@article{NnAaaa, author="L. Ballotta and G. Como and J. Shamma and L. Schenato", title="Can Competition Outperform Collaboration? The Role of Malicious Agents", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [submitted]", year="20XX" } @article{NnAaaa, author="L. Ballotta and M. Jovanovic and L. Schenato", title="Can Decentralized Control Outperform Centralized? The Role of Communication Latency", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (submitted)", year="20XX" } @article{NnAaaa, author="E. Rossi and M. Tognon and R. Carli and A. Franchi and L. Schenato", title="Control of over-redundant cooperative manipulation via sampled communication", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [to be submitted]", year="20XX" } @article{NnAaaa, author="E. Rossi and M. Tognon and L. Ballotta and R. Carli and J. Cortes and A. Franchi and L. Schenato", title="Coordinated Multi-Robot Trajectory Tracking Control over Sampled Communication", journal="Automatica [submitted]", year="20XX" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Dal Fabbro and S. Dey and M. Rossi and L. Schenato", title="SHED: A Newton-type algorithm for federated learning based on incremental Hessian eigenvector sharing", journal="Automatica [to be submitted]", year="20XX" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Bastianello and L. Schenato and R. Carli", title="A novel bound on the convergence rate of distributed optimization ADMM-based algorithms", journal="Automatica", year="2022", volume="142" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="L. Ballotta and G. Como and J. Shamma and L. Schenato", title="Competition-Based Resilience in Distributed Quadratic Optimization", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC'22)", year="2022" } @article{NnAaaa, author="G. Perin and F. Meneghello and R. Carli and L. Schenato and M. Rossi", title="EASE: Energy-Aware job Scheduling for vehicular Edge networks with renewable energy resources", journal="IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking", year="2022" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and R. Carli and M. Farina and L. Schenato", title="Remote MPC for Tracking over Lossy Networks", journal="IEEE Control Systems Letters", year="2022", pages="1040-1045", number="6" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Wildhagen and M. Pezzutto and L. Schenato and F. Allgower", title="Self-triggered MPC robust to bounded packet loss via a min-max approac", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC'22)", year="2022" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and L. Schenato and S. Dey", title="Transmission Power Allocation for Remote Estimation with Multi-packet Reception Capabilities", journal="Automatica", year="2022", volume="140", number="110257" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Hosseinzadeh and E. Garone and L. Schenato", title="A distributed optimal power management system for microgrids with plug&play capabilities", journal="Advanced Control for Applications", year="2021", volume="3", number="1" } @article{NnAaaa, author="S. Chevalier and L. Schenato and L. Daniel", title="Accelerated Probabilistic Power Flow in Electrical Distribution Networks via Model Order Reduction and Neumann Series Expansion", journal="IEEE Transactions on Power Systems", year="2021" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Chevalier and L. Schenato and L. Daniel", title="Accelerated Probabilistic State Estimation in Distribution Grids via Model Order Reduction", booktitle="2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)", year="2021" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Bastianello and R. Carli and L. Schenato and M. Todescato", title="Asynchronous Distributed Optimization over Lossy Networks via Relaxed ADMM: Stability and Linear Convergence", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2021" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and E. Garone and L. Schenato", title="Constrained Control with Communication Blackouts: Theory and Experimental Validation over Wi-Fi", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Mediterranean Conference (MED'21)", year="2021" } @article{NnAaaa, author="F. Branz and R. Antonello and M. Pezzutto and F. Tramarin and S. Vitturi and L. Schenato", title="Drive–by–Wi-Fi: Model–Based Control over Wireless at 1-kHz", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology", year="2021" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Barbiero and A. Rossi and L. Schenato", title="LQR Temperature Control in smart building via real-time weather forecasting", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Mediterranean Conference (MED'21)", year="2021" } @article{NnAaaa, author="I. Zorzan and S. Del Favero and A. Giarretta and R. Manganelli and B. Di Camillo and L. Schenato", title="Mathematical modelling of SigE regulatory network reveals new insights into bistability of mycobacterial stress response", journal="BMC Bioinformatics", year="2021", volume="22", number="558" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Dal Fabbro and M. Rossi and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato and G. Piro", title="Model-free radio map estimation in massive MIMO systems via semi-parametric Gaussian regression", journal="IEEE Wireless Communications Letters", year="2021" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="N. Rossello and M. Pezzutto and L. Schenato and I. Castagliuolo and E. Garone", title="On the effect of the number of tests and their time of application in tracing policies against COVID-19", booktitle="Proceeding of 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (BMS'21)", year="2021" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="L. Ballotta and M. Jovanovic and L. Schenato", title="Optimal Network Topology of Multi-Agent Systems subject to Computation and Communication Latency", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Mediterranean Conference (MED'21)", year="2021" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and N. Rossello and L. Schenato and E. Garone", title="Smart Testing and Selective Quarantine for the Control of Epidemics", journal="Annual Reviews in Control", year="2021" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="F. Branz and R. Antonello and M. Pezzutto and F. Tramarin and L. Schenato", title="1 kHz Remote Control of a Balancing Robot with Wi-Fi–in–the–Loop", booktitle="IFAC World Congress", year="2020" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and F. Tramarin and S. Dey and L. Schenato", title="Adaptive Transmission Rate for LQG Control over Wi-Fi: a Cross-Layer Approach", journal="Automatica", year="2020", pages="1-12", volume="119" } @article{NnAaaa, author="L. Ballotta and L. Schenato and L. Carlone", title="Computation-Communication Trade-offs and Sensor Selection in Real-time Estimation for Processing Networks", journal="IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering", year="2020", pages="2952-2965", volume="7", number="4" } @article{NnAaaa, author="E. Rossi and M. Tognon and R. Carli and L. Schenato and J. Cortes and A. Franchi", title="Cooperative Aerial Load Transportation via Sampled Communication", journal="IEEE Control Systems Letters and CDC 19", year="2020", pages="277 - 282", volume="4", number="2" } @article{MT:AC:RC:GP:LS-20xx, author="M. Todescato and A. Carron and R. Carli and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Efficient Spatio-Temporal Gaussian Regression via Kalman Filtering", journal="Automatica", year="2020", pages="1-14", volume="118" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="L. Ballotta and L. Schenato and L. Carlone", title="From Sensor to Processing Networks: Optimal Estimation with Computation and Communication Latency [YOUNG AUTHOR AWARD]", booktitle="IFAC 2020 World Congress", year="2020" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Todescato and N. Bof and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Partition-based multi-agent optimization in the presence of lossy and asynchronous communication", journal="Automatica", year="2020", pages="1-11", volume="111" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and E. Garone and L. Schenato", title="Reference Governor for Constrained Control over Lossy Channels", journal="IEEE Control Systems Letters and CDC 19", year="2020", pages="271 - 276", volume="4", number="2" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato and G. Barchi", title="Smart Grid State Estimation with PMUs Time Synchronization Errors", journal="Energies", year="2020", volume="13", number="5148" } @article{NnAaaa, author="F. Branz and R. Antonello and F. Tramarin and S. Vitturi and L. Schenato", title="Time-Critical Wireless Networked Embedded Systems: Feasibility and Experimental Assessment", journal="IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics", year="2020", pages="7732-7742", volume="16", number="12" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and L. Schenato and S. Dey", title="Transmission Scheduling for Remote Estimation with Multi-packet Reception under Multi-Sensor Interference", booktitle="IFAC World Congress 2020", year="2020" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Hosseinzadeh and E. Garone and L. Schenato", title="A Distributed Method for Linear Programming Problems With Box Constraints and Time-Varying Inequalities", journal="IEEE Control Systems Letters", year="2019", pages="404-409", volume="3", number="2" } @article{NnAaaa, author="I. Zorzan and S. Del Favero and B. Di Camillo and L. Schenato", title="Analysis of a Minimal Gene Regulatory Network for Cell Differentiation", journal="IEEE Control Systems Letters", year="2019", pages="302-307", volume="3", number="2" } @article{NnAaaa, author="G. Violatto and A. Pandharipande and S. Li and L. Schenato", title="Classification of occupancy sensor anomalies in connected indoor lighting systems", journal="IEEE Internet of Things Journal", year="2019", pages="7175-7182", volume="6", number="4" } @article{NnAaaa, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed multi-agent Gaussian regression via finite-dimensional approximations", journal="IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", year="2019", pages="2098-2111", volume="41", number="9" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="F. Branz and M. Pezzutto and R. Antonello and F. Tramarin and L. Schenato", title="Drive–by–Wi-Fi: taming 1 kHz control applications over wireless", booktitle="European Control Conference (ECC'19)", year="2019" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="F. Branz and R. Antonello and F. Tramarin and T. Fedullo and S. Vitturi and L. Schenato", title="Embedded systems for time–critical applications over Wi-Fi: design and experimental assessment", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'19)", year="2019" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and S. Dey and L. Schenato", title="Heavy-tails in Kalman filtering with packet losses", journal="European Journal of Control", year="2019", pages="62-71", number="50" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Bof and R. Carli and G. Notarstefano and L. Schenato and D. Varagnolo", title="Multiagent Newton-Raphson Optimizaton over lossy networks", journal="IEEE Trans. Automatic Control", year="2019", pages="2983 - 2990", volume="64", number="7" } @article{NnAaaa, author="L. Brinon-Arranz and A. Renzaglia and L. Schenato", title="Multirobot Symmetric Formations for Gradient and Hessian Estimation With Application to Source Seeking", journal="IEEE Trans. on Robotics", year="2019", pages="782 - 789", volume="3", number="35" } @article{NnAaaa, author="K. Yildirim and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Safe Distributed Control of Wireless Power Transfer Networks", journal="IEEE Internet of Things Journal", year="2019", pages="1267-1275", volume="6", number="1" } @techreport{NnAaaa, author="M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato and G. Barchi", title="Smart Grid State Estimation with PMUs Time Synchronization Errors", journal="(submitted)", year="2019" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="N. Bastianello and R. Carli and L. Schenato and M. Todescato", title="A Partition-Based Implementation of the Relaxed ADMM for Distributed Convex Optimization over Lossy Networks", booktitle="IEEE 57th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'18)", year="2018", pages="3379-3384" } @techreport{CDC18_Proofs, author="N. Bastianello and R. Carli and L. Schenato and M. Todescato", title="A Partition-Based Relaxed ADMM for Distributed Convex Optimization over Lossy Networks: Technical Proofs", year="2018" } @article{Yildirim:XX, author="K. Yildirim and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Adaptive Proportional-Integral Synchronization In Wireless Sensor Networks", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology", year="2018", pages="610-623", volume="26", number="2" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="I. Zorzan and S. Del Favero and B. Di Camillo and L. Schenato", title="Capturing spatiotemporal patterns in cell differentiation by local cell-cell communication modeling", booktitle="Abstracts of Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School", year="2018" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="N. Bastianello and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Optimization over Lossy Networks via Relaxed Peaceman-Rachford Splitting: a Robust ADMM Approach", booktitle="European Control Conference (ECC'18)", year="2018", pages="477-482" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Dey and L. Schenato", title="Heavy-tails in Kalman filtering with packet losses: confidence bounds vs second moment stability", booktitle="European Control Confernece (ECC'18)", year="2018" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Bof and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Is ADMM always faster than Average Consensus?", journal="Automatica", year="2018", pages="311-315", volume="91" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="R. Carli and K. Yildirim and L. Schenato", title="Multi-agent distributed optimization algorithms for partition-based linear programming (LP) problems", booktitle="European Control Confernece (ECC'18)", year="2018" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Pezzutto and F. Tramarin and L. Schenato and S. Dey", title="SNR-triggered Communication Rate for LQG Control over Wi-Fi", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'18)", year="2018" } @article{NnAaaa, author="S. Borile and A. Pandharipande and D. Caicedo and L. Schenato and A. Cenedese", title="A data-driven daylight estimation approach to lighting control", journal="IEEE Access", year="2017", pages="pp. 21461-21471", volume="5" } @inproceedings{Yi-Ca-Sc-To:2017, author="K. Yildirim and R. Carli and L. Schenato and M. Todescato", title="A Distributed Dual-Ascent Approach for Power Control of Wireless Power Transfer Networks", booktitle="56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC17)", year="2017", month="December", pages="3507--3512", organization="IEEE", location="Melbourne, Australia", publisher="IEEE" } @article{NnAaaa, author="N. Bof and R. Carli and A. Cenedese and L. Schenato", title="Asynchronous Distributed Camera Network Patrolling under Unreliable Communication", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2017", pages="5982-5989", volume="62(11)" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="N. Bof and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Average Consensus with Asynchronous Updates and Unreliable Communication", booktitle="Proceedings of IFAC Word Congress", year="2017", month="March" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="K. Yildirim and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Control of Wireless Power Transfer Subject to Safety Constraints", booktitle="Proceedings of IFAC Word Congress", year="2017" } @inproceedings{ToDaCaPiSc2017, author="M. Todescato and A. Dalla Libera and R. Carli and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Kalman Filtering for Time-Space Gaussian Processes (with proofs)", booktitle="20th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)", year="2017", month="July", pages="13234--13239", address="Toulouse", organization="IFAC", location="Toulouse", publisher="Elsevier" } @article{DeyCS2016, author="S. Dey and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Feedback Control over lossy SNR-limited channels: linear encoder-decoder-controller design", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2017", pages="3054-3061", volume="62", number="6" } @techreport{NnAaaa, author="N. Bof and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Lyapunov Theory for Discrete Time Systems", year="2017", month="February", number="Technical Report" } @article{ToCaCaPiSc2017, author="M. Todescato and A. Carron and R. Carli and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Multi-Robots Gaussian Estimation and Coverage Control: from Server-based to Peer-to-Peer Architecture", journal="Automatica", year="2017", month="June", pages="284--294", volume="80", note="DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2017.02.045" } @inproceedings{To-Ca-Sc-Ba:2017, author="M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato and G. Barchi", title="PMUs Clock De-Synchronization Compensation for Smart Grid State Estimation", booktitle="56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC17)", year="2017", month="December", pages="793--798", organization="IEEE", location="Melbourne, Australia", publisher="IEEE" } @techreport{To-Ca-Sc-Ba:tech2017, author="M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato and G. Barchi", title="PMUs Clock De-Synchronization Compensation for Smart Grid State Estimation – 2-nodes Toy Example", year="2017", month="March" } @techreport{nb-mt-rc-ls:2017proofs, author="N. Bastianello and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Proof of Robustness of Relaxed-PRS: a Robust ADMM Approach", year="2017", address="Padova", institution="University of Padova, Department of Information Engineering" } @inproceedings{XXX, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Statistical bounds for distributed Gaussian regression algorithms", booktitle="56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC17)", year="2017" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Borile and A. Pandharipande and D. Caicedo and A. Cenedese and L. Schenato", title="An identification approach to lighting control", booktitle="European Control Conference 2016 (ECC'16)", year="2016", pages="637-642", location="Aalborg", note="DOI: 10.1109/ECC.2016.7810360 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-2591-6 USB ISBN: 978-1-5090-2590-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-2592-3" } @article{Brinon:2016, author="L. Brinon-Arranz and L. Schenato and A. Seuret", title="Distributed Source-seeking via a Circular Formation of Agents with asynchronous communication", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems", year="2016", month="June", pages="104--115", volume="3", number="2" } @inproceedings{AC:MT:RC:LS:GP-2016, author="M. Todescato and A. Carron and R. Carli and L. Schenato and G. Pillonetto", title="Machine Learning meets Kalman Filtering (with proofs)", booktitle="55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC16)", year="2016", month="December", pages="4594--4599", organization="IEEE", location="Las Vegas" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="M. Todescato and A. Carron and R. Carli and A. Franchi and L. Schenato", title="Multi-Robot Localization via GPS and Relative Measurements in the Presence of Asynchronous and Lossy Communication", booktitle="European Control Conference 2016 (ECC'16)", year="2016", month="July", pages="2527–-2532", location="Aalborg" } @article{zanella_et_al__2012__newton_raphson_consensus, author="D. Varagnolo and F. Zanella and A. Cenedese and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Newton-Raphson Consensus for Distributed Convex Optimization", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2016", month="April", pages="994--1009", volume="61", number="4", note="DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2015.2449811" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="N. Bof and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="On the performances of consensus based versus Lagrangian based algorithms for quadratic cost functions", booktitle="European Control Conference 2016 (ECC'16)", year="2016" } @techreport{NnAaaa, author="M. Todescato and A. Carron and R. Carli and L. Schenato and A. Franchi", title="Optimality and limit behavior of the ML estimator for Multi-Robot Localization via GPS and Relative Measurements", year="2016", month="March 15" } @techreport{bof2016proofs, author="N. Bof and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Proofs of Robust Estimation for Localization in Lossy SN", year="2016" } @inproceedings{BoToCaSc2016, author="N. Bof and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Robust Distributed Estimation for Localization in Lossy Sensor Networks", booktitle="6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and control in Networked Systems (NecSys16)", year="2016", pages="250–-255", organization="IFAC", location="Tokyo" } @inproceedings{ToCaCaSc2016, author="M. Todescato and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="A Robust Block-Jacobi Algorithm for Quadratic Programming under Lossy Communications", booktitle="5th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and control in Networked Systems (NecSys15)", year="2015", month="November 8", pages="126--131", organization="IFAC", location="Philadelphia" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="K. Yildirim and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Adaptive Control-Based Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC15", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="R. Carli and G. Notarstefano and L. Schenato and D. Varagnolo", title="Analysis of Newton-Raphson consensus for multi-agent convex optimization under asynchronous and lossy communications", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'15)", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Auto-tuning procedures for distributed nonparametric regression algorithms", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC15", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="A. Pandharipande and M. Rossi and D. Caicedo and L. Schenato and A. Cenedese", title="Centralized lighting control with luminaire-based occupancy and light sensing", booktitle="Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics 2015 (INDIN 2015)", year="2015", pages="CD-007153", note="10.1109/INDIN.2015.7281706" } @techreport{TM:CG:CR:SL:proofBlockJacobi, author="M. Todescato and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Convergence of the Robust Block Jacobi Algorithm in Presence of Packet Losses", year="2015" } @techreport{NnAaaa, author="A. Carron and R. Carli and M. Todescato and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Localization from Relative Noisy Measurements: a Packet Losses and Delays Robust Approach", year="2015" } @inproceedings{ToCaCaSc2015, author="M. Todescato and A. Carron and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Localization from Relative Noisy Measurements: a Robust Gradient Based Approach", booktitle="European Control Conference (ECC'15)", year="2015", month="July 15", pages="1914--1919", organization="IEEE", location="Linz", publisher="IEEE" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="R. Carli and G. Notarstefano and L. Schenato and D. Varagnolo", title="Distributed Quadratic Programming under Asynchronous and Lossy Communications Via Newton-Raphson Consensus", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC15", year="2015" } @article{Pandha:15, author="A. Pandharipande and A. Peruffo and D. Caicedo and L. Schenato", title="Lighting control with distributed wireless sensing and actuation for daylight and occupancy adaptation", journal="Energy and Buildings", year="2015", pages="13-20", volume="97" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Dey and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Linear Encoder-Decoder-Controller Design over Channels with Packet Loss and Quantization Noise", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC15", year="2015" } @inproceedings{CaToCaScPi2015, author="A. Carron and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato and G. Pillonetto", title="Multi-agents adaptive estimation and coverage control using Gaussian regression", booktitle="European Control Conference (ECC'15)", year="2015", month="July 15", pages="2490--2495", organization="IEEE", location="Linz", publisher="IEEE" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Rossi and A. Pandharipande and D. Caicedo and L. Schenato and A. Cenedese", title="Personal lighting control with occupancy and daylight adaptation", journal="Energy and Buildings", year="2015", pages="263–-272", volume="105", note="doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.07.059" } @article{Carron:14, author="A. Carron and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="An asynchronous consensus-based algorithm for estimation from noisy relative measurements", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems", year="2014", month="September", pages="283 - 295", volume="1", number="3", issn="2325-5870", note="DOI: 10.1109/TCNS.2014.2353512" } @techreport{CarliCarron:13, author="R. Carli and A. Carron and L. Schenato and M. Todescato", title="An exponential-rate consensus-based algorithms for estimation from relative measurements: implementation and performance analysis", year="2014", institution="University of Padova" } @inproceedings{Schenato:14, author="L. Schenato and G. Barchi and D. Macii and R. Arghandeh and K. Poolla and A. Von Meier", title="Bayesian Linear State Estimation using Smart Meters and PMUs Measurements in Distribution Grids", booktitle="Proceeding ofIEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGirdComm14)", year="2014", pages="572 - 577" } @article{VaPiSc2014, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed cardinality estimation in anonymous networks", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2014", pages="645-659", volume="59", number="3" } @article{ChiusoLSZAuto2014, author="A. Chiuso and N. Laurenti and L. Schenato and A. Zanella", title="LQG-like control of scalar systems over communication channels: the role of data losses, delays and SNR limitations", journal="Automatica", year="2014", pages="3155–3163", volume="50", number="12" } @inproceedings{Macii:14, author="D. Macii and G. Barchi and L. Schenato", title="On the Role of Phasor Measurement Units for Distribution System State Estimation", booktitle="Proceeding of IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS14)", year="2014", pages="1-6" } @article{Dey:2014, author="S. Dey and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Remote estimation with noisy measurements subject to packet loss and quantization noise", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems", year="2014", pages="204-217", volume="1", number="3" } @article{varagnolo_et_al__2011__a_variation_of_the_newton_pepys_problem, author="D. Varagnolo and L. Schenato and G. Pillonetto", title="A variation of the Newton-Pepys problem and its connections to size-estimation problems", journal="Statistics & Probability Letters", year="2013", pages="1472-1478", number="83" } @inproceedings{CaToCaSc2013, author="A. Carron and M. Todescato and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Adaptive consensus-based algorithms for fast estimation from relative measurements", booktitle="4th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys'13)", year="2013", month="March 29", pages="234-239" } @inproceedings{Brinon:13, author="L. Brinon-Arranz and L. Schenato", title="Consensus-based Source-seeking with a Circular Formation of Agents", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC13", year="2013" } @article{varagnolo_et_al__2012__finding_potential_SVs_in_linearly_separable_classification_problems, author="D. Varagnolo and S. Del Favero and F. Dinuzzo and L. Schenato and G. Pillonetto", title="Finding Potential Support Vectors in linearly separable classification problems", journal="IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems", year="2013", pages="1799-1813", volume="24", number="11" } @inproceedings{Bolognani:CDC13, author="S. Bolognani and N. Bof and D. Michelotti and R. Muraro and L. Schenato", title="Identification of power distribution network topology via voltage correlation analysis", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC13)", year="2013" } @techreport{PariseDalCol:2013, author="F. Parise and L. Dal Col and A. Chiuso and N. Laurenti and L. Schenato and A. Zanella", title="Impact of a realistic transmission channel on the performance of control systems", year="2013", institution="University of Padova" } @inproceedings{ChiusoLaurenti:CDC13, author="A. Chiuso and N. Laurenti and L. Schenato and A. Zanella", title="LQG cheap control over SNR-limited lossy channels with delay", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC13)", year="2013" } @inproceedings{ChiusoECC13, author="A. Chiuso and N. Laurenti and L. Schenato and A. Zanella", title="LQG cheap control subject to packet loss and SNR limitations", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC13", year="2013" } @inproceedings{DeyChiuso:CDC13, author="S. Dey and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Remote estimation subject to packet loss and quantization noise", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC13)", year="2013" } @inproceedings{zanella_et_al__2012__Asynchronous_Newton-Raphson_Consensus_for_Distributed_Convex_Optimization, author="F. Zanella and D. Varagnolo and A. Cenedese and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Asynchronous Newton-Raphson Consensus for Distributed Convex Optimization", booktitle="3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys'12)", year="2012" } @inproceedings{varagnolo_et_al__2011__consensus_based_estimation_of_anonymous_networks_size, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Consensus based estimation of anonymous networks size using Bernoulli trials", booktitle="2012 American Control Conference", year="2012" } @proceedings{BoCaDiRoScZa2012, author="S. Bolognani and A. Carron and A. Di Vittorio and D. Romeres and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Distributed multi-hop reactive power compensation in smart micro-grids subject to saturation constraints", journal="Conference on Decision and Control", booktitle="Proceedings of CDC 2012", year="2012", month="December", location="Maui (HI), USA" } @article{varagnolo_et_al__2012__distributed_parametric_and_nonparametric_regression, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed parametric and nonparametric regression with on-line performance bounds computation", journal="Automatica", year="2012", month="October", pages="2468 -- 2481", volume="48", number="10" } @inproceedings{ACC12_patrolling, author="R. Alberton and R. Carli and A. Cenedese and L. Schenato", title="Multi-agent perimeter patrolling subject to mobility constraints", booktitle="Proceedings of American Control Conference ACC2012", year="2012" } @inproceedings{zanella_et_al__2012__multidimensional_newton_raphson_consensus, author="F. Zanella and D. Varagnolo and A. Cenedese and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Multidimensional Newton-Raphson consensus for distributed convex optimization", booktitle="2012 American Control Conference", year="2012" } @inproceedings{zanella_et_al__2012__convergence_newton_raphson_consensus, author="F. Zanella and D. Varagnolo and A. Cenedese and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="The convergence rate of Newton-Raphson consensus optimization for quadratic cost functions", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012)", year="2012" } @article{SchenatoFiorentin:XX, author="L. Schenato and F. Fiorentin", title="Average TimeSynch: a consensus-based protocol for time synchronization in wireless sensor networks", journal="Automatica", year="2011", pages="1878-1886", volume="47", number="9" } @inproceedings{ACC11:Patrolling, author="R. Carli and A. Cenedese and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Partitioning Strategies for Perimeter patrolling", booktitle="Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC11)", year="2011" } @inproceedings{Chiuso:11ACC, author="A. Chiuso and F. Fagnani and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Gossip algorithms for distributed ranking", booktitle="Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC11)", year="2011" } @article{ChFaScZpClass:10, author="A. Chiuso and F. Fagnani and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Gossip algorithms for simultaneous distributed estimation and classification in sensor networks", journal="IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing", year="2011", pages="691 - 706", volume="5", number="4" } @article{Chiuso:10, author="A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Information fusion strategies and performance bounds in packet-drop networks", journal="Automatica", year="2011", month="July", pages="1304-1316", volume="47", number="7" } @inbook{Garin:11, author="F. Garin and L. Schenato", title="Networked Control Systems", year="2011", pages="75-107", volume="406", series="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", chapter="A survey on distributed estimation and control applications using linear consensus algorithms", publisher="Springer" } @inproceedings{zanella_et_al__2011__newton_raphson_consensus, author="F. Zanella and D. Varagnolo and A. Cenedese and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Newton-Raphson consensus for distributed convex optimization", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011)", year="2011" } @inproceedings{del_favero_et_al__2011__discardability_of_data_in_SVC, author="S. Del Favero and D. Varagnolo and F. Dinuzzo and L. Schenato and G. Pillonetto", title="On the discardability of data in Support Vector Classification problems", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011)", year="2011" } @article{carli-1, author="R. Carli and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Optimal Synchronization for Networks of Noisy Double Integrators", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2011", pages="1146-1152", volume="56", number="5", issn="0018-9286", note="Accepted" } @article{bolognani2009, author="S. Bolognani and S. Del Favero and L. Schenato and D. Varagnolo", title="Consensus-based distributed sensor calibration and least-square parameter identification in WSNs", journal="International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control", year="2010", month="January", volume="20", number="2", issn="1049-8923" } @inproceedings{CDC10_taskAssgn, author="A. Cenedese and F. Cerruti and M. Fabbro and C. Masiero and L. Schenato", title="Decentralized Task Assignment in Camera Networks", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC10)", year="2010", month="December 15", pages="--", location="Atlanta, Georgia, USA" } @inproceedings{varagnolo_et_al__2010__ACC_sufficient_conditions, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed consensus-based Bayesian estimation: sufficient conditions for performance characterization", booktitle="2010 American Control Conference", year="2010", month="June 30", location="Baltimore, Maryland, USA" } @inproceedings{CDC10_patrolling, author="M. Baseggio and A. Cenedese and P. Merlo and M. Pozzi and L. Schenato", title="Distributed perimeter patrolling and tracking for camera networks", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC10)", year="2010", month="December 15", pages="--", location="Atlanta, Georgia, USA" } @inproceedings{DamianoCDC:10, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed statistical estimation of the number of nodes in Sensor Networks", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control CDC10", year="2010", month="December 15", address="Atlanta, Georgia, USA" } @inproceedings{Necsys_HMMCamera, author="A. Cenedese and R. Ghirardello and R. Guiotto and F. Paggiaro and L. Schenato", title="On the Graph Building Problem in Camera Networks", booktitle="IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (Necsys'10)", year="2010", month="September 13", pages="299--304", location="Annecy, France" } @inproceedings{Necsys10_SensorCalib, author="A. Chiuso and F. Fagnani and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Simultaneous distributed estimation and classification in sensor networks", booktitle="IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys'10) (to appear)", year="2010" } @article{CaScPiDeGu2009, author="D. Campolo and L. Schenato and L. Pi and X. Deng and E. Guglielmelli", title="Attitude Estimation of a Biologically Inspired Robotic Housefly via Multimodal Sensor Fusion", journal="Advanced Robotics", year="2009", pages="955--977", volume="23", note=" [prova] " } @article{schenatoAdvRob:09, author="D. Campolo and G. Barbera and L. Schenato and L. Pi and X. Deng and E. Guglielmelli", title="Attitude Stabilization of a Biologically Inspired Robotic Housefly via Dynamic Multimodal Attitude Estimation", journal="Advanced Robotics", year="2009", pages="2113--2138", volume="23", number="15" } @inproceedings{schenato2009_bis, author="L. Schenato and F. Fiorentin", title="Average TimeSync: A Consensus-Based Protocol for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks", booktitle="Proceedings of 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys09)", year="2009", month="September", location="Venice Italy" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:09a, author="D. Varagnolo and G. Pillonetto and L. Schenato", title="Distributed Function and Time Delay Estimation using Nonparametric Techniques", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 09)", year="2009", address="Shanghai China" } @book{chiuso2009-1, author="A. Chiuso and L. Fortuna and M. Frasca and A. Rizzo and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Modeling Estimamtion and Control of Networked Complex Systems", year="2009" } @inproceedings{SchenatoECC:09, author="A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Performance bounds for information fusion strategies in packet-drop networks", booktitle="European Control Conference (ECC 09)", year="2009", address="Budapest Hungary" } @article{CaCaCeLoRoScZo2009, author="P. Casari and A.P. Castellani and A. Cenedese and C. Lora and M. Rossi and L. Schenato and M. Zorzi", title="The Wireless Sensor Networks for City-Wide Ambient Intelligence (WISE-WAI) Project", journal="SENSORS", year="2009", pages="4056--4082", volume="9", issn="1424-8220" } @article{schenato2009, author="L. Schenato", title="To Zero or to Hold Control Inputs With Lossy Links?", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2009", pages="1093--1099", volume="54", issn="0018-9286" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:09b, author="S. Ermon and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Trust estimation in autonomic networks: a statistical mechanics approach", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 09)", year="2009", address="Shanghai China" } @inproceedings{CaChZaSc2008, author="R. Carli and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="A PI Consensus Controller for Networked Clocks Synchronization", booktitle="IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (IFAC 08)", year="2008", location="Seoul Korea" } @article{CaChScZa2008, author="R. Carli and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Distributed Kalman filtering based on consensus strategies", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications", year="2008", pages="622--633", volume="26" } @inproceedings{s.2008, author="S. Bolognani and S. Del Favero and L. Schenato and D. Varagnolo", title="Distributed sensor calibration and least-square parameter identification in WSNs using consensus algorithms", booktitle="Proceedings of Allerton Conference on Communication Control and Computing (Allerton08)", year="2008", month="September", location="Monticello Illinois USA" } @inproceedings{a.2008-1, author="A. Chiuso and L. Schenato", title="Information fusion strategies from distributed filters in packet-drop networks", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2008 (CDC08)", year="2008", pages="1079--1084", location="Cancun Mexico" } @inproceedings{d.2008-1, author="D. Campolo and L. Schenato and L. Pi and X. Deng and E. Guglielmelli", title="Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Attitude Estimation of Micromechanical Flying Insects: A Geometric Approach", booktitle="Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 08)", year="2008", month="September", location="Nice France" } @article{schenato2008, author="L. Schenato", title="Optimal estimation in networked control systems subject to random delay and packet drop", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2008", pages="1311--1317", volume="53" } @article{sinopoli2008, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="Optimal linear LQG control over lossy networks without packet acknowledgment", journal="Asian Journal of Control", year="2008", pages="3--13", volume="10" } @inproceedings{d.2008, author="D. Varagnolo and P. Chen and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Performance analysis of different routing protocols in wireless sensor networks for real-time estimation", booktitle="Proceedings 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC08)", year="2008", month="December", location="Cancun Mexico" } @techreport{BeOrMaMaMaZaZaScCe2008, author="M. Bertinato and G. Ortolan and F. Maran and R. Marcon and A. Marcassa and F. Zanella and P. Zambotto and L. Schenato and A. Cenedese", title="RF Localization and tracking of mobile nodes in Wireless Sensors Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Experiments", year="2008", month="May 13", institution="University of Padova - Dept. of Information Engineering" } @inproceedings{a.2008, author="A. Agnoli and A. Chiuso and P. D'errico and A. Pegoraro and L. Schenato", title="Sensor fusion and estimation strategies for data traffic reduction in rooted wireless sensor networks", booktitle="3rd International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP08).", year="2008", month="March", pages="677--682", location="La Valletta Malta" } @inproceedings{e.2008, author="E. Toffoli and G. Baldan and G. Albertin and L. Schenato and A. Chiuso and A. Beghi", title="Thermodynamic Identification of Buildings using Wireless Sensor Networks", booktitle="IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (IFAC 08)", year="2008", location="Seoul Korea" } @techreport{CeScVi2008, author="A. Cenedese and L. Schenato and S. Vitturi", title="Wireless Sensor/Actor Networks for Real–Time Climate Control and Monitoring of Greenhouses", year="2008", month="May 13", institution="University of Padova - Dept. of Information Engineering" } @inproceedings{ScGa2007, author="L. Schenato and G. Gamba", title="A distributed consensus protocol for clock synchronization in wireless sensor network", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 07)", year="2007" } @inproceedings{carli2007, author="R. Carli and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Consensus algorithm design for distributed estimation", booktitle="Workshop on Networked Control Systems Tolerant to Foults (NeCST 07)", year="2007" } @inproceedings{CaChScZa2007, author="R. Carli and A. Chiuso and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Distributed Kalman filtering using consensus strategies", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 07)", year="2007" } @article{vitturi2007, author="S. Vitturi and L. Carreras and D. Miorandi and L. Schenato and A. Sona", title="Experimental evaluation of an industrial application layer protocol over wireless systems", journal="IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics", year="2007", pages="275--288", volume="3" } @article{schenato2007-1, author="L. Schenato and B. Sinopoli and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="Foundations of control and estimation over lossy networks", journal="Proceedings of the IEEE", year="2007", pages="163--187", volume="95" } @article{schenato2007, author="L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="On rendezvous control with randomly switching communication graphs", journal="Networks and Heterogeneous Media", year="2007", pages="627--646", volume="2" } @inproceedings{schenato2007-2, author="L. Schenato", title="Optimal sensor fusion for distributed sensors subject to random delay and packet loss", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 07)", year="2007", pages="1547--1552" } @inproceedings{schenato2007-4, author="L. Schenato", title="To zero or to hold control inputs in lossy networked control systems?", booktitle="European Control Conference (ECC 07)", year="2007" } @article{oh2007, author="S. Oh and L. Schenato and P. Chen and S. Sastry", title="Tracking and coordination of multiple agents using sensor networks: System design algorithms and experiments", journal="Proceedings of the IEEE", year="2007", pages="234--254", volume="95" } @article{DeScWuSa2006, author="X. Deng and L. Schenato and W. Wu and S. Sastry", title="Flapping flight for biomimetic robotic insects: Part I - System modeling", journal="IEEE Transactions on Robotics", year="2006", pages="776--788", volume="22" } @article{DeScSa2006, author="X. Deng and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Flapping flight for biomimetic robotic insects: Part II - Flight control design", journal="IEEE Transactions on Robotics", year="2006", pages="789--803", volume="22" } @inproceedings{Sc2006, author="L. Schenato", title="Kalman filtering for networked control systems with random delay and packet loss", booktitle="Conference of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 06)", year="2006", month="July", address="Kyoto Japan" } @inproceedings{ScZa2006, author="L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="On the performance of randomized communication topologies for rendezvous control of multiple vehicles", booktitle="Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 06)", year="2006", month="July", address="Kyoto Japan" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:06b, author="L. Schenato", title="Optimal estimation in networked control systems subject to random delay and packet loss", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 06)", year="2006", address="San Diego USA" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:06c, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="Optimal linear LQG control over lossy networks without packet acknowledgment", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 06)", year="2006", address="San Diego USA" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:06a, author="L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Optimal rendezvous control for randomized communication topologies", booktitle="IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 06)", year="2006", address="San Diego USA" } @inproceedings{OhScSa2005, author="S. Oh and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="A Hierarchical Multiple-Target Tracking Algorithm for Sensor Networks", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 05)", year="2005", month="April", pages="2197-2202", address="Barcelona Spain" } @inproceedings{IFAC05_MFI, author="D. Campolo and L. Schenato and E. Guglielmelli and S. Sastry", title="A Lyapunov-based approach for the control of biomimetic robotic systems with periodic forcing inputs", booktitle="Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (IFAC05)", year="2005" } @inproceedings{CDC05_LQG, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="An LQG Optimal Linear Controller for Control Systems with Packet Losses", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 05)", year="2005" } @inproceedings{Allerton05_Lossy, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="Estimation and Control over Lossy Networks", booktitle="Proceedings of 43th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton05)", year="2005" } @inproceedings{IFAC05_UDP, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="LQG Control with Missing Observation and Control Packets", booktitle="Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (IFAC05)", year="2005" } @inproceedings{ACC05_TCP, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="Optimal Control with Unreliable Communication: the TCP Case", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE American Control Conference (ACC05)", year="2005" } @inproceedings{SchenatoICRA:05a, author="L. Schenato and S. Oh and S. Sastry and P. Bose", title="Swarm Coordination for Pursuit Evasion Games using Sensor Networks", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 05)", year="2005", month="April", pages="2493-2498", address="Barcelona Spain" } @article{schenato2004, author="L. Schenato and W. Wu and S. Sastry", title="Attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect via sensor output feedback", journal="IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation", year="2004", pages="93--106", volume="20" } @article{SiScFrPoJoSa2004, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and M. Jordan and S. Sastry", title="Kalman filtering with intermittent observations", journal="IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control", year="2004", pages="1453--1464", volume="49" } @inproceedings{CDC04_TCP, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and S. Sastry", title="Time varying optimal control with packet losses", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 04)", year="2004" } @phdthesis{SchenatoThesis:03, author="L. Schenato", title="Analysis and Control of Flapping Flight: from Biological to Robotic Insects", year="2003", school="U.C. Berkeley" } @inproceedings{WuScWoFe2003, author="W. Wu and L. Schenato and R. Wood and R. Fearing", title="Biomimetic sensor suite for flight control of a micromechanical flying insect: design and experimental results", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 03)", year="2003", month="September", pages="1146 - 1151", volume="1", address="Taipei Taiwan" } @inproceedings{ScCaSa2003, author="L. Schenato and D. Campolo and S. Sastry", title="Controllability issues in flapping flight for biomimetic micro aerial vehicles (MAVs)", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 03)", year="2003", pages="6441-6447", volume="6", address="Maui HW U.S.A." } @article{SiShScShSa2003, author="B. Sinopoli and C. Sharp and L. Schenato and S. Shaffert and S. Sastry", title="Distributed Control Applications within Sensor Networks", journal="Proceedings of the IEEE", year="2003", pages="1235-1246", volume="91", number="8" } @inproceedings{CDC03_Kalman, author="B. Sinopoli and L. Schenato and M. Franceschetti and K. Poolla and M. Jordan and S. Sastry", title="Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Observations", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 03)", year="2003" } @inproceedings{DeScSa2003, author="X. Deng and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Model identification and attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect including thorax and sensor models", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 03)", year="2003", month="September", pages="2197-2202", volume="1", address="Taipei Taiwan" } @inproceedings{SchenatoICARCV:02a, author="L. Schenato and W. Wu and S. Sastry", title="Attitude control for a micromechanical flying insect via sensor output feedback", booktitle="Proceedings of Int. Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 02)", year="2002", pages="1031-1036", volume="2", address="Singapore" } @inproceedings{IFAC02_MFI, author="L. Schenato and X. Deng and S. Sastry", title="Hovering Flight for a Micromechanical Flying Insect: Modeling and Robust Control Synthesis", booktitle="Proceedings of 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control,", year="2002" } @inproceedings{DeScSa2002, author="X. Deng and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Model identification and attitude control scheme for a micromechanical flying insect", booktitle="Proceedings of Int. Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 02)", year="2002", pages="1007-1012", volume="2", address="Singapore" } @inproceedings{SchenatoICRA:01a, author="L. Schenato and X. Deng and S. Sastry", title="Flight control system for a micromechanical flying insect: architecture and implementation", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 01)", year="2001", month="September", pages="1641-1646", volume="2", address="Taipei Taiwan" } @inproceedings{SchenatoCDC:01, author="X. Deng and L. Schenato and S. Sastry", title="Hovering Flight Control of a Micromechanical Flying Insect", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 01)", year="2001", month="December", pages="235-240", volume="1" } @inproceedings{SchenatoICRA:01b, author="L. Schenato and X. Deng and W. Wu and S. Sastry", title="Virtual insect flight simulator (VIFS): a software testbed for insect flight", booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 01)", year="2001", month="September", pages="3885-3892", volume="4", address="Taipei Taiwan" } @inproceedings{ClZhBiScWuDePi2000, author="J. Clark and N. Zhou and D. Bindel and L. Schenato and W. Wu and J. Demmel and K. Pister", title="3D MEMS Simulation Modeling Using Modified Nodal Analysis", booktitle="Proceedings of the Microscale Systems: Mechanics and Measurements Symposium", year="2000", address="Orlando FL USA" } @inproceedings{ScWuElPi2000, author="L. Schenato and W. Wu and L. El Ghaoui and K. Pister", title="Process Variation Analysis for MEMS design", booktitle="Proceedings of SPIE Symposium on Smart Materials and MEMS", year="2000", address="Melbourne Australia" } @techreport{NnAaaa, author="E. Rossi and A. Franchi and M. Tognon and R. Carli and L. Schenato and J. Cortes", title="Cooperative Aerial Load Transportation via Sampled Communication: with appendix" }