@unpublished{NnAaaa, author="G. Cavraro and A. Bernstein and R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="Distributed Minimization of the Power Generation Cost in Prosumer-Based Distribution Networks", year="2020" } @inbook{NnAaaa, author="S. Bolognani and G. Cavraro and S. Zampieri", title="A distributed feedback control approach to the optimal reactive power flow problem", booktitle="Control of Cyber-Physical Systems", year="2013", pages="259-277", volume="449", series="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences", publisher="Springer" } @book{NnAaaa, author="S. Bittanti and A. Cenedese and S. Zampieri", title="Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress", year="2011" } @book{chiuso2009-1, author="A. Chiuso and L. Fortuna and M. Frasca and A. Rizzo and L. Schenato and S. Zampieri", title="Modeling Estimamtion and Control of Networked Complex Systems", year="2009" } @book{NnAaaa, author="A. Cenedese and K. Johansson and A. Ozdaglar and S. Zampieri", title="Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NECSYS09)", year="2009", note="Preprints of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems NecSys2009" } @inbook{r.2007, author="R. Carli and S. Zampieri", title="Advances in Control Theory and Applications", year="2007", volume="353", chapter="Efficient quantization in the average consensus problem", publisher="Springer Verlag", note="Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences" } @inbook{vettori2006, author="P. Vettori and S. Zampieri", title="Constructive algebra and systems theory", year="2006", pages="307--322", address="NLD", chapter="Stability and stabilizability of delay-differential systems", publisher="Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences" } @inbook{fagnani2000, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="Codes Systems and Graphical Models", year="2000", pages="327--346", volume="123", chapter="Convolutional codes over finitely generated Abelian groups: some basic results", publisher="Springer Verlag" } @inbook{fagnani1999-1, author="F. Fagnani and S. Zampieri", title="System Theory: Modelling Analysis and Control", year="1999", pages="55--62", chapter="Systems theory over finitely generated Abelian groups", isbn="0-7923-8618-3", publisher="Kluwer" } @inbook{zampieri1999, author="S. Zampieri", title="The mathematics of systems and control: From intelligent control to behavioral systems", year="1999", pages="231--238", chapter="Some results and open problems on delay differential systems", isbn="90-367-1112-6" }