sampling distributions for randomized motion planning: role of history size", year="2003" } @inproceedings{DeScSa2003, author="X. Deng and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Model identification and attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect including thorax and sensor models", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 03)", year="2003", month="September", pages="2197-2202", volume="1", address="Taipei Taiwan" } @inproceedings{beghi2003-4, author="A. Beghi and L. Cecchinato and M. De carli and L. Meggiolaro", title="Modelli multi-room e problematiche di controllo nella simulazione energetica del sistema edificio-impianto", year="2003", month="", pages="1531-1542" } @inproceedings{fagnani2003-2, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Nested strategies for the quantized feedback stabilization", booktitle="European Control Conference", year="2003", pages="1--6" } @article{ViRiAlSaCe2003, author="F. Villone and V. Riccardo and R. Albanese and F. Sartori and A. Cenedese", title="Neutral point detection in JET", journal="FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN", year="2003", pages="709--714", volume="66-8", issn="0920-3796" } @inbook{r.2003, author="R. Frezza and A. Beghi", title="New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and Their Applications", year="2003", pages="175-186", address="BERLIN -- DEU", chapter="Simulating a motorcycle driver", publisher="Springer Verlag", note="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences" } @article{PiCeCiSa2003, author="F. Piccolo and A. Cenedese and D. Ciscato and F. Sartori", title="Non linear model of the gas introduction module for plasma density control at JET", journal="FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN", year="2003", pages="741--747", volume="66-8", issn="0920-3796" } @inproceedings{corazza2003, author="G. Pillonetto and C. Cobelli and R. Frezza", title="Numerical approach to skin artifacts correction in stereophotogrammetry", year="2003" } @article{pillonetto2003, author="G. Pillonetto and G. Sparacino and C. Cobelli", title="Numerical non-identifiability regions of the minimal model of glucose kinetics: superiority of Bayesian estimation", journal="Mathematical Biosciences", year="2003", pages="53--67", volume="184", issn="0025-5564" } @incollection{r.2003, author="R. Vidal and A. Chiuso and S. Soatto and S. Sastry", title="Observability Linear Hybrid Systems", booktitle="Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 6th International Workshop HSCC 2003", year="2003", pages="526--539", volume="-", chapter="Observability Linear Hybrid Systems" } @article{ferrante2003, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="On the relation between additive and multiplicative decompositions of rational matrix functions", journal="International Journal of Control", year="2003", pages="366-385", volume="76(4)", issn="0020-7179" } @misc{oboe2003-3, author="R. Oboe and F. Chrappan soldavini and P. Capretta", title="Patent number ep1372259: Voltage-mode drive for driving complex impedance loads.", year="2003", note="European Patent" } @inproceedings{fagnani2003-3, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Performance evaluations of quantized stabilizers", booktitle="Proc. of CDC Conf.", year="2003", pages="1897--1901" } @inproceedings{CeSa2003, author="A. Cenedese and F. Sartori", title="PLASMA POSITION AND CURRENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT AT JET", booktitle="Proc. of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2003)", year="2003", pages="4628--4633", location="Maui HI USA" } @article{oboe2003-1, author="R. Oboe and P. Capretta and F. Marcassa and F. Chrappan soldavini", title="Realization of a Hard Disk Drive Head Servo-Positioning System with a Voltage-driven Voice-Coil Motor", journal="microsystem technologies", year="2003", pages="271-281", volume="9", issn="0946-7076" } @inproceedings{oboe2003-2, author="R. Oboe and P. Capretta and R. Antonello", title="Realization of an adaptive voltage driver for voice coil motor", booktitle="Proceedings isps-mipe Joint Conference", year="2003" } @inproceedings{carpin2003, author="S. Carpin and G. Pillonetto", title="Robot motion planning using adaptive random walks", year="2003" } @inproceedings{beghi2003-2, author="A. Beghi and M. Bisiacco and S. Daros and L. Nardo", title="Sliding mode throttle control for drive by wire operation of a racing motorcycle engine", year="2003", month=" Grecia", pages="257-12576", note="CD-ROM Proceedings paper 457-257.pdf" } @inproceedings{s.2003, author="S. Soatto and A. Chiuso", title="Snippets of System Identification in Computer Vision", year="2003", pages="248--258", note="Semi-Plenary lecture given by S. Soatto" } @inproceedings{ferrante2003, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci and S. Pinzoni", title="Spectral Factorization and Stochastic Realization with Zeros on the Unit Circle", booktitle="Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC 03", year="2003", month="December", pages="1398-1403" } @article{fagnani2003, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Stability analysis and synthesis for scalar linear systems with a quantized feedback", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2003", pages="1569--1584", volume="48", issn="0018-9286" } @article{ferrante2003-1, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Sul tracciamento della carta di Nichols della sensibilita`", journal="Automazione E Strumentazione", year="2003", pages="114-116", volume="LI", issn="0005-1284" } @inproceedings{fagnani2003-1, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="System theoretic approach to geometrically uniform maps", booktitle="Proc. of IEEE Int. Symposium on Information Theory", year="2003", pages="42" } @inproceedings{y.2003, author="Y. Li and R. Horowitz and F. Marcassa and R. Oboe", title="Track-Following Control with Active Vibration Compensation of a pzt Actuated Suspension Dual-Stage Servo System", booktitle="Proceedings ACC 2003", year="2003" }