@article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="Convergence analysis of a family of robust Kalman filters based on the contraction principle", journal="SIAM J. Optimization Control", year="20XX", number="to appear" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="V. Ciccone and A. Ferrante and M. Zorzi", title="Factor analysis with finite data", booktitle="56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", year="20XX", pages="submitted" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="On the Robustness of the Bayes and Wiener Estimators under Model Uncertainty", journal="Automatica", year="20XX", number="to appear" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and A. Chiuso", title="The Harmonic Analysis of Kernel Functions", journal="Automatica - accepted", year="2018" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Prando and M. Zorzi and A. Bertoldo and A. Chiuso", title="The Role of Noise Modeling in the Estimation of Resting-State Brain Effective Connectivity", booktitle="Proceedings of SYSID 2018 (accepted)", year="2018", month="July" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Prando and M. Zorzi and A. Bertoldo and A. Chiuso", title="Estimating effective connectivity in linear brain network models", booktitle="56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", year="2017", pages="accepted", address="accepted" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Zenere and M. Zorzi", title="Model Predictive Control meets robust Kalman filtering", booktitle="IFAC World Congress", year="2017", address="Toulouse, France" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="Robust Kalman Filtering under Model Perturbations", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2017", volume="62", number="6" } @article{ZorziCAuto2016, author="M. Zorzi and A. Chiuso", title="Sparse plus Low rank Network Identification: A Nonparamteric Approach", journal="Automatica", year="2017", volume="53", number="2" } @article{NnAaaa, author="B. Levy and M. Zorzi", title="A contraction analysis of the convergence of risk-sensitive filters", journal="SIAM J. Optimization Control,", year="2016", pages="2154-2173", volume="54", number="4" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and R. Sepulchre", title="AR identification of Latent-variable Graphical models", journal="IEEE Trans. Aut. Control", year="2016", pages="2327 - 2340", volume="61", number="9" } @inproceedings{RoZoCaCh2016, author="D. Romeres and M. Zorzi and R. Camoriano and A. Chiuso", title="Online semi-parametric learning for inverse dynamics modeling", booktitle="55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", year="2016", month="December", address="Las Vegas, US" } @inproceedings{ZCCDC2015, author="M. Zorzi and A. Chiuso", title="A Bayesian Approach to Sparse plus Low rank Network Identification", booktitle="IEEE CDC 2015", year="2015" } @inproceedings{CFECMS2015, author="M. Zorzi and A. Chiuso", title="A Bayesian approach to sparse plus low rank network identification", booktitle="CFE-CMStatistics 2015 Book of Abstracts", year="2015", address="London" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="F. Fraccaroli and A. Peruffo and M. Zorzi", title="A new Lest-Squares Method with Multiple Forgetting Schemes", booktitle="IEEE CDC 2015", year="2015" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="An Interpretation of the Dual Problem of the THREE-like Approaches", journal="Automatica", year="2015", month="December", pages="87-92", volume="62" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and R. Sepulchre", title="Factor Analysis of Moving Average Processes", booktitle="European Control Conference", year="2015" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="Multivariate Spectral Estimation based on the concept of Optimal Prediction", journal="IEEE Trans. Aut. Control", year="2015", month="June", pages="1647-1652", volume="60", number="6" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and B. Levy", title="On the Convergence of a Risk Sensitive like Filter", booktitle="IEEE CDC 2015", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="R. Liegegois and B. Mishra and M. Zorzi and R. Sepulchre", title="Sparse plus low-rank autoregressive identification in neuroimaging time series", booktitle="IEEE CDC 2015", year="2015" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="A new family of high-resolution multivariate spectral estimators", journal="IEEE Trans. Aut. Control", year="2014", month="April", pages="892-904", volume="59", number="4" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Minimal resources identifiability and estimation of quantum channels", journal="Quantum Information Processing", year="2014", month="March", pages="683-707", volume="13", number="3" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Minimum relative entropy for quantum estimation: Feasibility and general solution", journal="IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory", year="2014", month="January", pages="357-367", volume="60", number="1" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi", title="Rational approximations of spectral densities based on the Alpha divergence", journal="Math. Control Signals Syst", year="2014", pages="259-278", volume="26", number="2" } @article{Ferrante_Pavon_Zorzi_max_entropy, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="A maximum entropy enhancement for a family of high-resolution spectral estimators", journal="IEEE Trans. Aut. Control", year="2012", month="February", pages="318-329", volume="57", number="2" } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante", title="Estimation of Quantum Channels: Identifiability and ML Methods", booktitle="51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012)", year="2012" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Zorzi and A. Ferrante", title="On the estimation of structured covariance matrices", journal="Automatica", year="2012", month="September", pages="2145-2151", volume="48", number="9" } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="Structured covariance estimation in high resolution spectral analysis", booktitle="Proc. of Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, MTNS 2012", year="2012" } @incollection{NnAaaa, author="Aavv and M. Zorzi and A. Ferrante and F. Ticozzi", title="Engineering a Long Distance Free-Space Quantum Channel", booktitle="Isabel", year="2011", address="Barcellona - Spain" } @incollection{Ferrante_Pavon_Zorzi_2009, author="A. Ferrante and M. Pavon and M. Zorzi", title="Application of a global inverse function theorem of Byrnes and Lindquist to a multivariable moment problem with complexity constraint", booktitle="Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences", year="2010", pages="153-167", address="X. Hu, U. Jonsson, B. Wahlberg, and B. Ghosh (Eds.)", publisher="Springer-Verlag. Berlin" }