@article{NnAaaa, author="D. Dalle Pezze and D. Deronjic and C. Masiero and D. Tosato and A. Beghi and G.A. Susto", title="A Multi-label Continual Learning Framework to Scale Deep Learning Approaches for Packaging Equipment Monitoring", journal="Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence", year="2023", volume="124" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Fabris and F. Giachelle and A. Piva and G. Silvello and G.A. Susto", title="A Search Engine for Algorithmic Fairness Datasets", booktitle="2nd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness", year="2023", location="Winterthur" } @article{NnAaaa, author="D. Dandolo and C. Masiero and M. Carletti and D. Dalle Pezze and G.A. Susto", title="AcME - Accelerated Model-agnostic Explanations: Fast Whitening of the Machine-Learning Black Box", journal="Expert Systems with Applications", year="2023", volume="214" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Fanan and C. Baron and R. Carli and M. Divernois and J. Marongiu and G.A. Susto", title="Anomaly Detection for Hydroelectric Power Plants: a Machine Learning-based Approach", booktitle="IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)", year="2023", organization="IEEE", location="Lemgo, Germany" } @article{NnAaaa, author="Q. Wang and T. Barbariol and G.A. Susto and B. Bonato and S. Guerra and U. Castiello", title="Classifying Circumnutation in Pea Plants via Supervised Machine Learning", journal="Plants", year="2023", volume="4", number="12" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="F. Dalla Zuanna and N. Gentner and G.A. Susto", title="Deep Learning-based Sequence Modeling for Advanced Process Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing", booktitle="IFAC World Congress", year="2023", organization="IFAC", location="Yokohama" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Toigo and A. Cenedese and D. Fornasier and B. Kasi", title="Deep-learning based industrial quality control on low-cost smart cameras", booktitle="Proc. SPIE 12749 - 16th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV23)", year="2023", note="DOI: 10.1117/12.2690728 Proc. SPIE 12749, Sixteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, " } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="D. Marcato and L. Bellan and D. Bortolato and M. Comunian and F. Gelain and V. Martinelli and G. Savarese and G.A. Susto", title="Demonstration of Beam Emittance Optimization using Reinforcement Learning", booktitle="14th International Particle Accelerator Conference", year="2023", location="Venice" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Fabris and G. Silvello and G.A. Susto and A. Biega", title="Dissatisfaction Induced by Pairwise Swaps", booktitle="Italian Information Retrieval Workshop", year="2023", location="Pisa" } @article{NnAaaa, author="L.C. Brito and G.A. Susto and J.N. Brito and M.A.V. Duarte", title="Fault Diagnosis using eXplainable AI: a Transfer Learning-based Approach for Rotating Machinery exploiting Augmented Synthetic Data", journal="Expert Systems with Applications", year="2023" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Carletti and M. Terzi and G.A. Susto", title="Interpretable Anomaly Detection with DIFFI: Depth-based Feature Importance for the Isolation Forest", journal="Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence", year="2023", volume="119" } @article{NnAaaa, author="S. McLoone and K. Guelton and T. Guerra and G.A. Susto and J. Kocijan and D. Romeres", title="Introduction to the special issue on Intelligent Control and Optimisation", journal="Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence", year="2023", volume="123" } @article{NnAaaa, author="F. Zocco and M. Maggipinto and G.A. Susto and S. McLoone", title="Lazy FSCA for Unsupervised Variable Selection", journal="Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence", year="2023", volume="124" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="B. Pozzan and G. Giacomuzzo and M. Bruschetta and R. Carli and A. Cenedese", title="Motor-level Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a Tilting Quadrotor", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2023)", year="2023", pages="281--286", note="10.1109/CCTA54093.2023.10253061 B. Pozzan, G. Giacomuzzo, M. Bruschetta, R. Carli and A. Cenedese, "Motor-level Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a Tilting Quadrotor," 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Bridgetown, Barbados, 2023, pp. 281-286, doi: 10.1109/CCTA54093.2023.10253061." } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="N. Lissandrini and L. Battistella and M. Ryll and G. Michieletto and A. Cenedese", title="NAPVIG: Local Generalized Voronoi Approximation for Reactive Navigation in Unknown and Dynamic Environments", booktitle="American Control Conference (ACC)", year="2023", pages="28-33", note="10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156235" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="C.B. Bran and P. Iob and A. Cenedese and M. Schiavo", title="Non-Terminal Sliding Mode Control for a Three-Link Manipulator with Variable Mass", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2023)", year="2023", pages="333--338", note="10.1109/CCTA54093.2023.10252356 C. B. Bran, P. Iob, A. Cenedese and M. Schiavo, "Non-Terminal Sliding Mode Control for a Three-Link Manipulator with Variable Mass," 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Bridgetown, Barbados, 2023, pp. 333-338, doi: 10.1109/CCTA54093.2023.10252356." } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Fabris and G. Silvello and G.A. Susto and A. Biega", title="Pairwise Fairness in Ranking as a Dissatisfaction Measure", booktitle="ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining", year="2023" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="L. Lorenti and D. Dalle Pezze and J. Andreoli and C. Masiero and N. Gentner and Y. Yang and G.A. Susto", title="Predictive Maintenance in the Industry: A Comparative Study on Deep Learning-based Remaining Useful Life Estimation", booktitle="IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)", year="2023", location="Lemgo, Germany" } @article{NnAaaa, author="J. Giordano and A. Cenedese", title="Quaternion-Based Non-Singular Terminal Sliding Mode Control for a Satellite-Mounted Space Manipulator", journal="IEEE Control Systems Letters", year="2023", pages="2659-2664", volume="7", note="10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3288260" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="L. Cristaldi and P. Esmaili and G. Gruosso and A. La Bella and M. Mecella and R. Scattolini and A. Arman and G.A. Susto and L. Tanca", title="The MICS Project. A Data Science Pipeline for Industry 4.0 Applications", booktitle="2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)", year="2023", location="Milan" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="D. Marcato and D. Bortolato and V. Martinelli and G. Savarese and G.A. Susto", title="Time-Series Deep Learning Anomaly Detection for Particle Accelerators", booktitle="IFAC World Congress", year="2023", organization="IFAC", location="Yokohama" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Beghi and N. Dall'Ora and D. Dalle Pezze and F. Fummi and C. Masiero and S. Spellini and G.A. Susto and F. Tosoni", title="VIR2EM: VIrtualization and Remotization for Resilient and Efficient Manufacturing", booktitle="26th Forum on specification and Design Languages", year="2023", location="Turin" }