@article{oboe1998, author="R. Oboe and P. Fiorini", title="A design and control environment for Internet-based telerobotics", journal="international journal Of robotics research", year="1998", pages="433-449", volume="vol.17 n.4", issn="0278-3649", note="USA" } @inproceedings{chiuso1998-1, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="A wide-sense estimation theory on the unit sphere", year="1998", pages="3745--3750", volume="FM02-5" } @article{ferrante1998, author="A. Ferrante and B. Levy", title="Canonical Form for Symplectic Matrix Pencils", journal="Linear Algebra and Its Applications", year="1998", pages="259-300", volume="274", issn="0024-3795" } @article{zampieri1998, author="S. Zampieri", title="Causal input/output representation of 2D systems in the behavioral approach", journal="Siam Journal on Control and Optimization", year="1998", pages="1133--1146", volume="36", issn="0363-0129" } @article{beghi1998, author="A. Beghi and D. D'alessandro", title="Discrete-time optimal control with control-dependent noise and Generalized Riccati Difference Equations", journal="automatica", year="1998", pages="1031-1034", volume="34", issn="0005-1098" } @book{oboe1998-1, author="R. Oboe", title="Ingegneria e tecnologia dei sistemi di controllo ? Appunti dalle lezioni", year="1998", address="PADOVA -- ITA", publisher="CUSL" } @inproceedings{beghi1998-3, author="A. Beghi and D. Ciscato and M. Cavinato and G. Marchiori", title="iter model reduction by selective modal analysis", year="1998", month="September", pages="507-510", volume="1" } @inproceedings{cavinato1998, author="M. Cavinato and G. Marchiori and A. Beghi and D. Ciscato and A. Portone", title="iter scenario simulations with a non-linear mhd equilibrium code", year="1998", month="September", pages="587-590", volume="1" } @inbook{beghi1998-1, author="A. Beghi", title="Mathematical theory of Networks and Systems", year="1998", pages="69-72", address="PADOVA -- ITA", chapter="On finite-horizon covariance control", publisher="Il Poligrafo" } @book{beghi1998-2, author="A. Beghi and L. Finesso and G. Picci", title="Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems", year="1998", address="PADOVA -- ITA", publisher="Il Poligrafo", note="Proceedings of the International Symposium on Networks and Systems - MTNS98" } @article{fagnani1998, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Parametrized linear systems in the behavioral approach", year="1998", pages="135--138", volume="8" } @inproceedings{mondino1998, author="P. Mondino and R. Albanese and G. Ambrosino and M. Ariola and A. Beghi and .. Et al", title="Plasma current position and shape control for iter", year="1998", month="September", pages="595-598", volume="1" } @inproceedings{ferrante1998, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci", title="System-Theoretic Properties and Efficient Implementation of the Steady-State Optimal Smoother", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 98", year="1998", month="July", pages="791-794" } @inbook{chiuso1998, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="The Confluence of Vision and Control", year="1998", pages="90--105", volume="237", chapter="Visual Tracking of Points as Estimation on the Unit Sphere", publisher="Springer-Verlag", note="Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Systems" } @inproceedings{r.boschiero1998, author="R. Boschiero and R. Oboe and A. Scavazzon", title="Valutazione quantitativa della variazioni posturali del capo durante le funzioni del sistema stomatognatico", booktitle="xi Congresso Accademia Italiana di Kinesiografia ed Elettromiografia Cranio Mandibolare", year="1998" }