@techreport{chiuso2000-2, author="A. Chiuso and S. Soatto", title="3-D Motion and Structure Causally Integrated Over Time: Analysis", year="2000", pages="1--15", note="Tutorial lecture presented by S. SoattoPreliminary version registered as ESSRL Technical Report 99-001" } @incollection{chiuso2002-1, author="A. Chiuso and H. Jin and P. Favaro and S. Soatto", title="3-D Motion and Structure from 2-D Motion Causally Integrated Over Time: Implementation", booktitle="Computer Vision - ECCV 2000", year="2000", pages="734--750", chapter="``MFm' : 3-D Motion and Structure from 2-D Motion Causally Integrated Over Time: Implementation" } @inproceedings{ClZhBiScWuDePi2000, author="J. Clark and N. Zhou and D. Bindel and L. Schenato and W. Wu and J. Demmel and K. Pister", title="3D MEMS Simulation Modeling Using Modified Nodal Analysis", booktitle="Proceedings of the Microscale Systems: Mechanics and Measurements Symposium", year="2000", address="Orlando FL USA" } @inproceedings{ferrante2000, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="A homeomorphic characterization of the set of solutions of a non symmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2000", year="2000", month="June", pages="B265:1-B265:6" } @techreport{NnAaaa, title="A Matlab Toolbox for Subspace Identification", year="2000", institution="University of Padova" } @techreport{NnAaaa, title="A Matlab Toolbox for Subspace Identification", year="2000", institution="University of Padova" } @inproceedings{ferrante2000-1, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and S. Pinzoni", title="Additive versus multiplicative decompositions of rational matrix functions and related continuity results", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2000", year="2000", month="June", pages="B264:1-B264:8" } @inproceedings{beghi2000-1, author="A. Beghi and D. Ciscato", title="Aggregation-based model reduction for tokamak control", year="2000", month="September", pages="395-400" } @inproceedings{vettori2000-1, author="P. Vettori and S. Zampieri", title="Algebraic approach to spectral controllability analysis of convolutional systems", booktitle="Proc. of MTNS Conf.", year="2000", pages="1-6" } @inproceedings{oboe2000-2, author="R. Oboe and B. Vigna and A. Gola", title="Application of MEMS-based rotational accelerometers to vibration suppression in Hard Disk Drives", year="2000", month="" } @inproceedings{bisiacco2000-4, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Autonomous behaviors and their decomposition into the direct sum of irreducible components", year="2000", month=" Athens", pages="305-13056", note="CD-ROM Proceedings paper 305.pdf" } @inbook{fagnani2000, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Codes Systems and Graphical Models", year="2000", pages="327--346", volume="123", chapter="Convolutional codes over finitely generated Abelian groups: some basic results", publisher="Springer Verlag" } @inproceedings{vettori2000-3, author="P. Vettori and S. Zampieri", title="Controllability and controllable subsystems for convolutional behaviors", booktitle="Proc. of IFAC Workshop on Linear Time Delay Systems", year="2000", pages="208--212" } @article{vettori2000, author="P. Vettori and S. Zampieri", title="Controllability of systems described by convolutional and delay-differential equations", journal="Siam Journal on Control and Optimization", year="2000", pages="728--756", volume="39", issn="0363-0129" } @article{bisiacco2000, author="M. Bisiacco and P. Gallina and G. Rosati and A. Rossi", title="Development of a state-space water-level control for an array of cells to be employed as compensator in radiotherapy", journal="dynamics And control", year="2000", pages="399-417", volume="10", issn="0925-4668" } @inproceedings{bisiacco2000-3, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Direct sum decompositions of two-dimensional behaviors", year="2000", month=" Francia", pages="B71-1B718", note="CD-ROM Proceedings (MTNS 2000) paper B71.pdf" } @inproceedings{chiuso2000-1, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Error Analysis of CertainSubspace Methods", year="2000", pages="85--90", note="Santa BArbara CA" } @book{ferrante2000, author="A. Ferrante and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Introduzione ai Controlli Automatici", year="2000", pages="1-522", address="TORINO", isbn="88-7750-659-8", publisher="UTET" } @book{bisiacco2000-2, author="M. Bisiacco and S. Braghetto", title="Lezioni di Teoria dei Sistemi", year="2000", pages="1-177", address="BOLOGNA -- ITA", publisher="Societa' Editrice Esculapio" } @article{ferrante2000-1, author="A. Ferrante and S. Zampieri", title="Linear Quadratic Optimization for Systems in the Behavioral Approach", journal="Siam Journal on Control and Optimization", year="2000", pages="159-178", volume="39", issn="0363-0129" } @inproceedings{fagnani2000-1, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Minimal and systematic convolutional codes over finite Abelian groups", booktitle="Proc. of IEEE Int. Symposium on Information Theory", year="2000", pages="365" } @article{ferrante2000, author="A. Ferrante and G. Picci", title="Minimal Realization and Dynamic Properties of Optimal Smoothers", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2000", pages="2028-2046", volume="AC-45(11)", issn="0018-9286" } @inproceedings{oboe2000, author="R. Oboe and B. Murari", title="Modeling and Control of a Dual Stage Actuator Hard Disk Drive with MEMS-based secondary actuator", year="2000", month="" } @inproceedings{chiuso2000-4, author="A. Chiuso and S. Soatto", title="Monte Carlo filtering on Lie Groups", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conf. on Dec. and Control", year="2000", note="papernumber REG1407" } @inproceedings{bisiacco2000-5, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="On the relationship between two-dimensional behaviors decompositions and the factor skew-primeness property", year="2000", month=" Australia", pages="2494-2499", note="CD-ROM Proceedings invited paper 3503.pdf" } @article{chiuso2000, author="A. Chiuso and R. Brockett and S. Soatto", title="Optimal Structure From Motion: Local Ambiguities and Global Estimates", journal="International Journal of Computer Vision", year="2000", pages="195--228", volume="39(3)", issn="0920-5691" } @misc{oboe2000-4, author="R. Oboe and R. Furlan and S. Piovan", title="Patent number 0001315440: Dispositivo di puntamento per elaboratori elettronici", year="2000", note=" [KHYMEIA SRL | PADOVA | (PD) |] " } @inproceedings{oboe2000-3, author="R. Oboe and F. Dal lago", title="Performance improvement of a single-phase voltage controlled digital ups by using a load current estimator", booktitle="Proceedings ipec 2000", year="2000", location="Tokyo" } @inproceedings{chiuso2000-3, author="A. Chiuso and G. Picci", title="Probing Inputs for Subspace Identification", year="2000", pages="1--6", note="Invited Paper WeAM3-1" } @inproceedings{ScWuElPi2000, author="L. Schenato and W. Wu and L. El Ghaoui and K. Pister", title="Process Variation Analysis for MEMS design", booktitle="Proceedings of SPIE Symposium on Smart Materials and MEMS", year="2000", address="Melbourne Australia" } @inproceedings{pillonetto2000, author="G. Pillonetto and G. Sparacino and C. Cobelli", title="Reconstruction of non-stationary biological signals via stochastic deconvolution", year="2000", month="July 23" } @article{ferrante2000-2, author="A. Ferrante and W. Krajewski and A. Lepschy and U. Viaro", title="Remarks on the steady-state accuracy of a feedback control system", journal="Control and Cybernetics", year="2000", pages="51-67", volume="29(1)", issn="0324-8569" } @inproceedings{beghi2000, author="A. Beghi and A. Ferrante and M. Pavon", title="Steering a quantum system over a Schroedinger bridge", booktitle="Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems - MTNS 2000", year="2000", month="June", pages="B268:1-B268:5" } @inproceedings{beghi2000, author="A. Beghi", title="Stochastic terminal control by reciprocal processes", year="2000", month="June", pages="269/1-269/7", note="Published on CD-ROM paper nr. 269" } @inproceedings{sparacino2000, author="G. Sparacino and G. Pillonetto and G. De nicolao and C. Cobelli", title="STODEC (STOchastic DEConvolution): a program for input estimation in physiological and pharmacokinetic systems", year="2000", month=" March", pages="303--308" } @inbook{bisiacco2000-1, author="M. Bisiacco and M.E. Valcher", title="Systems and Control: Theory and Applications", year="2000", pages="27-32", chapter="Autonomous behaviors and their decomposition into the direct sum of irreducible components", isbn="960-8052-11-4", publisher="World Scientific and Engineering Society Press" } @book{ferrante2000-1, author="A. Ferrante", title="Temi di Esame di Fondamenti di Automatica Svolti e Commentati", year="2000", pages="1-108", address="MILANO", publisher="CLUP" } @inproceedings{oboe2000-1, author="R. Oboe and B. Murari", title="Use of low-cost mems accelerometers for vibration compensation in Hard Disk Drives", year="2000" }