@unpublished{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and A. Bernstein and R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="Distributed Minimization of the Power Generation Cost in Prosumer-Based Distribution Networks", year="2020" } @article{NnAaaa, author="M. Todescato and N. Bof and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Partition-based multi-agent optimization in the presence of lossy and asynchronous communication", journal="Automatica", year="2020", pages="1-11", volume="111" } @article{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and R. Carli and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="On the Need for Communication for Voltage Regulation of Power Distribution Grids", journal="IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems", year="2019", pages="1111--1123", volume="6", number="3" } @unpublished{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Carli", title="Local and distributed voltage control algorithms in distribution network", year="2016" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and S. Bolognani and R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="The value of communication in the voltage regulation problem", booktitle="Decision and Control (CDC), 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on", year="2016", pages="5781-5786", publisher="IEEE" } @inproceedings{ToCaCaSc2016, author="M. Todescato and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="A Robust Block-Jacobi Algorithm for Quadratic Programming under Lossy Communications", booktitle="5th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and control in Networked Systems (NecSys15)", year="2015", month="November 8", pages="126--131", organization="IFAC", location="Philadelphia" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Carli", title="Algorithms for voltage control in distribution networks", booktitle="IEEE SmartGridComm 2015 Symposium", year="2015" } @techreport{TM:CG:CR:SL:proofBlockJacobi, author="M. Todescato and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and L. Schenato", title="Convergence of the Robust Block Jacobi Algorithm in Presence of Packet Losses", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Arghandeh and K. Poolla and A. Von Meier", title="Data-Driven Approach for Distribution Network Topology Detection", booktitle="IEEE PES General meeting", year="2015", month="July", address="Denver" } @article{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and R. Carli and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="Distributed reactive power feedback control for voltage regulation and loss minimization", journal="Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on", year="2015", month="April", pages="966--981", volume="60", number="4", note="10.1109/TAC.2014.2363931" } @article{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Arghandeh and A. Von Meier", title="Distribution Network Topology Detection with Time Series Measurement Data Analysis", journal="Arxiv preprint", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Arghandeh and G. Barchi and A. Von Meier", title="Distribution network topology detection with time-series measurements", booktitle="the IEEE PES conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2015)", year="2015", month="February 18", location="Washington DC" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="R. Arghandeh and M. Gahr and A. Von Meier and G. Cavraro and M. Ruh and G. Andersson", title="Topology Detection in Microgrids with Micro-Synchrophasors", booktitle="IEEE PES General meeting", year="2015" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed control algorithm for the minimization of the power generation cost in smart micro-grid", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC14)", year="2014" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="A Multi-Agents Control Approach for the Optimal Power Flow Problem", booktitle="The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014)", year="2014", address="Groningen" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and R. Carli and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed control strategy for optimal reactive power flow with power and voltage constraints", booktitle="IEEE SmartGridComm 2013 Symposium", year="2013" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and R. Carli and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed control strategy for optimal reactive power flow with power constraints", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC13)", year="2013", publisher="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC12)" } @inbook{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed feedback control approach to the optimal reactive power flow problem", booktitle="Control of Cyber-Physical Systems", year="2013", pages="259-277", volume="449", series="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", publisher="Springer" } @article{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and G. Cavraro and R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed feedback control strategy for optimal reactive power flow with voltage constraints", journal="Arxiv preprint", year="2013", note="submitted" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and L. Badia", title="A Game Theory Framework for Active Power Management with Voltage Boundary in Smart Grids", booktitle="European Control Conference ECC", year="2013", month="July 17", location="Zürich" } @inproceedings{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="Performance analysis of a distributed algorithm for dynamic reactive power compensation", booktitle="Conference on Decision and Control (CDC12)", year="2012", organization="IEEE Decision and Control Conference" } @inproceedings{BoCaCeCo2011, author="S. Bolognani and G. Cavraro and F. Cerruti and A. Costabeber", title="A linear dynamic model for microgrid voltages in presence of distributed generation", booktitle="First International Workshop on Smart Grid Modeling and Simulation (at SmartGridComm 2011)", year="2011", address="Brussels, Belgium" }