%implements s13_b0_l3kvb_Update "C" %function Update(block, system) Output /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ %if !SLibCGSysFcnIsEmptyForTid(CompiledModel.System[3], "Update",0) %assign Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 = "" %openfile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 %closefile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 %assign Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 = "" %openfile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 Synthesized_Atomic_Sub_b_Update(); %closefile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 %assign Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 = "" %openfile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 %closefile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_jo_6_7 % %endif /* Update for UnitDelay: '/xcam' */ %")>\ /* Update for UnitDelay: '/xcam' */ %")>\ /* Update for UnitDelay: '/xcam' */ %")>\ /* Update for UnitDelay: '/xcam' */ %")>\ /* Update for UnitDelay: '/xcam' */ %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator1' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number1' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number1' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ %if !SLibCGSysFcnIsEmptyForTid(CompiledModel.System[2], "Update",0) %assign Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 = "" %openfile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 %closefile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 %assign Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 = "" %openfile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 Synthesized_Atomic_Sub_l_Update(); %closefile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 %assign Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 = "" %openfile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 %closefile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_nx_6_66 % %endif /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator1' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number2' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number1' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ %if !SLibCGSysFcnIsEmptyForTid(CompiledModel.System[1], "Update",0) %assign Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 = "" %openfile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 %closefile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 %assign Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 = "" %openfile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 Synthesized_Atomic_Sub_d_Update(); %closefile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 %assign Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 = "" %openfile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 %closefile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_it_6_104 % %endif /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator1' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number2' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ /* Update for UniformRandomNumber: '/Uniform Random Number2' */ % - %) * rt_Urand(%) + %")>\ %if !SLibCGSysFcnIsEmptyForTid(CompiledModel.System[0], "Update",0) %assign Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 = "" %openfile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 %closefile Update_open_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 %assign Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 = "" %openfile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 Synthesized_Atomic_Subsy_Update(); %closefile Update_body_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 %assign Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 = "" %openfile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 %closefile Update_close_Synthesized_Atomic_Subsystem_ia_6_142 % %endif /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator1' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator1' incorporates: * Constant: '/cresc_pot_pos' */ % * % + %")>\ /* Update for Memory: '/Hidden_Mem_for_Latch_at_inp_port_1_of_Sample and Hold' */ %")>\ /* Update for DiscreteIntegrator: '/Discrete-Time Integrator' */ % * % + %")>\ %endfunction